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‘What now?’ gasped Gatilusi, swapping weapons with Brandon.

‘I don’t know,’ said Brandon,’ But I’m not going to just sit back and take it. How many shots have you got?’

‘Two mags,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Forty rounds in total, you?’

‘Eighty,’ said Brandon, ‘Not a lot, but it may keep them away or a while.’

‘Then what?’

‘I don’t know.’ He turned to Sister Agnes.

‘Is there any other exit to this place?’ he asked.

‘Only the chamber of the Pontifex Maximus,’ she said pointing up to the Balcony from where Jacob had descended earlier, ‘But I don’t know where it leads.’

‘Okay,’ he said, ‘This is what we will do. Gatilusi and I will give covering fire while you and your colleagues get everyone up those stairs as fast as you can.’

‘Will we have enough time?’ asked India.

‘We have enough rounds for just under a minute,’ said Brandon, reloading his pistol with a fresh magazine, ‘So when the shooting starts, make sure that everyone knows exactly what they must do. As soon as we run out of ammo, they will pick us off like rats in a barrel.’

Thirty seconds later, India turned to Brandon.

‘Ready,’ she said, ‘They are scared but know what to do.’

Brandon turned to Gatilusi.

‘Okay sharpshooter,’ he said, ‘As soon as the last one is up the stairs, you and I cover each other and follow them up. Agreed?’

‘Agreed,’ said Gatilusi, ‘Ready? Go.’

Once more Brandon and Gatilusi jumped up and started firing at the balcony, only easing off when all the gunmen had dropped once more behind the wall. In his peripheral vision he could see a line of children and the six Nuns climbing the stair as fast as they could. Up above, Mr Smith realised what was happening and shouted an order to his men.

‘Get up,’ he screamed, ‘Their getting away.’

A few of the gunmen took their chances and sprang up to engage the Gatilusi and Brandon. A hail of bullets flew in either direction as the fire fight broke out until at last, Brandon ducked once more behind the wall. He looked up at the doorway above and saw the back of India, disappearing through the archway.

‘Right,’ he said, ‘Our turn, ammo?’

‘Just a couple left,’ said Gatilusi. Brandon threw him his last magazine. ‘One full mag each,’ he said, ‘Make them count. Ready?’

‘Let’s go,’ said Gatilusi and jumped up to run towards the stairs.

Brandon aimed up at the balcony and started to reverse towards the stairs, giving covering fire. Halfway up the steps, Gatilusi stopped and joined in the shooting to allow Brandon to catch up. The continued to cover each other until Brandon’s gun clicked on an empty magazine.

Empty,’ he shouted and turned to sprint the last few steps to the balcony, passing Gatilusi on the way.

Me too,’ said Gatilusi, as his gun too fell silent. For a few seconds the cavern was silent before the gunmen realised their advantage and jumped up to return the fire. Several shots ricotched off the rocky walls around them, as they raced through the archway and into the space beyond.

A few yards in, both men stopped in confusion. They had expected to find a passage of some sort, but instead the found a small chamber, sealed at one end by a solid looking door, the only other way out. To one side, all the children and Nuns were huddled together in a frightened group.

‘It’s locked,’ said India, a look of terror on her face.

Brandon ran towards the door and examined it closely.

‘Can you break it down?’ asked India.

‘No,’ he said, ‘It’s solid Oak.’

‘Then we are trapped!’

‘Sorry, India,’ he said, ‘It was our only chance.’

She stared at him for a while, before smiling gently and, tiptoeing up to reach him, kissed him gently on the lips.

‘What’s that for?’ he asked.

‘Just wanted to see what it felt like?’ she said, ‘Before it is too late.’

She smiled again and walked over to join the Nuns as they sat the children down, cross legged on the floor. Sister Agnes started a prayer.

Brandon and Gatilusi watched them for a few minutes before Brandon reached down and slid out a knife from within the side of his boot.

‘What are you going to do with that?’ asked Gatilusi, ‘They’ve all got guns.’

‘I am going to try to reason with him,’ he said, ‘And If I can get close enough, perhaps I can take him hostage.’

‘That’s a shit idea,’ said Gatilusi.

‘Maybe it is,’ said Brandon, ‘But it’s the’ only one I got left.’

‘They’ll never fall for it,’ said Gatilusi, You won’t get halfway down the stairs.’

‘Perhaps not,’ said Brandon, ‘But I’m not going to wait here and do nothing.’

Gatilusi stepped forward and offered his hand in friendship.

‘Nice knowing you, Brandon,’ he said, ‘Good luck.’

Brandon hesitated, but took the man’s hand.

‘You almost had it,’ he said.

‘The Palladium?’


‘Wasn’t meant to be,’ said Gatilusi, ‘The Goddess had us fooled all along.’

‘Seems like she did,’ said Brandon.

He looked towards India who was busy comforting one of the crying girls. She looked up and, after a moment, sent him a gentle smile.

He nodded and smiled back.

‘Time to go,’ said Brandon and walked back towards the archway, but as he entered the Cavern once more, he was blown backwards by a blinding explosion.

Chapter 36

England 2010

‘Steady,’ said India, as Brandon struggled back to consciousness, ‘Slowly does it.’

Brandon groaned. He could feel India’s hands on his face and knew he was lying on his back. His head ached, and his skin felt hot. He knew something awful had happened but could not remember what. He opened his eyes slowly.

‘I can’t see,’ he said, ‘I’m blind.’

‘Don’t be so bloody dramatic,’ said a familiar male voice, ‘The effects will wear off soon enough.’

‘Who’s that,’ asked Brandon.

‘Cheeky fucker!’ said the voice in amusement.

‘All in good time,’ said India, ‘You just rest for a few moments.’

India poured some water from one of the bottles they had been given onto a handkerchief and dabbed it on Brandon’s face. Slowly, Brandon regained his senses and sat up alongside India. He looked around the room, his vision clearing up by the second.

‘Feeling better?’ asked India.

‘Much,’ said Brandon, ‘What happened?

‘You happened,’ said India, You saved us, Brandon.’

‘How? I don’t understand.’

‘Your mates, the special forces you promised,’ said India, ‘They turned up just in time. It seems you managed to send the signal after all.’

Brandon patted his pockets.

‘I can’t have,’ said Brandon, ‘I don’t have my transceiver, I’ve lost it somewhere.’

‘Well, someone pressed the panic button,’ said a familiar voice, ‘And here we are. Just in time too, it would seem.’

Brandon looked up at the special forces officer standing over him. He was dressed head to foot in black combat gear, and the tinted visor of his assault helmet was lifted up revealing his sweating face.

‘Mike, you old bastard,’ said Brandon, ‘What are you doing here. I thought you were flying a desk these days.’

‘You didn’t think I was going to miss this one, did you?’ asked his old friend. ‘We have been following you for days. All other leads in the Camille case have come to nought so when it became clearer your investigations were getting somewhere, we prepared for the worst. As soon as that signal came, we came in John Wayne style.’

‘But you told me the case was cancelled,’ said Brandon.

‘Had to’, said Mike, ‘Boss’s orders. This thing is so sensitive; we had to keep you at arm’s length. Just in case you pissed someone off right at the top.’

‘Nice to feel wanted,’ said Brandon.