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Chapter One

Sitting silently at the dining room table, Brad Drace wasn’t really playing attention to the conversations going on around him. He had tried to think of several excuses to not attend the weekly Wednesday night dinner, but Lee wasn’t about to let him bail out of it. His oldest brother told him that his ass better be sitting at the dinner table or else.

However, he wasn’t in the mood to be here at all. Nevertheless, here he was with a plate full of food in front of him and a lonesome heart because of Alicia and her damn stubborn streak. She knew they belonged together, but she kept forcing things in between them.

Without a doubt, he loved his brothers and his sister-in laws more than anything in the world, but seeing how extremely happy all of them were constantly made him realize how lonely and empty his life truly was.

All of his brothers had found the women they love more anything in the world over the past couple of years while he still couldn’t get Alicia to even go out on a real date with him.

Lee had advised him over and over to move on, but he couldn’t think about not having Alicia in his life. He loved her. Hell, he was in love with her. She was the woman that he was meant to be with. As much as he valued his brother’s opinion about other things in his life, this was one time that he wasn’t going to listen to Lee.

He was going to prove to Alicia that he was the man for her and not to get sidetracked by other men who weren’t worthy of her. If he didn’t feel Alicia was in love with him too, he wouldn’t be giving it his all to win over her heart. She loved him, but she was just too scared to admit it.

He had tried to be patient and understanding and do it her way, but that wasn’t working so he was going to do it his way from now on. Alicia was done running the other way each and every time he tried to get closer to her.

Brad was tired of being the one on the outside looking into the lives of his brothers. This was his time to get Alicia and put a ring on her finger. If he didn’t get her to admit that she was in love with him by Christmas Eve then he was going to move on. He would find someone else he could build a life with. It might not be a woman that he loved with his heart and soul, but it would be somebody he could settle down with and start a family.

The sound of two familiar voices arguing drew his focus back to the conversation going on around him at the table. Brad couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he glanced at the guilty pair. He loved how Cherise and Lee were so in love with each other, but neither one of them wanted to ever give up control about anything. Their fighting was what made them such an entertaining pair to be around and he wondered which one of them would give in first.

“I don’t want to take a leave of absence from work just because I’m pregnant. The babies won’t be here for another two months. I’m more than capable of going to work and doing my catering job on the side,” Cherise complained, placing her fork back down on her plate as she glared at Lee.

“No, I don’t think it’s a good idea at all. My wife shouldn’t be working right now. It’s not like you need the money. I’ve more than enough to take care of you and our children. Stay at home and relax,” Lee tossed back. “It’s where you should be anyways.”

Brad watched as his sister-in-law leaned back in her seat and folded her hands on her round stomach. Oh, he knew that he was in for a good show now. Cherise only did that when she was digging her heels in for a good fight. Lee should have just kept his mouth shut and let Cherise have her way.

“First, I’m not going to even talk about the last part of your statement. Secondly, what you want isn’t going to happen. I’m more than capable of doing my job and not sitting at home waiting for you barefoot and pregnant,” Cherise said. “Don’t you remember that I did have a life before you came into it Lee.”

“You need to listen to me sweetheart,” Lee said, lowering his voice like he was talking to a pouting child instead of his wife. “I’m only trying to do what is best for you and the babies. You’re too upset right now to see what I’m telling you is right and what you want to do is wrong. I know that your hormones are driving you crazy and after you think about it you’ll see that I know what is best for you.”

Brad couldn’t keep the grin off his face when the rest of his family stopped eating to start watching the action playing out around them. He wondered how long it would be before one of the other family members got involved.

“I agree with my sister,” Traci chimed in. “I think she can work at least until the middle of next month before she goes on bed rest. Look at how well she has been doing so far.”

“Zack, tell your wife to stay out of my conversation with my wife,” Lee said, dipping his spoon into his banana pudding. “Traci has enough to deal with herself so she doesn’t need to meddle in my affairs.”

“Hey, I don’t need Zack to tell me anything,” Traci said before Zack could get a word in.

Brad pushed his half-eaten plate of food away because he would rather watch the entertainment going on around him instead of finishing up his dinner. He always hated driving way out to Lee’s house for these weekly dinners, but in the end something exciting always happen to make the long trip worth it.

“Traci, I think that Lee has Cherise’s best interests at heart. He’s concerned about her like any good husband would be. She’s having twins and he doesn’t want her to overdo it,” Zack said and then leaned over placing a kiss on his wife’s cheek.

“What do you think Dawn?” Cherise asked as she looked at her sister-in-law across the table. “Do you think I need to stay at home with nothing to do, but to watch the next saga in Erica Kane’s life?”

Great…Brad couldn’t wait to hear what Dawn would tell Cherise. Dawn sometimes had a different way at looking at things which made her so much fun to be around.

Dawn wiped her mouth with a napkin and then placed it on her plate. “I can’t really give you my opinion,” she answered. “As soon as Richard found out I was pregnant, he banned me from D4 until I had the baby.”

“I sure did,” Richard admitted looking at Dawn, and Brad saw the love shining in his brother’s eyes. “I would do it again too. You were already gorgeous before you got pregnant and you got even better looking the further you got along. I couldn’t have the male customers drooling over you. You should be glad that I let you do that side job for Hamilton.”

“Sweetheart, Hamilton doesn’t want a married woman with a new baby,” Dawn laughed patting Richard on the hand. “He’s totally over the crush he had on me. God, it was such a long time ago.”

“It wasn’t that long ago,” Richard corrected. “I had to control myself not to rip him apart when you left me to go and work for him. He only did it to get a rise out of me.”

Jealousy ripped at Brad’s heart as he watched the loving way his brothers interacted with their wives. He wanted Alicia sitting here next to him talking about babies and the love they shared for each other. He was the only one with an empty seat next to him.

“Brad, you’re awful quiet tonight,” Lee said. “What’s going on with you? Please don’t tell me you’re thinking about that Hart woman. I told you that you need to let her go. I’ve a couple of single women at work that would love to date you. How about I throw a party and invite them over here. You’re bound to find one of them attractive enough to forget all about that snobby news reporter.”

Closing his eyes, Brad took a deep breath trying not to voice the first words that came instantly into his head. He loved Lee but sometimes he wished that his brother would keep his mouth shut. Alicia was the woman he wanted and if Lee didn’t like that, he didn’t give a damn.