Also, while the story itself is done, I intent to continue writing more worldbuilding articles for the setting of the story as a whole. Ironically, despite starting the story to help with my worldbuilding, I have kind of been ignoring the worldbuilding side of things. That’s kind of sad, so I hope that will change now that the story is done.
You should publish the story!
I fully intend to look into publishing options, now that the story is done. I’ve been putting this off until Mother of Learning was finished, since it’s bound to be a time-consuming and frustrating task. Since I am almost entirely ignorant of what this will involve, however, I will not make any promises in regards to this.
Do you intend to continue writing after this?
Of course. I like writing and I have plenty of ideas for new stories after this. I’m not sure if the ideas are any good, but I certainly have no shortage of them. I’m going to have to make some story plans and write up some test chapters, but I’ll be sure to come back with another story.
Are you going to write a sequel to Mother of Learning?
Maybe. Definitely not any time soon, but I do have some ideas about a possible sequel eventually. My current idea is that it wouldn’t be nearly as long or grand as the original, and would mostly focus on showing the aftermath of the original and what the characters do in their everyday life. A sort of extended epilogue, more slice-of-life than a grand mystery of the original.
Anyway. This is still in very rough stage, and I can’t even guarantee that it’s going to happen for sure. I guess you’ll just have to wait and see about this one.
What was your inspiration for the story, anyway?
Various Dungeons & Dragons content, the Avernum series of games, Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime, and time loop fanfiction.
Anything else you want to say?
Nope. This is it. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.