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He spread the cream down between her ass cheeks. The knot of her asshole was smeared with cum. He eased a finger into her tight hole. Cynthia lifted her ass. Without a word she accepted his finger in her asshole, encouraged him to explore it! She squirmed to her knees. Kenny and Jan stopped holding her, let her assume a sacrificial posture.

Paul watched his finger ease in and out of her clinging asshole, watched the ring move along his probing digit. He finger-fucked her ass for a long time, tantalizing himself with the sight, watching her as her excitement increased. Her ass wiggled invitingly at him.

Finally he dragged his finger out of her asshole, and smeared his prick with suntan oil. Then he took the bottle, inserted the slim tip in her asshole, and gave a hefty squeeze. Then he placed the purple head of his cock on her puckered bud and pushed. He watched his glans squeeze out of shape against her involuntary resistance. Then he felt the gate yielding, and saw his prick pinch its way slowly inward. He felt her anal sphincter clutch his invading cock, stroke his nerve endings to the explosion point as he wedged his cock into her slit chute.

"OOOooo?" Cynthia moaned. It was a moan of pleasure. No pain, no fear, just pure pleasure. Her ravaged body had no resistance left in it. Having cum twice now, she was willing, eager to explore every facet of carnality. She shoved her ass back against Paul's thrust.

The head of his cock slid slowly deep, drove her asshole wider and wider and wider with its rubbery bulk. Paul had gained less than an inch, yet he had introduced Cynthia to an entirely new world. He was slowly stretching her rectal sphincter until it was large enough to take the full diameter of his sturdy hard-on.

The clutching ring of her as8hole gripped the groove behind his cock head like a tourniquet. She was grasping him with her hot, rubbery ring, trapping him, holding him so he couldn't escape.

"Aww!" she sighed.

Paul waited, felt his prick become accustomed to the tight grip of her asshole. Kenny and Jan were on either side of him, staring at where his cock was clutched in Cynthia's asshole. He was enjoying the sight himself. He found the straining distension of her asshole incredibly erotic. The normally dusky,

puckery muscle was pale, stretched smooth. The column of meat connected tern, made them into carnal Siamese twins.

Leaning forward, he drove his prick deep into her tight ass. His nerve endings sent out searing messages of pleasure as they were stroked by the tight, clinging walls of her shit chute. His cock vanished. Her gripping muscle tugged him inward. He could feel the skin of his prick being tugged and stretched as it struggled to slip through her tight hole.

The distance between his hips and Cynthia's ass gradually diminished until at last he was jammed up against her. He looked down, saw a sliver of prick between her ass cheeks. It looked like the stem of an apple between two rosy mounds. His pubic patch tickled her tantalizingly. He loved the feel of her hot ass encasing almost the full length of his cock.

"Unh!" Cynthia grunted. "Feels like I have to take a big shit!" It was the first coherent thing she had said since her brother had fucked her.

Paul began fucking her ass with slow, steady strokes. His prick burned from the friction. It was the third time he had ass-fucked a woman, and it seemed to get better every time. And, from the way Cynthia was reacting, she was fully aroused, and more than willing to try anything. She was taking his ass-fucking eagerly, wiggling her ass at every stroke of his prick.

"Gonna cum!" Paul grunted.

"Yeah!" Cynthia panted.

"Gonna cum!" he repeated as his orgasm drew nearer.

"Do it!" she urged. "Do it, do it, DO IT!"

Paul did it. He slammed into her ass quickly and sharply. His balls knotted up tight against his groin. His ass cheeks spasming, his toes curling, he sent blast after ripping blast of jism deep into her shit chute. Her ass was squirming crazily around his spurting prick, massaging his jetting cock like a hot, gripping hand, making his pumping glands work even harder.

He stayed on her back until the last ecstatic dribbles of cum drained into her spasming ass. He held his hard-on as long as he could. Then the gates opened and the blood poured back into his exhausted body. As he leaned against Cynthia's ass, he felt her shitting his cock out, driving him away now that she was done with him. There was a crazy pleasure in it, in forcing her to drive him out instead of willingly extracting his exhausted cock from her ass.

Sitting back on his haunches, he looked at Cynthia. She was still kneeling in front of him. A thin, pearly stream of jism oozed from her asshole, mingled with the copious fluid already drenching her cunt. Her asshole was flushed and swollen. Pink-tinged cum flooded from her ravished cunt. Cynthia was the picture of total carnal submission. Realizing what he had just taken part in, Paul shuddered. It had been rape, pure and simple. He felt a little sick.

He looked at Jan and Kenny, saw they felt the same way. Jan looked as if she were about to puke. Kenny looked both ashamed and afraid.

"Maybe-maybe a bath would help," Jan suggested hesitantly.

"Yeah," Kenny agreed. "Come on, Sis."

Paul followed them into the water. He was. worried by the way Cynthia's legs trembled, even though Kenny and Jan were holding her up. They waded

waist-deep in the cool water, and then let her sink slowly into the rejuvenating liquid.

Carefully, Cynthia bathed her crotch and her as, stroked them under the water, let the cool currents soothe her inflamed tissues.

"I'm sorry, Sis," Kenny said at last.

"Me, too," Jan apologized.

"Me, too," Paul agreed.

"Wow! That was something else!" Cynthia sighed.

"Hope we didn't hurt you," Jan said, still waffled.

"You did, a little."

"Are you mad?" Kenny asked anxiously.

"I should be."

"Yeah," Jan agreed.

"But I'm not, really," Cynthia added. "It was a mean, rotten thing to do, but I guess I deserved it. I've been teasing cocks for years. It's about time I got taught a lesson."

Nobody said anything. "Only one thing," Cynthia added.

"What's that?" her brother asked.

"I didn't get to suck anybody."

"Well, you don't have to do everything in one day," Kenny told her, laughing.

"But I'd like to."

"I don't know if I could get it up again," Kenny said.

"Me either," Paul confessed.

"I think we've done enough for one day," Jan said.

"You cum?" Cynthia asked. "I'll do you, too,


Jan smiled at Kenny. "Oh-oh, looks like you're

going to have your hands full, now that we ye broken her in."

"Yeah," Kenny agreed. He didn't seem dismayed at the thought.

"Well," Cynthia sighed, "if we're not going to do anything more today, maybe we ought to get dressed and get out of here."

The four of them waded to the shore to let the sun dry them. As they dressed Paul's mind returned to the reason he and Jan had come in the first place. He studied the patch of woods carefully.

"Just what were you doing, anyway?" Kenny asked, seeing where Paul was looking.

"Taking a piss," Paul said.

"Yeah, sure, and I'm King Tut," Kenny said. "You two are up to something and I want to know what it is. After all, I found this place."

"We can't tell you," Jan told him.

"How come?" he asked, more curious than ever.

"We just can't."

"Oh well, I'll find out somehow."

"I doubt it," Jan told him.

Kenny just looked smugly confident as they remounted their horses. By kicking and swearing, Paul managed to get his horse to amble up the steep bank and keep up with the others on the way back to the stable. He noticed Cynthia wasn't sitting very firmly on her horse, and his own asshole twitched sympathetically.

Lil's horse hadn't taken more_than ten steps before she had misgivings about having mounted him. The smell, the creak of the leather saddle, and the motion, all combined to bring back a host of memories, memories that were much fresher than the ones her last ride had triggered. She wondered why she had let Paul talk her into the ride in the first place. If Joe and Jan hadn't gone off someplace together she never would have agreed.