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‘Shit!’ he said and keeled over backwards into the snow. India span around in terror, only to come face to face with the barrel of a silenced pistol aiming directly at her forehead.

‘Hello, Miss Sommers,’ said the distinctive voice, ‘We meet again.’

Gatilusi,’ gasped India, in shock.

‘The very same.’

India stared at the gun, holding her breath as she waited for the flash that would end her life.

‘Are you going to kill me?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know,’ he said, and stepped forward, placing the cold barrel against the skin on her forehead.

India closed her eyes and waited to die.

‘No,’ he said eventually, ‘I may have need of you.’

She exhaled slowly and opened her eyes.

‘Don’t try anything stupid, Miss Sommers, I do not want to hurt you, but if you cause me any problems, I will shoot. Do you understand?’

India nodded silently.

Gatilusi lowered the gun and stared at her.

‘What are you doing here?’ she asked, nervously.

‘Looking to return something to it’s rightful home.’

‘The Palladium?’

‘It belongs in my country, Miss Sommers and I will stop at nothing to retrieve it.’

‘All these dead people …’.started India

‘Will not be missed,’ interrupted Gatilusi, ‘They are agents employed by the order and officially are not in the country. My people will ensure their bodies are not found.’

‘But what about him?’ asked India, looking at the body of the taxi driver, ‘He wasn’t part of this mess.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Gatilusi, ‘He was coming at you with an iron bar.’

‘He helped me escape,’ said India.

Gatilusi looked down at the body of the taxi driver.

‘He wasn’t one of them?’

‘No, he was as much a Victim as me.’

‘Then I am truly sorry,’ said ‘Gatilusi, but I suspect the order had arranged his disappearance anyway. One more missing person won’t unduly worry the police.’

‘We have to help him,’ said India.’

‘Too late,’ said Gatilusi, ‘He’s already dead.’

‘.I don’t understand,’ said India, ‘Why are you killing people, and how come you’re over here?’

‘My people followed you and your friend from Samothrace,’ he said. ‘It wasn’t difficult. All we had to do was be patient and you led us straight here.’

‘But I was kidnapped.’

‘Yes, we lost you for a while, but luckily your friend is very diligent and he led us here.’

‘Brandon is definitely here?’

‘He is, and that’s why I need you. You are my insurance policy. Now, turn around and make your way into the convent, and no funny stuff.’

A terrified India led the way towards the building closely followed by the Greek policeman holding his gun against her back. She stopped at the door and glanced back over her shoulder.

‘You won’t get away with this,’ she said nervously, ‘We know all about you and your secret society.

‘Do you really, and what exactly is it that you think you know?’

‘We know you are into kidnapping, murder and theft,’ said India, ‘Isn’t that enough to start with?’

‘Speculation,’ he said, ‘The authorities have nothing.’

‘Okay,’ she said, grasping at straws, ‘We know your organisation is called Mortuus Virgo.’

A smile played around his mouth.

‘Oh, this is good,’ he laughed, ‘You think I represent Mortuus Virgo?’

‘Don’t you?’

‘Oh no, Miss Sommers, I don’t, and that simple statement reveals how little you really do know. You think I am a dangerous man, and in a way, I suppose I am, but I am not on the same scale as Mortuus Virgo.’

‘Why, who are they?’

‘I think you are about to find out, Miss Sommers,’ he said, ‘Now move. He nudged her in the back with his gun and she stepped into the silent entrance hall of the convent.

Chapter 33

England 2010

‘Please, don’t be frightened,’ hissed Brandon, ‘I mean you no harm.’

Sister Bernice froze, her eyes bulging in fear as the hand clamped tightly around her mouth.

‘Okay,’ said Brandon, ‘I’m going to take my hand away. If you promise not to scream, I will explain everything, but if you call out I will have to tie you up and gag you. Like I said, I mean you no harm. Do you understand?’

Bernice nodded and Brandon slowly removed his hand from her mouth. She turned around slowly and gasped when she looked into his blackened face.

‘Don’t be frightened,’ said Brandon again, ‘Please sit down and I will try to explain.’

Bernice walked sideways and sat on the bed, never taking her eyes from Brandon.

‘Good,’ he said and pulled up the single stool and placed it before her.

‘Okay,’ he said again, sitting in front of her, ‘My name is Brandon and I work for the government. I am seeking a missing woman and I have reason to believe she is somewhere in this building.’

‘How did you get in here?’ whispered Bernice, ‘The door was locked.’

‘Don’t I know it,’ said Brandon, ‘I came in through there. He indicated the arched window high on the wall. Sorry, I had to break a small pane of glass but I will get it replaced, I promise. I couldn’t use the normal ways in, far too many security guards.’

‘How long have you been here?’

‘Not long, I was trying to pick the lock when you returned.’

‘You said you are seeking a missing woman, what makes you think she is here?’

‘The van she was abducted in came here yesterday morning. At least, I think she was in the van.’

‘You’re not sure?’

‘Look, it’s a bit complicated,’ he said, ‘And I’d love to explain, but I think her life may be in danger.’

‘What do you intend to do?’

‘To be honest, I’m not sure yet,’ he said, ‘I would like to have a look around and try to find her if I can. But that depends on you.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I know it is asking a lot but as you’re here, perhaps you can make this a bit easier. If you could just make some suggestions as the best place to look I can get out of here even quicker and leave you to your business.

‘Just wait a minute,’ said Bernice, ‘You break in here, into a holy house with some extraordinary story about abduction and expect me to help you. Who do you think you are?’

‘I know it looks strange,’ said Brandon, ‘But you have to admit, there are things going on around here that are hard to understand.’

‘Like what?’

‘Well, for a start, the whole building is guarded by a dozen men with guns. That and the fact that the last place anyone saw my friend alive was in a house in London, and a van matching the description of the one outside was seen leaving that address less than an hour after she went in.’

‘What address?’ asked Bernice.


‘The address of the house in London, what is it?’

‘Don’t know the details but it is just off Victoria Station.’

‘Isis house, ‘said Bernice quietly, ‘The property belongs to the order and we use it when carrying out charity work in London.’

Brandon fell quiet and stared at the Nun in silence as she obviously digested all the information. Finally she looked up at him again.

‘Okay,’ she said, ‘What do you want me to do?’

‘Nothing much,’ he said, ‘Just describe the inside of the convent to me. Think of anywhere they may keep someone locked up. An attic, an office, even a cellar. Somewhere like this must be riddled with old rooms.’

‘Look, Mr ….?’

‘Walker,’ he said ‘Brandon Walker’

‘Look, Mr Walker, I don’t know if what your telling me is true or not, but I agree there may be something strange going on.’

‘Like what, exactly?’

‘Like the murder of the Mother Superior,’ she said dramatically.


Bernice spent the next few minutes explaining the details of what had happened.