When they reached the highway they came abruptly on a larger and more ominous barricade that the invaders had hastily but effectively erected. Trained soldiers with tremendous firepower blocked their escape. Quickly, they turned from the road, and created their own path.
For the small group west of San Antonio near Concan things were quieter and peaceful yet the imminent danger was concern but not immediate. The group led by General Garrett had taken refuge from the invasion. Kipp and Blackman with their survival experience made the situation better than tolerable. The others looked to them for guidance and well they should for none of the others knew much about basic survival and already depended too much on their talents. Even basic things like water and food were difficult for the others and it made many feel like survival might just be impossible. Their danger was not as immediate but it was of intense concern. Unlike their present situation and current events, the sun set was beautiful. They prepared to sleep best they could. While some spread blankets on the ground others tried to sleep in the back of the vehicles or the beds of the truck. The night was cool and dry which helped. Some lingered around the campfire talking about what had happened, distraught and confused. They had heard about what had happened but they hadn’t seen the death and destruction and without validation many denied to themselves what had happened.
Krysti felt like she was on a camping trip. She loved camping, but this night was dark and ominous and added to the day’s events it was terrifying. She understood what had happened but it was still difficult to grasp and understand. She knew life would never be the same. The words James had spoken to her continued to work on her like a knife in a wound. Beau was the traitor and killer she had read and heard about in the news. The pieces had been there but she had been unable to put them together until now. The words and his sudden change in front of her tormented her. But she had seen him with Justin. It was impossible he could be the same man. This man, the invasion and even Marix continued to grind back and forth in her thoughts. But in the end her thoughts continued to be interrupted with visions of the man she had met at Shanghai Pete’s. Was he okay? Were his brothers safe? Had they found Tracy was she okay? She wondered if any of them were still alive. Would Beau be able to find them? She shook her head in dismay and sorrow when she realized it would be impossible for him to find her.
The four brothers managed to elude the invading forces. There was no doubt America had been invaded and the invasion had been a resounding success. They traveled swiftly away from the main roads and soon found a secluded spot along a stream and stopped to rest for the night. Jack and Beau took the first watch, guarding the site while Danny and Brook readied themselves for a little sleep. Later that night Danny and Brook relieved their brothers.
As Beau rolled up a blanket so he could use it as a pillow he reflected on the invasion and how fast it has transpired. He placed his weapons on the ground next to his formed pillow. Before he turned in he took time to reflect on the events that had transpired so quickly like a non-stop marathon with no time to rest. Less than twenty-four hours had passed and the invasion as he saw it was a resounding success. The United States had started to implode before 2008 but the year Obama had been elected, marked a day of demise not only of America but also Christianity. The American politicians had destroyed America with the help of Muslims and atheists. The last few years Christians had been considered treasonous. No longer was America the “protectors or defenders of freedom” because Congress, the President and all of his men had taken away Americans freedoms under the guise of protecting those very freedoms. Self-satisfying greed had destroyed America. Ironically it wasn’t Congress who was at fault but rather the self-satisfying people who had elected the politicians to give them more and more until there was nothing that remained. Even if there had been no invasion America was already finished. America had been destroyed from within through elected traitors who had succumbed to greed. If America survived it would no longer be the same and Beau knew it. And what could he do? He was only one man.
With a heart rending sigh he tucked the blanket under his head and peered up into the starlit sky. The stars reflected a serene peace from an eternity of no change; the opposite of America. He thought about the others. Were they okay? Were they safe? Would he be able to find them? His thoughts continued to be interrupted with visions of the woman he had met at Shanghai Pete’s. Could he find Krysti? He had to find them — he had to find her. He would find her! He took a deep breath and let it out. He raised his face to the stars and held his hands before him as he tried to clear his mind but it was to no avail. Finally he uttered a silent prayer for the others and for Moon Shadow.
Ace — Fighter pilot with five or more victories
ACM — Air Combat Maneuvering, or dog fighting.
Bag — Flight suit
Bat Turn — A tight, high-G change of heading. A reference to the rapid 180-degree Batmobile maneuver in the old “Batman” television series.
Bogey — Unidentified and potentially hostile aircraft.
Bandits — Identified hostile craft.
Barrel Roll — Medium-speed roll, course remaining constant.
Bounce, Tap — Unexpected attack on another aircraft.
Check Six — Visual observation to the rear of an aircraft from which most air-to-air attacks can be expected. This is in reference to the clock system of scanning the circular area around the aircraft: 12 o’clock is straight ahead, 6 o’clock is dead aft. Also a common salutation and greeting among tactical pilots.
Chandelle — Reversal of course by climbing turn.
CIA — Central Intelligence Agency
Double Ugly — Nickname for the enormous but less than beautiful F-4 Phantom. Also called Rhino.
Electric Jet — The F-16 Fighting Falcon, nicknamed because of its fly-by-wire controls.
Fox One, Two, Three — Radio calls indicating the firing of a Sparrow, Sidewinder, or Phoenix air-to-air missile, respectively.
Furball — A confused aerial engagement with many combatants.
G-suit — Nylon trousers that wrap around the legs and abdomen. Filled automatically with compressed air in high-G maneuvers, the G-suit helps prevent the pooling of blood in the lower extremities, thus retarding the tendency to lose consciousness.
Gomer — Slang for a dogfight adversary, the usage presumably stemming from the old Gomer Pyle television show.
Gouge, the poop, the skinny — The latest inside information.
Hummer, puppy or bad boy — Any ingenious machine-plane, car, weapon whose actual name can’t be recalled.
HVAR — High Velocity Aircraft Rocket
Immelman — A reversal of course by half loop and roll out.
Jock, Driver — Pilot.
Knife Fight — Close-in low-speed aerial dogfight.
Mach — The speed of sound is relative to the altitude and temperature. At sea level the speed of sound is approximately 750 mph. At 40,000 feet it is 650 mph.
MP — Military Police
Mud-mover or Ground-pounder — Low-level attack aircraft.