Joe Barfield
Moon Shadow, the Legend
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
From the beginning of time every empire has collapsed. There have been no exceptions.
Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.
I predict a black day for the United States.
Before you hear the story of Moon Shadow you must first know what led to the demise and downfall of the most powerful country the world has ever known: the United States of America. Most will point to the broken promises and greed of the corrupt politicians, which compounded the fiscal irresponsibility of an already overwrought, debt-ridden country that literally collapsed from within. Like the bankruptcy of Mexico or Russia of the Twentieth century, so too became the United States of America early in the twenty-first century. No historian could have anticipated the invasion of the United States, yet historians will always point to the obvious sequence of events and smugly say, “History repeats itself.”
The financial collapse may well have started under former President Kennedy, but the Savings and Loan debacle and the losses near a trillion dollars under former presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush that made Americans “turn the other cheek” were a major part of the problem. At the turn of the century, terrorist activities, especially the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., created a financial burden for America, but that was nothing compared to the activities of accounting firms and corporate executives. These two groups devastated the American economy more than any war or terrorist attack could. Wall Street never fully recovered. Those who held power and financial control traded their honor and integrity for an obscene level of wealth that even the robber barons of the past could not have imagined. Where George’s son put America full speed towards destruction, Obama crashed and sounded the death knell of America. While he touted the Affordable Health Care Act, known to most Americans as ObamaCare, it was anything but affordable and in reality nothing more than just another huge tax. Obama called it a healthcare good for all Americans but Congress quickly exempted themselves. After the Affordable health Care Act passed, and in actions highly illegal, Obama took it upon himself to make changes in the law without approval from Congress. He went on to exempt select unions and even individuals that donated to his election campaigns. While Madoff went to prison for his billion dollar Ponzi scheme, Congress did the same with trillions and a budget that gave trillions to banks and business under the guise of a stimulation package while jobs were lost and welfare increased. Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading while Pelosi made millions and even said she was exempt from insider trading. Pelosi had even said Obamacare needed to pass so they would have time to read the over ten thousand pages nobody in Congress understood. Obama declared America a Muslim country and said, “If I had to choose between Christians and Muslims I must take the side of Muslims. Christians were branded traitors. When the government shutdown in 2013, Obama refused to compromise and went as far as having veterans banded from war memorials. He had war veterans arrested while he and Pelosi opened up one of the closed parks so they could celebrate with “illegal” aliens. After that he denied death benefits to veterans that had lost their lives defending America and Freedom. American freedom died under Obama’s regime.
All of this helped bring down America but it was an obscure event in 1991 that started the downward spiral of America.
In a deadly shell game, the president and Congress blamed Middle Eastern countries for America’s internal problems, focusing the spotlight of scrutiny away from the strings-attached political contributions from Corporate America and redirecting the peoples’ attention toward the trumped-up menace “over there.” Americans attacked and bombed in one war after another while the financial gluttony of top-level executives continued unabated, slithering under the radar of detection. Meanwhile, Congress became a parasite with the American people their host. But unlike a good parasite, Congress drained the life from its chosen host. These factors contributed to the eventual collapse of the United States of America, but they had nothing to do with the invasion and the Legend of Moon Shadow. Plans for the invasion began twenty-two years before during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Not unlike a taco or a hamburger, Operation Desert Storm was sold to the American public as an operation to free the Kuwaiti people. The real objective was protection of American oil interests and extended American control over the Middle East. Part of the collateral damage to America’s bombing was the obliteration of an unknown Syrian family on vacation in Baghdad. Only the father and his son survived, and with each ongoing breath their grief hardened into a feverish, single-minded desire for revenge — and that revenge became their only motivation to take the next breath.
This particular bombing raid began with inaccurate intelligence information stating that an underground bunker held the target, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, who had attacked Kuwait, one of America’s allies. A simple, precise attack was planned to rid the world of his menace, and the resulting low-level mission was carried out with a deadly precision never before seen in history. Two F-15s streaked across the desert toward their target in Baghdad with Colonel Jonathan Bryce commanding the attack from one; Commander Robert Brookin Gex flew the other.
Other agendas were in play as the two fighter pilots carried out the mission for their country — agendas so wide and varied that historians would never know the truth. The only obvious fact was Iraq had attacked Kuwait, and the commander-in-chief of the United States of America, President George H. W. Bush, had sent forces to Saudi Arabia in the action dubbed Operation Desert Storm: The goaclass="underline" to free Kuwait. Although seen as a hero, former President Bush had ignored Saddam Hussein when the Iraqi leader earlier had indicated he wanted to invade Kuwait. A presidential cabinet — appointed, not elected by the people — all bringing their own personal agendas to the table, suggested the president wait. Meanwhile, Bush had his own agenda, and at the top of the list was his own re-election. A successful war would all but guarantee him another four years in the White House. Forget that all of Iraq’s weapons had been obtained from the United States when a previous American president equipped Iraq to defeat Iran (which had also been equipped with American weapons by another former president when the Shah had been in power). So, once again, the United States found itself in the foolish and dangerous position of fighting American weapons and losing American lives in wars against former allies that had turned against the United States.
But the powers in charge had yet another agenda. The real plan was to leave Saddam Hussein in power. He was not to be killed. Instead, Iraq and Saddam Hussein were to be the perennial scapegoat whenever popularity waned for future American presidents.
Operation Desert Storm was designed to show America’s overwhelming might and that American forces had the ability to do anything they wanted to do, anywhere and anytime they chose to do it. The two pilots streaking toward Baghdad were a show of that power. But what the American people failed to see was that Hussein could have been removed at any time with the precision of brain surgery. More puzzling was that no one asked why the United States would go to the aid of a country full of millionaires when it had turned a blind eye to the literally millions of people who died in Cambodia at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. The answer was simple. The defense of Kuwait, with the wealthiest per capita population in the world, was forced by greed — for oil, money, control and power: the most potent agenda of all.