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After a few minutes in the water, he found himself with Jan and Kenny. Cynthia was floating on her back by herself. Her tits were bobbing enticingly on the surface.

"Is she really a virgin?" Jan asked Kenny.

"I guess so," he answered. "Surprised the hell out of rue she was willing to go skinny dipping. Around the house she's a real prude."

"Bet she wouldn't be such a prude if she knew how great sex is," Jan observed calculatingly.

"Think so?" Kenny said hopefully.

"Sure," Jan answered. "Why, get her started on sex and you won't get a decent night's sleep the rest of your life."

"Yeah, but how am I supposed to get her switched on?" Kenny asked.

Jan had it all planned. "Well, we stay with to show and tell,

then switch to the old suntan-oil trick. Which is followed by body contact, which leads to deep penetration," Jan explained. "Or, we take mare direct action, since we outnumber her."

"I don't think the first way will work," Kenny said.

"And the second is called rape," Paul pointed out.

"Not if I get her warmed up first," Jan said. "You guys hold her down. Then I'll get her so turned on she'll beg for it. Okay?"

They grinned at each other, then headed for the grass and began sunbathing. Soon Cynthia joined them. She lay on her back and closed her eyes. They waited until she was completely relaxed, then moved in on her.

"Hey, what's going on?" she asked as Paul and Kenny each latched onto a wrist and an ankle and spread her wide. She noticed their hard cocks, but didn't look frightened.

"Why, I was just going to put some suntan oil on you," Jan said politely, standing over the redhead.

"Yeah, well I don't need to be spread-eagled for that," Cynthia protested, trying to close her legs.

Paul tightened his grip as Jan spread a glob of oil over one of Cynthia's firm, thrusting tits. His cousin was kneeling between Cynthia's thighs, leaning forward, massaging her big tit. Cynthia's nipple responded to the stimulation promptly.

"N-now c-cut that out!" Cynthia protested, her voice breaking.

"Okay," Jan said agreeably, and slid her oily hands down Cynthia's torso, and rubbed and massaged Cynthia's trim belly. Then Jan went still lower, and massaged Cynthia's red-bushed cunt.

"Jan!" The redhead's voice was quivering with passion. Paul was amazed at

how fast the girl was being turned on. His cock was swollen to the bursting point. He was really turned on by her helplessness. She was writhing against his and Kenny's grip, which made the whole scene much more exciting.

Jan lowered her head and nuzzled her lips against Cynthia's cunt. Paul saw Jan's tongue spear out, penetrate. Cynthia's hips heaved wildly.

"Stop!" Cynthia wailed. "Ahhh, please, stop!" Jan didn't stop. She drilled her tongue deep into Cynthia's cunt, then stroked it up until it rasped over Cynthia's clit. The red-haired girl heaved in reaction to the blistering touch, and Paul almost lost his grip on her ankle. He dragged her leg out farther, splitting her like a wishbone. Her crotch gaped and the tendons on the insides of her thighs stretched tight. Her lush body had no secrets, now. Jan was spreading her cunt lips to show the shining pink heart of Cynthia's pussy. Then Jan's lips closed on Cynthia's erect clit, and the girl went crazy, thrashed against the relentless grip on her arms arid legs.

Cynthia's protests had become a wordless wailing. Her nipples were hard as rocks. She heaved crazily. Her hips jumped and jerked with need. Her head rolled, and her wet hair flailed around her passion-twisted face.

Her eyes flickered open and stared blindly upward for a moment. "What's happening?" she whispered. "My God! WHAT'S HAPPENING?"

Paul knew that she was about to cum, and grinned. He watched Jan suck on Cynthia's cunt. Her 11ps working, Jan massaged and ate and slurped on the hot, streaming tissues. She was stretching Cynthia's cunt lips wide so Kenny and Paul

could see exactly what she was doing.

"GAAAHHHH!" Cynthia's body arched, her muscles knotted and strained, her belly drew fight. A pink flush started northward from her cunt, spread over her stomach, over her chest, covered her tits.

Fascinated, Paul watched the bloom of her first orgasm. His cock throbbed at the sight of Cynthia's ecstasy. The resistance had gone out of her, making it easy to hold her, possibly unnecessary. He kept his grip anyway, unsure of what would happen when her orgasm passed.

When it ended, she slumped on the ground. Jan lifted her face from Cynthia's gaping mint. There was a hot gleam in Jan's eyes, and Paul realized that his cousin had cum, too. She had cum just from the pleasure of eating another girl's pussy.

"Don't let her go yet," Jan cautioned. "I'm just getting started."

"No, please," Cynthia whispered.

"I think her brother should have the first shot at her," Jan said. "She's undoubtedly been teasing him for years."

"Yeah," Kenny said hotly. Jan took over holding his sister as he positioned himself between Cynthia's widespread legs. His huge cock tugged down, anxious to be plunged into the gaping red nest in front of him. Leaning forward, he nuzzled the purple head against her cunt lips.


Cynthia bucked madly against the hands holding her, but it did no good. Kenny's cock tore the fragile tissue of her virgin barrier, and plunged deep into her streaming cunt. He slammed against her, sank his prick full depth into her searing tunnel.

"Awwww!" Cynthia moaned, rolling her head from side to side.

Kenny rested for a moment. He was oblivious of the pain he had caused his sister. He began to fuck her with slow steady thrusts, drawing his cock out, then jamming it back into her gaping cunt.

"Noooo!" Cynthia wailed. "Noooo! Awwww, my God, my God!"

The pain was leaving her face, was being replaced by lust as her brother fucked her. His body pounded against her clit his cock ripped in and out of her cunt.

Paul's cock dribbled excitedly as he watched. He was dying to sink his own cock into Cynthia's hot cunt, dying to have a go at her twitching body. He had a different idea about where he wanted to put his prick. Her cunt had received enough attention already. He was going to introduce her to sexual pleasure of a different nature the minute he got the chance. He was going to have a virgin hole, too.

From the way Kenny was heaving his cock into his sister, Paul's chance was going to come soon. He was jerking his hips forward, slamming his shining prick into her ravenous cunt. Cynthia's hips were heaving upward in response, accepting his drives, welcoming them now. The pink flush that had barely had a chance to fade was starting again, welling upward slowly as she convulsed, arched in the grip of a second blistering orgasm. Her big tits quivered as she strained to get her brother's enormous cock clear into her.

Kenny's ass cheeks pumped, his cock convulsed. He bucked, pumped jism into his sister's spasming cunt. A thick wave of overflow cum oozed out around his throbbing prick, formed a sticky paste in their tangled pubic bushes.

Kenny was up and his arms, and his body was arched. Paul had a perfect

view of the incestuous meshing of cock with cunt. As he watched Kenny's overflow cum well out, his own balls tensed and throbbed, eager for the blazing pleasure of pumping such a load.

Kenny squirmed, straining, milking his orgasm for every last trickle of pleasure. Then he flopped down on his gorgeous sister. Her body went limp under his. His back heaved as he caught his breath.

Paul let go of the limp girl and shoved Kenny off her. "Come on, man, my turn!" he said urgently.

Kenny dragged himself away. Paul gazed at Cynthia's abused cunnt. It was inflamed, glutted with creamy cum, stained with blood from her shredded cherry. He couldn't plunge into that channel!

"Turn her over," he ordered. He was going to flick her in the ass he had to fuck her in the ass!

Her grabbed the suntan lotion and squeezed a puddle into his palm as Kenny and Jan turned Cynthia over. Her ass was as fabulous as the rest of her. Her ass cheeks were pale globes. The crack was just begging to be spilt by Paul's thrusting cock.