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Blade thought for a moment before answering. He must get after Bloodax at once. And yet he could not ask his men to do more than they had done this day. It would have to wait until morning.

«Say that the Captain Ogier had done well and that I thank him. He will dine with me tonight in my tent. If there is blame for the escape of Bloodax it is mine, not his, for no man could have done better. Say all this and also bid him extend my thanks to his officers and men. I am proud of them. Go.»

Thane came back. He was gloomy. He had a wine sack flung across his saddle and his mouth and beard were purple.

«I have heard the news,» he said before Blade could speak, «and I confess that I am not surprised. These cliffs are honeycombed with caves and tunnels. I should have thought of it, but I did not. I am sorry.»

«So am I.» Blade looked at the wine sack. «You are beginning?»

«Aye, I am. You have objection?»

«None. You have earned your drink.»

«I have,» Thane agreed, «and I have double cause for it this day. Galligantus has escaped me. His body is not to be found, though I have it that he fought here today. I am thinking that he went ahead into that tunnel, as advance guard for Bloodax. So they have diddled us both, Blade.»

Blade smiled. «If you keep some of your wits, Thane, and your head permits in the morning, we may come up with your Galligantus yet. For with the sun I go in search of Bloodax. It should not be hard-he can have few men and nothing of supply. I will get him.»

Thane tilted the wine sack and drank deep. «Or he will get you. I do not like it, Blade. This coast is one thing, the mountains are another. I should know. I once lived in them.»

«I do know that-which is why I wish you to drink lightly. I will need you as guide. But I request it, do not command it. Suit yourself.»

Thane drank hugely and grinned. «I always do, so far as I can and keep my head. But I make you a bargain, Blade-if you can wake me in the morning I will go with you. I will not like it, but I will go. But for now you have other troubles.»

Blade gazed about the littered battlefield. «Have I now? I had thought them over for a little time.»

«You will see. For you still do not know much of our Zirnian soldiery, and especially of such riff-raff as we have recruited for this campaign.»

«They have fought well enough,» Blade said. «Far better than I guessed.»

«Aye,» agreed Thane. «And now they will want their reward. And will take it. They have found a thousand casks of Hitt beer and are broaching them by the dozen. I doubt that you have ever tasted Hitt beer, Blade, but let me tell you of it-it steals a man's senses in no time. And to add to the dish, you have taken women captive. I advised against that, remember, and before this night is out you will admit me right. Even Zirnian soldiers will not couple with a corpse, but your Hitt women are alive. For now at least.»

«We will stop it now,» said Blade. «I will call the provost officer and have him see to it.»

Thane laughed wildly. «You will have to lure him away from his beer, then. I passed him and his marshals on the way here and they were knocking out bungs at a great rate. I would not count on the provost, Blade.»

A shout of drunken laughter came over the battlefield. Thane winked at Blade. «They begin. You might as well join me in wine, Blade, and enjoy it. For you cannot prevent it. I will not try. I have fought long and hard this day and have no mind to be slain by my own men.»

Chapter 11

Thane was right. Before dusk Richard Blade had done what he seldom did-given up, resigned to the fact that here was a situation he could not alter. The orgy of drunken soldiery must run its course. Ogier and he supped alone, preparing the meal themselves-for the servants had run off to join the drinking and raping-and discussed the day past and the day to come. Thane lay drunken in a nearby tent. They could hear him singing and cursing.

Ogier had bathed and donned fresh linen and armor, as had Blade. They ate in silence and drank little. When Ogier had finished, he tossed bones to one of his hounds and stared gloomily at Blade.

«Thane is right, you know. You are a fool to go after Bloodax. The country is treacherous and wild. There are a thousand places to hide. You will never find him unless he wants you to-and if he wants you to it will be because he is in a position of advantage. Give it up, Blade. Today we broke the Hitt power for many years to come. Let us go back now and attend to that black crow Casta. I have had word from my spies-he has moved into the palace city and again consorts with Hirga. I said it all along-we should have been killing priests instead of Hitts.»

Blade shook his head. «Your advice is no doubt good, Ogier, but I cannot follow it. I must go after Bloodax. You will remain here and whip these rebellious dogs back into some form of an army-when the beer is all gone and the women all raped.» Blade sighed. «I would have prevented that.»

A woman ran screaming past the tent, pursued by a dozen howling men. Ogier scowled.

«Not even you can do everything, Blade. The gods themselves are helpless. Do not let it fret you so-the dawn will come and it will end. And think that the Hitts would do the same in Zir, were matters reversed.»

They went to stand outside the tent. A thousand fires glowed like carbuncles in the night. A vast clamor lifted to the black sky. Laughter and screams, curses and threats, song and tears. Nearby a youth lay headless while a dozen soldiers took turns with his young sister. Blade took a step in their direction and Ogier laid a hand on his arm.

«Leave off. They will not be controlled this night and it is death to try. Believe me, Blade. I have seen such nights before.»

A woman passed them, running and pursued by men. She leaped from the cliff out into darkness. The soldiers cursed in disappointment and turned back to quarrel with the men raping the girl. There was dispute and swords were drawn and used.

Blade said nothing. He turned away, his face hard and set, and stalked to the tent of Thane. Ogier came after him.

A flambeau guttered atop a pole. Thane lay snoring on a pile of skins. Spilt wine had dyed his chest hair purple. Beside him crouched a Hitt girl. She wore an animal skin about her middle, nothing more, her hair was wild and her face caked with grime. She stared at them with enormous eyes and reached across the sleeping Thane to pluck his dagger from its sheath.

Blade made a sign to Ogier and spoke softly, smiling. «No need for that. We will not harm you. Who are you and how come you to this tent? Does the Captain Thane know you are here?»

Ogier said, «The Captain Thane knows nothing at the moment.»

Without taking his eyes off the girl, Blade told him to be quiet. The girl stared and stared, the dagger held at half length from her breasts, whether for herself or Blade he could not guess. Thane snored on.

Blade was very gentle. «Speak girl. No harm will come to you. I am the Prince Blade and you have my word on it.»

Her eyes sparked blue in the torchlight and her knuckles whitened on the dagger's hilt, then suddenly she relaxed and nearly smiled. Her voice was low and pleasant and very young-Blade guessed her at not past thirteen.

«Thane spoke of you,» she said. «He says you are as near a god as mortal can be. But now that I have seen you I do not believe-you do not look like a god to me.»

Ogier made a sound that was suspiciously like a chuckle. Blade ignored him. He smiled at the girl.

«We will discuss my godhood another time. How came you here?»