Dyke's eyes hadn't left Hyatt's. "I hit this man twice. The second one broke his jaw and after that he wrote down what we wanted to know. How he was to meet his friends tonight, and where. A woman and two men posing as travelers. A man named James Rady; another by the name of Hyatt Earl."
"Well?" Hyatt said. His voice was controlled, and it told nothing of what he might be thinking. Dyke brought a match out of his vest pocket and wedged it into the corner of his mouth, shaking his head as he did. "That's all there is to the story."
Hyatt hesitated. "Now what?"
"Now, Mr. Earl," Dyke said mildly, his eyes lifting then, "we're going to hang you right on that cottonwood over there."
"What're you talking about, hanging! You don't even know--" Hyatt broke off. He looked at Dyke and at his men and for a long moment he was silent, gaining control of himself. He said then, calmly, almost defiantly, "You got to take us to trial. That's what the law says."
The matchstick moved under Dyke's full mustache.
"Mr. Earl, are you telling me what I have to do?"
That was it. The futility of arguing showed briefly on Hyatt's face. He asked, "What about the woman?"
Dyke shook his head. "This Cliff said she didn't want any part of it, but you forced her into it. We're not bothered about her. Just you and Rady there." He nodded directly at Mitchell.
Mitchell frowned. Hurriedly then his eyes swept the clearing. Rady wasn't here! He called to Dyke, "I'm not Rady! He's the one with the Remington . . . was out by the road."
Dyke studied him before answering. "There wasn't anybody out there."
"Then he got away, but I sure as hell ain't Rady!"
"Who're you supposed to be?"
"Dave Mitchell. I just rode in a little while ago looking to camp." He saw Hyatt watching him, a grin softening the dark bearded face. "Rady," Hyatt said, "are you drunk or something?"
Mitchell stared at him with disbelief. "What's the matter with you? Tell them who I am!"
Hyatt shook his head. "There's no use in that, Rady. Let's own up . . . take our medicine like men."
Mitchell's eyes went to Dyke. "Listen. This man's crazy. I suspected it before. Now I'm sure."
"If I was in your shoes," said Dyke, "I might pull the same stunt."
Mitchell paused. "All right"--his glance went to the woman--"ask her."
She looked at Mitchell, then shook her head.
"He's not Rady. His name is Mitchell."
Dyke said, "Uh-huh, and you're Mrs. Mitchell."
"I never saw him before this evening."
"Claire," Hyatt said sympathetically, "there's no use. Rady's got to take his medicine just the same way I do."
The woman's face was cold and showed no emotion. "He had a fight with this man Mitchell and lost. That's why he wants to see him hang."
"Claire! . . . Rady and I were just kidding! You thought we really meant it?"
Mitchell looked at Dyke again. "You said that holdup was day before yesterday. I can prove I was at Whipple then. I was just discharged yesterday."
"What's your proof?" Dyke asked.
"Ask anybody at Whipple!"
"Rady," Hyatt said, "delaying it a few days ain't going to help any, they'll still hang you. Let's get it over with."
Mitchell's expression changed suddenly and his hand went to his chest. "My discharge order! It's dated yesterday!"
"Keep your hand out of that coat!" Dyke snapped. He nodded to one of the men near Mitchell. "Take a look."
The man stepped in front of Mitchell. His hand went over the shirt, then to the inside coat pocket.
"Nothing," he said over his shoulder.
Mitchell's hand came up. He felt the empty pocket, and the part of his shirt that was torn--
"Listen, while we were fighting my shirt was ripped. The paper fell out, that's what happened. Look around there, right where you're standing!"
Dyke continued to study Mitchell, but some of his men moved about, looking at the ground and scuffing the sand with their boots. A man said, "I don't see nothin'," and another said, "Not around here." Watching them, the tension building and becoming unbearable. Mitchell suddenly tore himself from the men holding him. They started after him and Dyke called, "Let him go!" Mitchell came on, his eyes searching the ground, then dropped to his hands and knees, his fingers brushing the sand, smoothing it, and carefully he covered the area where the fight had taken place. He came up slowly and sat back on his heels. "It's not here," he said wearily. Then: "Wait! When I was pulled off my horse--" He came to his feet quickly. Dyke asked, "You ever on the stage?"
"I'm telling you the truth!" Mitchell screamed.
"Can't you see that!"
"I see a man fighting awful hard," Dyke replied, "for a life he don't deserve."
"What do you expect me to do!" Mitchell paused then. He breathed in and out and said, more calmly, "I swear to Almighty God I had nothing to do with that holdup."
"That's what this Cliff said," Dyke answered.
"Before I broke his jaw."
"Rady," Hyatt spoke up, "you don't want that to happen to you, do you?"
Mitchell ignored him. Still looking at Dyke he said, "Isn't there a doubt in your mind?" Dyke didn't answer and in the silence their eyes held. Then, behind Mitchell, a man said, "Let's have some coffee first." Dyke's eyes lifted. He nodded and walked toward the fire, finished with Mitchell.
Hyatt and the woman were moved over by the wagon. Then Mitchell was brought over. They tied Hyatt's and Mitchell's hands behind their backs and made them sit down, the woman between them. There was nothing to be said. In silence they watched Dyke's men build another fire close to the cottonwood tree they would use. Two men entered the clearing carrying riatas, uncoiling them as they crossed to the tree. Mitchell saw his sorrel and a bay brought in and the saddles were taken off both horses.
Now what do you do? he thought.
Tell him!
I did tell him! He's hard-shelled and mean because Hyatt killed his friend and that's all he can think about. But he's calm about it, isn't he? Judge and jury wrapped into one hard-bitten weathered face. His mind is the law and he can be as calm as he pleases, knowing his way is the only way. Twelve years of campaigning and you're going to die under another man's name. Nobody knowing . . . no, two people knowing who you are. The woman--Claire--and Hyatt.
Two feet away and you can't even touch him. Get up quick and butt his face in with your head! No . . . come on, think straight now. Now isn't a time to think about revenge. Forget about him. You're going to die and that's all there is to it. He said it in his mind, feeling each word: I'm going to die. More slowly then: I am going to die. All right, now you know it. You always knew it, but now you know it. Come on, think straight. I am thinking straight. Go to hell with that thinking straight business! There's no straight way to think when you're going to die. What did you think about the other time? The first and only and supposedly last other time. Nervous and not liking it, not believing that it was happening to him, but holding himself together nevertheless and thinking over and over again that it was a shame to die alone. Alone, because the Coyotero tracker didn't count. You couldn't talk about last things in sign language. Dos Fuegos had taken out a buckskin pouch in which he carried his hoddentin, the sacred pollen made from tule that would ward off evil, and with that he had readied himself.
Corporal Mitchell then, Corporal Mitchell and a Coyotero tracker called Dos Fuegos--the two of them riding point and cut off from the others and their mounts shot from under them. Then holding flat to the ground, lying behind the mound and looking across to the rock-scrambled sandglaring dead-silent slope where the Mimbres were. Lying unmoving--wondering if the patrol would find them.