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‘Summon those who honour the veil of the Virgin,’ ordered the priest.’

All six Nuns retreated from the fire, each making their way to the cell doors. The Priest struck the floor once more with his staff and each Nun slid back the locking bars and opened their respective doors.What happened next caused Brandon’s jaw to fall open in astonishment and horror.

Out of each door, came a small girl draped in white silk, each no more than ten years old. Each Nun took the hand of a child and led them back to the fire pit, but this time, with the children filling the gaps to complete the whole circle.

‘Holy shit!’ whispered Brandon, as he watched them hold hands again and restart the ceremony.

‘They are using children,’ gasped India, ‘Indoctrinating them in the ways of Vesta.’

‘Just like they did in Rome thousands of years ago,’ said Gatilusi.

‘But how?’ asked India, ‘Who on Earth would allow their daughters to submit to this sort of life in this day and age?’

‘I don’t think any of these are here with parental consent,’ said Brandon, ‘If I am correct, I wouldn’t mind betting these girls have been taken against their will from the streets of London.’

‘I am not so sure,’ said India, ‘Surely they would be missed.’

‘Think about it,’ said Brandon, These Nuns run soup kitchens in the worst parts of London. They get to meet the destitute and the desperate on a daily basis. Stay out there long enough and eventually an ideal candidate would come along. Perhaps a young mother with a child she doesn’t want.’

‘If that’s true,’ said Brandon, ‘Why kidnap a ten year old girl from the streets of London.’

‘Who knows?’ said Gatilusi, ‘Perhaps the supply of babies dried up, or there was a death. It is very important to these people that the number of acolytes is maintained at six, however drastic the measures needed.’

‘But why?’ asked Brandon, ‘I don’t understand the reasoning behind it. Surely they know it is only a matter of time before they are caught.’

Gatilusi smirked.

‘You think this is new?’ he asked sarcastically, ‘Mortuus Virgo bases its religion around the core of six Vestal Virgins and has done for thousands of years. Like I said earlier, some of the most important people in the world are devotees. You think the Masons are secretive, this lot makes them look like modern day celebrities. They have the power to cover up any indiscretions they need to.’

‘But, that’s awful,’ said India, ‘Are you saying that there have always been young girls used in this way?’

‘Exactly that,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Probably since this place was built a couple of thousand years ago.’

‘But surely someone, somewhere over all that time would have found out. What about when they grow up and realise there is a big wide world out there?’

‘Who said they are allowed to grow up?’ asked Gatilusi.

Brandon and India stared at the Greek in horror as the implications sunk in.

‘I’m not certain,’ continued Gatilusi, ‘But in the past they probably grew up in an age of seclusion and devotion. The world was a much more isolated place then. But as society changed, the people in power became corrupt and the meaning of an innocent Pagan religion became more sinister. Eventually, the people in charge could not afford the risk of being discovered. The longer it went on, the more secretive the order became until it became a self perpetuating monster.’

‘So what are you saying?’ asked India

‘Why take the risk that the girls grow up and leave the order?’ asked Gatilusi, ‘When there are plenty of replacements out there. When one of the Virgins gets too old or starts to ask awkward questions, all they need to do is select a replacement from the big wide world.’

‘But what about the original?’ asked India, ‘What happens to her?’

Gatilusi stared at her before answering.

‘The clue is in the name, pretty lady,’ he said, ‘Mortuus Virgo, The dead Virgins!’

‘No, you must be wrong,’ said India, ‘Despite everything, this is a religious order. They would not condone murder.’

‘The Nuns may not,’ said Gatilusi, ‘But don’t underestimate who you are dealing with here. I have devoted half of my life chasing their shadows, yet at every turn they manage to cover their tracks. Their influence extends in to every walk of life, Police, organised crime, politicians and clergy. Their network extends all over the world and they will do everything in their power to ensure the cult continues and their secrets are kept, and if that means some people disappear, then so be it. Corruption follows them like a bad smell.’

‘Do you think Camille is down there?’ asked India.

‘No!’ said Brandon, ‘Those girls look too well versed in their responses. Camille hasn’t been missing long enough to learn the litanies. I think she is probably being held in one of those locked rooms, waiting for the brainwashing that this lot obviously employs.’

Shit!’ gasped India, and she threw herself down behind the wall in fear.

‘What’s the matter?’ asked Brandon.

‘I think he saw me,’ she gasped.

‘Are you sure?’

‘No I am not sure,’ she hissed, ‘He’s wearing a mask for fuck sake, but he raised his head and looked in this direction.’

The three of them stared at each other for a few moments before Gatilusi spoke.

‘We have to go down there,’ he said.

Bullshit,’ hissed Brandon, ‘If he sees us, he’ll probably call his security.’

‘We have no other option,’ said Gatilusi, drawing his gun, ‘If he saw the girl, then they are probably on their way already.’

Brandon paused.

Do you want that girl, or not,’ hissed Gatilusi.

‘Of course,’ said Brandon.

‘Then its now or never,’ said Gatilusi, and raising himself into a crouch, he ran towards the stairs.

Fuck,’ cursed Brandon and followed Gatilusi down into the cavern.

The masked figure on the balcony span away from his followers, surprised at the commotion. He lifted his staff and pointed it at to the two men running down the stairs.

Unbelievers,’ he roared, as the ceremony came to a stuttering halt.

For a few seconds, nobody moved as they stared in confusion at the approaching men until one of the young girls saw the gun in Gatilusi’s hand and screamed in fright. Each of the Nuns grabbed one of the young girls in a protective embrace, and faced the interlopers.

Nobody move,’ shouted Gatilusi, brandishing his gun as he walked towards the nuns, ‘We don’t want to hurt anyone.’ He pointed the gun upwards to the male figure still on the balcony.

‘You, come down here.’

The man moved slightly and pressed a hidden switch with his foot.

‘You will not get away with this,’ he said, the voice muffled slightly by the immobile lips of the mask, ‘You do not know who you are dealing with.’

‘Let me worry about that,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Now, get your arse down here.’ When the man still did not move, Gatilusi grabbed the nearest Nun and held his gun to her head.

‘Stop it,’ shouted India, running down the stairs behind them, ‘Brandon, stop him!’

‘Last chance, weirdo,’ shouted Gatilusi.

‘No need for that,’ hissed Brandon.

‘We don’t have time for games,’ said Gatilusi, ‘I am too close. Now, why don’t you persuade him to come down here, before this trigger finger gets twitchy?’

‘I suggest you do as he says,’ called Brandon, ‘He has already killed more than one man today.’

The masked priest slowly made his way down the stairs from his pulpit and walked towards the Greek police officer, stopping a few paces before him.

‘Take it off,’ said Gatilusi, pointing his gun at the mask.

After a pause, the caped figure raised his hands and lifted the mask, revealing the face of a young man. A quiet gasp escaped the throats of most of the Nuns present, who, until now, were unaware of the identity of their Pontifex Maximus.