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‘Come on, mate,’ said Mike, ‘You know the score.’

‘Just a number, right?’

‘Just a number,’ confirmed his friend.

‘Anyway,’ said Brandon, ‘How did it go?’

‘Seamless,’ said Mike, ‘Caught then with their pants down, so to speak. No casualties on our side, though some of the bad guys will have a headache for days.’

‘I know how they feel,’ said Brandon, ‘What was that thing?’

‘Stun grenade,’ said Mike.

‘Naah, too big,’ said Brandon.

‘New version,’ said Mike, ‘Designed for larger spaces like this one, takes everyone out in one hit. Incapacitates anyone in range for over ten minutes.’

‘Wow,’ said Brandon, ‘That’s some firepower.’

‘Keeps the body count down,’ said Mike, ‘And you caught it full frontal. Anyway, how are you doing? Feel strong enough to shed some light on this mess?’

‘Think so,’ said Brandon, ‘Help me up.’

India and Mike took an arm each and lifted him to his feet.

‘Where is everyone?’ asked Brandon looking around.

‘They’re fine,’ said India, ‘They’ve been taken back through to the convent. A fleet of police cars and ambulances are on their way as we speak.’

‘What about Mr Smith and his friends?’

‘We’ve got them secured,’ said Mike, ‘Borrowed some of the Nun’s cells.’

They made their way past the pulpit and down the wooden stairs to the cavern floor. Several soldiers were dotted around the room, automatic rifles held across their chest, alert to any further danger. Two more were kneeling down alongside someone in the centre, a rucksack open at their side. They had removed their helmets and flak jackets, and were working furiously to save a wounded man.

‘Who’s that?’ asked Brandon.

‘Hoped you could tell me,’ he said, ‘Got a smashed knee and a chest wound. We’re doing our best but don’t think he’s gonna make it.’

‘That’s Jacob,’ said Brandon, ‘The caretaker’s son and self styled high priest. It seems like he is the one responsible for the two girls in Victoria.’

‘What about Camille?’ asked Mike, ‘Any sign of her?’

‘No,’ said Brandon, ‘Only he knows what happened to her. Let’s hope you can save him.’

One of the medics stood up and approached Mike.

‘Sorry Boss,’ he said, ‘We managed to get a drip into him, but he’s losing blood internally. He needs an operating theatre, not a medic.’

‘Shit,’ cursed Brandon, ‘Can I talk to him?’

The soldier looked at Mike, before answering.

‘It’s okay,’ said Mike, ‘He is one of us.’

The medic turned back to Brandon,

‘He is conscious,’ he said, ‘But only just. He won’t last long.’

‘Then I have to speak to him.’ He walked over and knelt down besides the dying man.

‘Jacob,’ he said, ‘Can you hear me?’

The man opened his eyes slowly.

‘What do you want?’ he asked weakly.

‘I want you to do the right thing, Jacob,’ said Brandon, ‘I want you to tell me where Camille is.’

Jacob smiled weakly.

‘Oh yes, Camille. Still haven’t found her then?’

‘Is she still alive, Jacob?’

‘She may be,’ said Jacob, ‘I don’t know.’

‘Then tell me where she is, Jacob, don’t let another little girl die for nothing.’

‘Am I dying?’ asked Jacob, weakly.

Brandon nodded slowly.

‘You are,’ he said,’

‘Then I have nothing to gain by telling you where she is, you he said and closed his eyes.

Brandon thought quickly.

‘Don’t do this, Jacob,’ he said, ‘In the name of Vesta, don’t let her die.’

Brandon’s gamble paid off and at the sound of the Goddess’s name, the dying man’s eyes flickered open.

‘Don’t you dare use her name in vain,’ he coughed, spraying spots of blood over Brandon’s face. ‘She is greater than anything this world has ever seen. Her name was ancient when Christianity hadn’t even been thought of.’

‘Are you a true follower, Jacob? Do you really believe?’

‘You know I do,’ said Jacob, ‘And I welcome this final journey with open arms.’

‘And how do you think you will be judged, Jacob? At the time of judgement, how do you think Vesta, the Goddess of love, peace and harmony will see the terrible things you have done.’

‘She will know I acted always with her in mind,’ he said, ‘Those who were punished, died because they failed her expectations. They fell short of her high standards.’

‘Because they were not Virgins?’

‘Exactly, and died in the manner that all who failed her have done so throughout history.’

‘Then you have fulfilled your role, Jacob. There is no need for anyone else to die. Go to meet your Goddess with a lighter conscious. Tell me where this last little girl is. Do the right thing and tell me where she is.’

Jacob closed his eyes and Brandon’s head fell forward in defeat. He stood up to leave, when Jacob spoke one last time.

‘Okay,’ he said, ‘I will tell you. Come close.’

India sat on the second step of the stairway, talking to Mike when Brandon approached.

‘Well?’ she asked, ‘What happened?’

‘He died,’ he said.

‘Did he tell you where Camille is?’

‘Not exactly,’ said Brandon, ‘But he did confirm she is probably still alive.’

‘So, how does that help?’

‘It doesn’t,’ said Brandon, ‘But before he died, he did say something else.’


‘He said she is laying in the arms of the Goddess.’

‘The arms of the Goddess?’ repeated India, ‘Is that it?’

‘That’s it.’

‘But what does it mean?’

‘I have no idea,’ said Brandon.

They all stared at each other blankly for a few minutes before India spoke again.

‘What else did he say?’

‘Not much.’

‘You talked with him for several minutes,’ she insisted, ‘He must have said something else.’

‘Only that they died in the way that all such women have died throughout history.’

India’s eyes widened.

‘Of course,’ she said, ‘Why didn’t we see it before?’

‘What?’ asked Brandon, looking at her expectantly.

‘This guy, this whole organisation is based around the rituals of Vesta. Anything he has done has been true to the traditions. Those girls in the train station, they were killed according to the ancient ways of Vesta.’

‘One was flogged and one was crucified,’ said Brandon.

‘Yes but in the beginning, that was the way most of them were killed. Flogging in particular was used by the Pontifex Maximus to discipline wayward priestesses. This guy was being true to his predecessors. Jacob said she is still alive and laying in the arms of the Goddess. That can mean only one thing. She has been buried alive.’

Shit!’ said Brandon, ‘You really think so?’

‘Has to be,’ said India, ‘It is a typical execution method for fallen Vestal Virgins, and despite her age, Jacob’s delusion saw her as soiled and needing punishment. He has buried her somewhere.’

‘Then she is probably dead by now.’

‘Not necessarily, Vestals suffering this punishment were buried with enough food, water and blankets to keep them alive for a long time. It just relies on how much food and water he left her.’

‘But where?’ asked Mike, ‘She could be buried anywhere.’

‘No,’ said India, ‘Not really, the tomb would be quite large and need a lot of work. Most of his days were spent here in this convent. It has to be somewhere near.’

‘An existing room, then,’ said Brandon, ‘This place must be filled with them.’

‘I’m not sure,’ said, India, ‘It is apparent that the Nuns knew nothing about his actions. I think he would have been found out if he was using this place. There has to be an obvious answer.’

‘Wait a minute,’ said Brandon, ‘He was the caretaker’s son, right?’

‘Yes, amongst other things.’

‘Exactly, and one of those tasks was grave digging.’

India stared at him.

‘Of course,’ she said, ‘There must be dozens of tombs in the cemetery that are suitable.’