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Lars picked it up and switched it on, grinning when it hummed to life. He trailed the tip of it up her leg, pausing at the top of her thigh. "What do you want to do now?"

Claire's tongue darted out to wet her lips and she stared up at him, her entire body tense with restrained energy. "What are my options? Is it multiple choice?"

He grasped her hand and pressed the vibrator into it, then wrapped her fingers around it. "You were giving me a show."

He thought she might back down, but her eyes found his and she shifted her legs apart again. "I-I don't do this much." She moved the vibrator down her body, just barely dipping it between her legs. Her breath hissed out as she ran it over her clit.

He hardened to the point of pain. She gasped again, and his cock twitched. "Like I said...you've got to practice."

"I've got to—" Her low moan cut through the air, and her hips arched off the bed. Her foot brushed the side of his leg, a wicked look in her eyes as she rubbed his thigh with her toes. "How much of a show do you want?"

Lars covered her hand and angled the pink plastic so the tip barely brushed her entrance. "I'll be okay with an abbreviated version."

She let him slip it slowly inside her and guide their hands as she rocked her hips up. "Too bad. You might have liked the view if I got on my hands and knees."

He laughed. "Later. I have a couple of ideas about where I can put this thing while I'm fucking you."

Claire made a squeaking noise of surprise that turned into a moan when he thrust the vibrator slowly inside her. She looked wanton, sprawled on the bed before him with flushed cheeks and her eyes lost to pleasure.

She squeezed her eyes shut, then opened them and stared up at him, her gaze commanding. "No putting it anywhere without asking first. Not unless you want your ass kicked."

He pulled the vibrator out and thrust it in, rotating it slightly. "I always ask, baby. It's rude not to."

"Wh-why are we—" He changed the angle on the next stroke, and her words ended in a hoarse shout. Her entire body tensed.

Aroused to the point of pain, he threw the vibrator aside and hauled Claire onto his lap, thrusting into her. Her head fell back, a low noise of satisfaction tearing free of her as she wrapped her arms and legs around his body.

She was hot and tight around his cock, her muscles squeezing him as she ground against him. It was almost too much. Determined to prove he was better than any of those college boys, Lars pressed her against the bed with a possessive growl.

Her frantic attempts to move tore at his already ragged self-control. He gathered both of her wrists in one hand and pinned them to the bed above her head. Her instinctive snarl as she twisted underneath him was almost worse than her wiggling. She twisted beneath him, challenging his dominance even as she submitted.

Lars groaned and wrapped his fingers under one of her legs, hiking it to make his hard, steady thrusts go deeper. Her throaty cry of approval filled his ears and her pussy tightened around him. He gritted his teeth, thrust again, and was rewarded with a ragged scream as she came.

Even if he'd wanted to hold off, it wouldn't have been possible. Not with her orgasm squeezing his cock, not with the scent and sounds of her pleasure filling every sense. His fingers tightened around her wrists. He flung his head back and drove into her one last time. He came with a growling shout of triumph and couldn't stop himself from dropping his head and marking her again.

She was his. The strongest female in their territory belonged to him now, and no one else was going to touch her.

Lars rolled onto his back, dragging her with him. Her body rested limply on top of him, her auburn hair fanning out over her back. She murmured something he couldn't understand against his chest and stretched lazily, and a moment later he felt the sting of her teeth as she bit his chest just above the nipple.

"Mine," she muttered, her voice sleepy.

He laughed and slid his fingers into her hair, wrapping a few locks around his hand. "Goes both ways, doll. Can you handle that?"

"Mmm. I think I handled it okay for a novice."

He slapped her hip with his free hand, and she laughed. "I'm not kidding, Claire. Can you handle it?"

More importantly, could she handle it sober?

Claire lifted her head and peered at him with sleepy blue eyes from behind the fall of her hair. "Yeah. I think so. I want to try. I haven't felt this right in a long time."

He smiled and dragged the blankets over them. "Yeah, well. Like I said, that's what happens when you’re yourself."

"Mmm..." She shifted off his body and curled against his side, seeming completely unconcerned with the idea of falling asleep with him in her apartment, in her bed.

Lars had never been a fan of cuddling, but it was easy to roll over and meld his body to hers. He draped a possessive arm over her and laughed when she murmured her sleepy approval. "You like being pinned down, huh?"

"Only by you," came her absent reply. "There were handcuffs in that bag, too. Wake me up in a little while, and we'll break 'em in."

Lars snorted. But when he closed his eyes, he smiled. She was his, all right. And they were going to have a hell of a lot of fun together.