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She noticed that Paul rode easily, testimony to the many rides he had taken with his cousin. Lil tried to ignore the warm desire she felt for him. That was over and done with. This was just a pleasant way to spend an afternoon, nothing more.

She wished the motion of the horse between her legs didn't stir that aching warmth in her cunt. It was crazy! Getting aroused so easily-especially after the way she and Joe had gone at it last night. She didn't know what had done it, but his sex drive had been greater than ever lately. Fortunately, so had his. Last night she had again tried to take his cock up her ass, but he was just too big. She had finally settled for taking it in her cunt, and having just his meaty finger in her asshole. Remembering it made her pussy clench and drool. She squirmed on her saddle. The rolling motion of the horse increased her horiness still further.

"Hot today," Paul observed.

Lil glanced over at him. Her eyes strayed to his" crotch. God, it looked as if he had a hard-on!

"Yes," she agreed, "it is hot today."

"Horses are going to need water," he said.

"They water them at the stable, don't they?"

"They'll still need some, because it's so hot. I know a place we can rest and water them."

Lil felt a twinge of worry, had a suspicion something was up. "Me you sure we have to?"

Paul nodded. "Yeah. If we don't, they'll collapse. Don't worry, it's not far."

Reluctantly, Lil nodded. The motion of the horse was keeping her aroused, making it hard to think. As she followed Paul a knot of fear began to grow in her guts. It mingled with her horniness, made her cunt tighten excitingly. She wondered for a moment how close fear and lust really were. She thought of having Paul, having him power that young, eager cock of his into her, and her cunt dribbled eagerly. She remembered having his tool forced into her resisting asshole. It was ridiculous. She couldn't keep her mind off sex! She kept thinking of what she had done with Paul, with Kenny, with Jan.

God! She realized suddenly that if Paul made a move toward her, her resistance would vanish instantly. Her tits were hot steel darts in her bra. Her cunt felt like a hot spring between her thighs. She was afraid to look down, afraid that she'd see her whole crotch was wet.

When Paul turned and headed through the woods, she felt like she was going to cry. How could Paul know about the pond where she had tucked so madly with Kenny? Then she remembered that Paul and Jan had ridden, with

Kenny, and her heart began hammering. Suddenly she knew Paul knew exactly where he was going, and exactly what he was going to do to her when he got there. And she knew there was no chance in the world she would resist him. She was being dragged down into the same hot pool of lust,lust for her own nephew. She knew suddenly she couldn't avoid it unless she literally threw him out of her house. And the promise she had made when she agreed to be Paul's guardian made that impossible.

"It's pretty steep here," Paul said. "We'd better walk the horses down."

Without a word, Lil dismounted. She felt her crotch pull tight as she swung her leg over her home's back. She was a puppet in Paul's hands. She wondered whether he realized it.

Her eyes on the ground, she followed him. There was getting to be a well-beaten trail down the slope, she noted. More and more people must be discovering the pond. Some of the tracks looked fresh. The thought that there might be strangers at the pond already cut two ways. It would mean she was protected from Paul this time, at least. But it also meant that the burning itch in her cunt would go unscratched.

She thought she heard splashing from the pond and died a little inside with disappointment. But, as they drew closer, she didn't hear anything, and her hopes rose.

"God!" Paul gasped. They were near the clearing, but still in the woods. Paul was staring out toward the pond. Lii's eyes automatically followed his. She froze. A cold dagger slid straight up through her body. Her eyes blurred for a moment, then cleared. It was as if she were looking through

binoculars. The scene was crystal clear.

Joe was lying on his back on the grass. The sun was burning down on his naked, hairy body. Jan, his daughter, Lil's daughter, was with him, and she was naked, too. Her trim, mature body looked tender and vulnerable next to Joe's hairy bulk. She would have looked innocent, except for what she was doing. She was on her knees between his spread legs, and had her mouth around his towering, erect cock.

Jan was sucking her father's cock. Lil thought she was going to faint. Her legs grew shaky and folded under her. She sank to the ground without talking her eyes off the lewd scene. Joe was stroking Jan's head tenderly as she drew and slurped on his huge cock. Lil didn't even notice when Paul drew the reins from her hands and tied the horses back out of the way.

"Jesus!" Paul gasped. "Who would have guessed!" He put his arms around Lil as if to support her. Lil leaned back against him gratefully.

Jan was applying herself with gusto. Her jaws were pried wide by the huge girth of her father's cock. She bobbed her head, drove half his cock into her mouth, pulled back, then took more than half of his prick into her again. Lil's lust rose sharply at the sight.

Paul's hands slid down from Lil's shoulders, cupped her tits. She pressed her hands down on his. She had meant to take his hands off her, but pushed him against her aroused tits even harder. When she felt his fingers skillfully unbuttoning her shirt, she did nothing to stop him. Her lust flared higher than ever. She felt his hips against her ass, felt a hot, hard lump against her butt.

Paul got Lil's shirt undone just as Jan lifted her mouth off Joe's prick.

Jan held her father's hard-on painting straight up. It was gleaming with spit. Lil felt her insides melt a little more. Jan swung one leg over Joe's hips. Her cunt flashed open as she did it. She straddled him, poised aver his thrusting cock.

Lil let Paul drag her shirt back and off and kept her eyes on her daughter and husband. Without a thought, Lil discarded her bra, welcomed the hard grasp of Paul's hands on her quivering tits.

Jan nuzzled the head of Joe's cock into her open crotch, and lowered herself slowly, drove it straight up into the heart of her cunt. Lil knew Jan wasn't a virgin, but still ached at the thought of what that monster cock must feel like, wedging into such an immature cunt.

Reaching behind her ass, Lil fumbled with her nephew's belt, loosened it, and opened his pants. Her fingers clutched his rigid cock. He slid his hands down and began to unfasten her slacks. When he had them unzipped and loose, he slid his hand down inside Lil's panties and probed her steaming, dripping snatch. She squeezed his prick, felt his juices sting her fingers. Her cunt contracting around his fingers, Lil watched her daughter slowly absorb Joe's mammoth cock.

Lil was making soft whimpering noises deep in her throat without even realizing it. She was burning up. She watched Jan spit herself on her father. Lil was bathed in roaring flames as her daughter wantonly committed incest. It was obvious this was not the first time that Jan had taken her father's cock. Lil tried to feel rage or jealousy at this, but all she felt was increased lust for her nephew. She, continued fondling his cock behind her bare back.

Lil was more than ready when Paul finally hauled her panties down, hobbled her around the knees. Now she was able to nuzzle his cock along the crack of her ass, feel the hot prod probe her crevice. Her asshole twitched as she remembered the buggering he had given her once. Leaning forward, Lil tried to steer his cock to that tight opening, but Paul resisted.

The sight of Jan sitting fully astride Joe distracted Lil for a moment. Jan had his entire monster cock in her! Lil knew just how glutting that shaft was, and couldn't believe that Jan could take it. Not only could Jan take it, she was enjoying it! She was sitting up on him-her back was straight, her hands were on her thighs. Her tits were just begging for attention. The sun gleamed on her sweat-slick flesh. She remained motionless, as if the cock in her had set like concrete, formed a. rigid core in her young body.