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‘India,’ he said, ‘Thank fuck for that. Why didn’t you answer?’

‘Shut up!’ said a male voice on the other end, ‘And just listen. Miss Sommers is with us. She is safe and will remain so. However, we wish to speak to you. In five minutes a car will pull up outside your accommodation. You will get in the car with no pack or package of any type whatsoever. Do as we say, and you will both be unharmed. If, at anytime we suspect you offer any threat to any of our people, then your stay on Samothrace will be, shall we say, of a permanent nature. Do I make myself clear?’

‘You say we are safe,’ said Brandon, looking around frantically, ‘How do I know you are telling the truth?’

‘You don’t,’ said the man. ‘You have four minutes.’ The phone went dead.

Shit!’ cursed Brandon, and ran back towards the tavern.

Chapter 15

Rome 64 AD

Rubria staggered to her feet, having dropped twice her own height into a pool of filthy water no more than four feet deep. She staggered and fell again as one ankle gave way and a searing pain shot up her leg. Her head dipped below the water and her mouth filled with filth as she cried out in pain. Over and over again she tried to stand, each time falling back under until her outstretched arm found a solid wall and she leaned against the slimy surface, sobbing in the darkness. Her head and shoulders were above the water line but the foul stench made it almost impossible to breath. After a few moments, she realised the water was moving gently in one direction so she started to limp slowly along the wall edge, following the flow of sewage, and, within a few minutes she realised the darkness was easing and she could actually see the surface of the water. Something gently bumped against her head and she lashed out in fright, expecting to feel the soft body of a rat but her hand hit something hard. Before she could identify what it was, it floated away into the gloom and she stayed rigid in fright as she gathered her strength.

She moved further forward, eager to reach the source of the light but the way was soon obstructed by something below the water line. She pushed it away with her foot but it only went so far due it being tethered to the wall by a chain. Her hand reached down and grasped what she thought was some sort of spear haft, but what she pulled to the surface finally sent her over the edge. Held in her own hand was the rotting remains of a human arm.

Rubria screamed and span away, only to bump into a floating corpse and suddenly she realised the many shapes now visible in the gloom were the rotting remains of human bodies. Over and over again she screamed and forced her way through the filth towards the light, sobbing as she pushed the remains out of her way. Finally, she fell against an iron grill set into the wall, and grasped two of the bars as she gulped in the fresh air.

‘Please,’ she whimpered, ‘Somebody help me.’

‘It’s okay, Miss,’ said a familiar voice. ‘I am here.’

Centurion Dragus was in the barracks, when the alarm came. He and his men were taking a meal and some hard earned rest after two full days fighting fires around the city.

Stand to!’ came the shout, echoing through the corridors of the barracks. ‘Everyone to their posts.’

‘Fuck,’ said Dragus and stood up, leaving the stew where it was but grabbing some of the rolls from the centre of the table as he went. All around him, legionaries were grabbing their equipment and strapping on their sword belts.

Optio!’ he shouted, ‘Get the rest of the Century and form up outside. I’ll find out what is going on.’ He ran out and met Septimus, the duty Centurion in charge of the palace guard. ‘What’s the situation?’ asked Dragus.

‘The overseer has been found dead in the Emperor’s quarters,’ said Septimus. ‘Killed with a Gladius.’

‘Another slave?’ suggested Dragus.

‘Possibly,’ said Septimus, ‘But it’s more likely Nero’s pet Priestess wielded the blade. The overseer was found in her cell and she is missing.’

‘Wait,’ interrupted Dragus. ‘Who has disappeared? What the fuck are you talking about?’

‘You know,’ said Septimus, ‘The Vestal Virgin Nero has been screwing for the past three days.’ He looked at Dragus’s blank face. ‘Don’t tell me you didn’t know,’ said Septimus, ‘It’s been the talk of the palace.’

‘I’ve been on patrol to Ostia for the last week,’ he said, ‘And the last two days I have been fighting fires in the city.’

‘It matters not,’ said Septimus. ‘All you need to know is the bitch has killed the slave overseer and fled the palace with an accomplice. How they did that, I don’t know as all exits are guarded, but that’s where we come in. Take your men down to the Temple and see if she fled there. We will search the palace grounds. They can’t have gone far.’

‘What was her name?’ asked Dragus, already dreading the answer.

‘Who do you think?’ said Septimus, ‘The prettiest one, Rubria. Say what you want about our glorious Emperor, but you can’t fault his taste in women.’ He pushed past Dragus and joined his own unit to organise the response.

Dragus stared at the wall for a few moments gathering his thoughts before doing the same. He ran outside as the last of his men were lining up.

‘Optio,’ he shouted, ‘I am going down the Palatine. When the men are ready, follow me down, form a cordon around the Forum and wait for my orders. No one goes in until I say so. Do you understand?’

‘Yes sir,’ answered his second in command, and re-entered the barracks to organise the century.

Dragus jogged across the barrack square and towards the Palace gates.

Rubria sat in a side alley, shivering in the darkness, Rose was busy ferrying water back and fore from a drinking fountain in one of the many squares in the city. She kneeled alongside Rubria, sponging the filth from her face and hair.

‘Miss, you’re shivering,’ she said, ‘We have to get you moving. I have a friend who serves a landlord near here, she will give us shelter.’

‘No,’ said Rubria, ‘But you are right, we cannot stay here. I have to get to the Temple. Can you lend me your cape?’

‘But, miss…’

‘I promise I will replace it, Rose,’ she said.

‘It’s not that, Miss,’ said the slave, ‘My cape is yours, but surely you are too holy for a rag such as this.’

Rubria grabbed the girl’s hand.

‘If I am captured then I cannot warn the sisters. Your cape will ensure I am not recognised. I promise I will have it replaced.’

‘I care not about the cape, Miss,’ said Rose. ‘I will do anything in my power to serve the Great Mother. You are welcome to the last thread of clothing on my back if it helps.

Rubria smiled.

‘There will be no need for that, Rose,’ she said, ‘Just lend me the cape and go back to the palace before you’re missed.’

‘I’m coming with you,’ said the girl.

‘Don’t be silly, Rose,’ answered Rubria, ‘There is no need for you to get involved, No one knows about the overseer except you and me, If I am caught, I swear I will take our secret to the grave. With all this confusion about the fires and with the blessing of the Goddess, you may just get back without anyone even noticing you have even been away.’

‘It’s too late for that, Miss,’ said Rose, glumly.

‘Why? What’s happened?’

‘I was seen removing the keys from the overseer’s body,’ she said. ‘The girl enjoyed his favour and when she saw me crouched over him swore she would report me to the guard. I couldn’t let her do that.’

‘Rose, you didn’t…’

‘Oh, she’s not hurt, Miss. Well, not much, though I have locked her in the cell. I don’t know how long it will be before she comes around but with her mouth it will be only minutes before she summons the guard. So you see, I cannot go back, and I have nowhere to go. If I can come with you, at least my last few hours of this life will be in the service of the Goddess. Please don’t deny me this.’