If the debt continues at this rate the United States of America will be bankrupt before the election in 2016.
One final thought. Could the National Debt reach ten trillion dollars by 2008? If so, what will happen to the economy? Remember I said earlier that our government collects about 2.1 trillion dollars but needs 2.7 trillion to run the government? Let’s say we reach a 10 trillion dollar debt in three more years and suppose interest is say ten percent, then the interest on the National Debt will be one trillion dollars leaving only 1.3 trillion to run a government that is spending close to 2.8 trillion per years. This simply won’t work.
Unless they do something very soon our government will be unable to pay off the National Debt. Financially our government is rapidly reaching a “point of no return.” At the rate the debt is increasing we could reach a debt of $20 trillion by the end of 2016. The same time the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world. A $20 trillion debt with ten percent interest would mean that in 2016 the interest on the debt would equal the taxes collected. In other words the end of the world for America.
April 1, 2009:
The above was added to in 2005 and has played out almost precisely as I predicted. This is no April fool’s joke.
National Debt
04/01/2009 $11,208,076,192,300.55
When Bush left office the debt was 10.5 trillion. Currently, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia owns about four trillion of our debt in bonds they purchase each year. I want to give you some new numbers to think about. President Obama has been in office a hundred days and I’m ready to predict his outcome in less than four years. Obama and Congress have established a budget of 3.9 trillion or about 1.8 trillion more than our government brings in. I truly believe more than this will be spent; closer to two trillion over budget the next four years. If Congress and the president continue to spend like this we will owe nearly twenty trillion at the end of Obama’s first term. At that time China, Japan and Saudi Arabia will probably own close to ten trillion of that debt. Suppose the interest rate in ten percent. After all selling bonds on a debt ridden country is very difficult unless you raise the interest and make it more appealing. Remember we collect 2.1 trillion in taxes. At the end of 2016 the interest on the debt will be two trillion. Do you see where this is going? Now just suppose the three countries that buy the majority of our bonds refuse to buy them any longer. Do you know what happens? The United States of America will be bankrupt and become a third world country. You might say our dollar won’t be worth a peso.
September 11, 2013
I understand why Boston has so many problems. Seems a teacher decided to replace the “Pledge of Allegiance” with a Muslim prayer. We’ve come a long way since Obama took over as President of the United States of America. We are now able dismiss the word “united.”
How much has Obama cost us? Under Obama the debt increases almost 150 billion per month. For 120 days the debt has not increased from 16.8 trillion, but it is going up more than 150 billion per month. This is called a Ponzi scheme, where you steal from Peter to pay Paul. Madoff went to prison for doing the same thing; so too should Congress and the President. Ironically those who u loudest are government employees or those on welfare. Detroit is bankrupt and will soon stop paying retirement for government employees. The same thing will soon happen to the federal government. They are spending 4 trillion per year but only collection 2.5 trillion in taxes. Same thing happened to Russia in 1988. Obama has added 6 trillion to the debt in his first four years. Most of the money has gone to banks and programs to satisfy his desire. To put this in perspective, Obama could have given 30 million of the poorest Americans fifty thousand dollars a year for each of his first four years. That would have spurred the economy. Instead the Nobel Peace Prize winner spent in on incompetence, gun running, killer drones and war after war.
But America has more problems. Christians are now classified as terrorists. You can’t say anything against gays but they can say bad things about Christians. But the scary thing is what Obama has done for Muslims. They cannot be criticized or even watched as terrorists but 95 percent of the terror comes from six percent of our population. For the gays and lesbians I would like to say that Christians bear you no ill will; no thoughts of death or reprisal. On the other hand Obama calls America a Muslim nation. He has even said if he must he will side with Muslims. It is known that Muslims will force Christians to convert or be beheaded. Do you know how Muslims feel about gays and lesbians? If you don’t you should. Now what do you suppose Muslims do to gays and lesbians? You might want to brush up on these religions. I don’t think Obama and Liberals have your best interests at heart. Speaking of heart Obama wants to give a billion dollars to the Syrian rebel who cut the heart and liver out of his enemy and ate it. If you don’t believe me just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfHSPLW63Gg
Who did 911? Who did Boston? Who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood? The Muslim Brotherhood offers them all of their support. Obama offers the Muslim Brotherhood all of his support; Libya, Egypt and Syria. Obama refuses to help Christians in any of those countries. To be honest you can count on one hand all of people in Congress and the Supreme Court who support Christians or Americans. I don’t want to slay the Democrats because it appears the Republicans are no better. There are no Christian Conservatives that I see. They all want a socialist communist government and the way to attain that is to destroy Christian values. The American way of life as we know it may be gone forever.
If Obama has his way we may soon be greeting people with, “Allahu Akbar.”
Moon Shadow was intended to be a piece of fiction for enjoyment, but after I finished, I realized it had become much more. The original idea behind Moon Shadow was to grapple with the collapse of the United States and a following invasion. For a long time I worked over and over in my mind how such a scenario could actually happen and play out. I began Moon Shadow in 1987 and had been working on the manuscript for three years when President George H. W. Bush invaded Iraq. At the same time, American companies were going bankrupt while the corporate officers were being arrested and put in jail. Many wealthy political contributors managed to elude prosecution while the national debt skyrocketed by more than a trillion dollars.
I first completed Moon Shadow in 1990, but I’ve since updated the story to reveal a repeat performance by many of the same misguided and greedy people involved in the first fiasco. I asked myself, “How could a fictional scenario such as the collapse of the United States and a following invasion actually happen and play out?” Greed and corruption were my answers.
Much like raising a child, I have reworked Moon Shadow by pouring my life into the story. For this I have watched Moon Shadow grow, and at times I have been surprised by what it has given me in return.
Nostradamus I’m not, but many strange things described in my novel have come to pass. The first version of Moon Shadow—written from 1987 to 1990—opened with the United States sending forces to the Middle East to protect our interests. This slice of fiction ended up being very similar to Desert Storm; in fact, I had described Desert Storm in alarmingly accurate detail. But my fictional account was completed in 1990, a year before Desert Storm actually happened.
Another piece of history foreshadowed in Moon Shadow was the Aurora Project, a top-secret government project to make a plane that could fly directly into space. I wrote in detail about this project — by name — years before it was made public in 1996.