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Jacob!’ said one of the Nuns in astonishment.

‘You know him?’ asked Gatilusi

‘He is the caretaker’s son,’ said the Nun.

India stepped forward and slapped Jacob across the face.

Whoa!’ shouted Brandon, ‘What’s all that about?’

‘He’s the man who abducted me from the hotel,’ said India, ‘I have never been so scared in all my life.’

Brandon looked at the man, and recognised the face from the hotel CCTV the previous day.

‘So it is,’ he said.

Jacob rubbed his face slowly.

‘You will regret that,’ he said.

‘I don’t give a shit,’ said India, ‘It feels good right now.’

‘Enough,’ said Gatilusi, ‘You, get down on your knees.’

‘And who are you, exactly,’ answered Jacob.

‘That doesn’t concern you,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Suffice to say you have something I need, and I am not leaving here without it.’

‘And what would that be?’ answered the Priest.

‘The statue of Pallus Athena,’ said Gatilusi.

‘The Palladium?’ said Jacob, ‘You think we have the Palladium here. Oh this is good. If you knew anything about your history you would know it has been buried beneath the pillar of Constantinople for over fifteen hundred years. You have wasted your time friend, the Palladium is a thousand miles and two thousand years away.’

Gatilusi smashed the man across the head with his gun, sending him sprawling to the floor.

‘Enough,’ shouted Brandon, ‘This is getting us nowhere.’

Gatilusi dragged the man back to his feet and placed his pistol under his chin.

‘Okay, Marcus Vibius or Jacob, whatever your name is, I’ll get straight to the point. I know Rubria brought the Palladium here sometime after Nero’s fire. I also know she was the one who founded this cult and based it around the Palladium. Now, if you tell me where it is, no one will get hurt, I will return the Palladium to its rightful home and you can return to your pathetic religious games. However, if you don’t tell me what I want to know, then you or some of your deluded friends are going to meet Vesta rather sooner than you think. Now, it’s very simple. Tell me where the Palladium is.’

‘You think I am afraid to die?’ sneered Jacob, ‘Our existence is ruled by the Pagan Gods and this life is just a stepping stone to the next.’

‘I thought you would say that,’ said Gatilusi, with a false smile, ‘So I came prepared!’ Without any warning he lowered his gun and shot Jacob through the knee.

The Priest fell to the floor, screaming in agony.

For fuck sake!’ shouted Brandon and stepped forward to intervene.

‘Stop there,’ shouted Gatilusi and pointed his gun at Brandon’s head. ‘I don’t have the time or inclination to play silly games with this lunatic.’

‘There’s no need for this,’ said Brandon, ‘Let’s just find what we each came for and get out of here. No need for anyone else to get hurt.’

‘Well that’s up to him,’ said Gatilusi.

Brandon looked at the man writhing in agony on the floor. His knee cap had shattered outwards and his lower leg was a mess of blood and cartilage. He had seen injuries like this before in Northern Ireland and knew the man would never walk normally again.

Gatilusi bent down and spoke quietly to Jacob.

‘You see,’ he said, ‘I have met nutters like you before, and when they are reminded that their ideals seldom match up to reality, then they always change their mind. Now, there are no arteries damaged so you will live, but the longer you hold out the greater the pain will be. In one minute, I will destroy the other knee, followed by both elbows, then your balls. I might even smash all your teeth. You probably won’t die but, but almost certainly end up as nothing more than an impotent torso in no control of his limbs. You will need people like these to spoon feed you porridge and wipe your arse. So, think carefully how you wish to proceed, Mr Priest, but, while you do, let me give you a little reminder of the sort of pain you are facing here.’

He stood up and placed his foot into Jacob’s shattered knee and twisted it downwards causing the caretaker’s son to scream in agony once again.

‘Clock is ticking, young man,’ said Gatilusi.

‘It’s not here,’ shouted Jacob through the pain, ‘I don’t know where it is.’

‘Shame,’ said Gatilusi, ‘The doctors may be able to fix what is left of your leg. Oh, you’ll have a severe limp, but if I do the other one, it’s at least a wheelchair job. Thirty seconds to regain your memory.’

India walked over and joined Brandon.

‘There’s no sign of her,’ she said, ‘I’ve checked all the cells and Camille isn’t here.’

‘I don’t understand,’ said Brandon, ‘She must be here somewhere.’

‘Ten seconds,’ said Gatilusi.

‘Don’t do this,’ said Brandon.

‘Shut up,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Time’s up!’ He aimed the gun at Jacob’s other knee

Stop!’ shouted Sister Agnes, ‘For the love of God, you have to stop this madness.’

‘And who are you?’ asked Gatilusi.

‘I am Sister Agnes,’ said the Nun. ‘Nothing is worth the death of any individual. Why are you here, what is it you want?’

Gatilusi lifted his gun.

‘At last,’ he said, ‘Someone with a bit of sense. It is very simple, Sister, I want the Palladium and your Master here reckons it’s not here.’

She looked down at the semi conscious man.

‘He is telling the truth,’ she said, ‘It isn’t.’

‘Wrong answer,’ said Gatilusi, and aimed the gun again.

‘Wait!’ shouted the Nun. ‘I am telling the truth. The Palladium is not here and hasn’t been for two thousand years.’

‘That’s not true,’ said Gatilusi, ‘I know it is here. We have evidence that Rubria came to Britain and brought the Palladium with her.’

‘She did,’ said Sister Agnes, ‘But it is not here in this convent.’

‘Do you know where it is?’ asked Gatilusi.

‘In a manner of speaking,’ said Agnes.

‘Then what are we waiting for?’ asked the Greek, ‘Take me to it.’

‘I can’t,’ said Sister Agnes.

‘Oh for Christ’s sake,’ said Gatilusi looking upwards, ‘Will everyone stop playing these fucking games.’ His voice rose in anger. ‘Last chance, Sister!’ he shouted and placed the gun against Jacob’s head, ‘Take me to the Palladium or this man dies right now!’

I can’t,’ shouted Sister Agnes in terror, ‘It is buried with Rubria.’

The room fell silent before Gatilusi spoke again.

‘What do you mean?’ he asked.

‘You are correct,’ said Agnes, ‘Rubria did indeed bring the Palladium here and this place stems from her devotion. But she never got to see this Temple. Not long after she arrived she died in childbirth. The following she had already built up, buried the Palladium with her in tribute to her holiness.’

‘In here?’

‘No, this place came later.’

‘Then, where?’

‘Nobody knows. There was probably a tomb at one stage but it has been lost over the centuries. The Palladium, along with the remains of Rubria has been lost forever.’

‘I don’t believe you,’ said Gatilusi eventually.

‘Why would I lie?’ asked Agnes gently, ‘I have nothing to gain.’

‘Except to retain possession of the Palladium,’ said Gatilusi.

‘The Palladium was a piece of wood,’ said Agnes, ‘We worship the Holy Mother. Her aura is of peace, love and family, not pain and death. We do not need a redundant piece of wood to honour her name.’

Gatilusi lowered his gun.

‘This is true?’ he asked.

‘Yes,’ said Agnes, ‘In the name of all that is holy, I give you my word.’

‘And nobody knows where she is buried.’

‘Not that I know of.’

‘You said she had a child,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Are there any descendants?’