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Savage lust roared in her and she clung to him. "I like it, too!" she said in a strangled tone.

"Hey, Mom, is it true animals and people fuck sometimes?"

"Danny! How should I know?"

"I mean, would it be possible?"

The pressure of his hand in her cunt burned wariness out of her. "Why not? Male animals have penises and get erections, just like men do. Females have… have vaginas."

"Yeah, I guess so. I heard someone talking about it. Mom?"


"Mom, I'd sure like to see that once."

"Ugh! I don't know where you'd find an animal that would do it!"

"I mean a male animal and a woman."

"That's even more unlikely! You'd never find a woman who'd do that for you!" She sighed and pressed her thighs together on his hand, then grinned broadly. "Other women aren't going to be thinking just of you. They're not going to do weird things for you like I am."

"But you would, wouldn't you?"


"You'd let an animal fuck you so I could see how it worked, wouldn't you?"


"Wouldn't you, Mom? Just for me?"

That was a safe commitment, she decided. She'd never have to honor it. He never would find an animal trained that way. "Yes. I guess I would, Son. I'm afraid you'd have a hard time finding an animal that accommodating, though."

"No, Mom! I don't think so!"

She laughed contentedly and hugged him. Let him have his fantasies, she thought. Tonight, I've got him.

"Smokey, Mom!" Danny set her on her feet, his hand still firmly locked in her cunt.

She leaned back and gazed into his earnest eyes, shaking her head. "Smokey wouldn't touch a woman, Son. He doesn't know anything about those things. Why, he's never even had a lady donkey!"

"He knows all about hard-ons," Danny insisted. "He's been going around with one half the time this week."

"He has? I didn't notice."

"That's because you don't see him often."

"Having an erection isn't having sex with a woman, Son. I'm afraid that just isn't practical."

"We could at least try!" He sounded irritated and hurt. "You just don't want to. You just said you would without meaning it."

'Danny, I meant it!" Damn it, I really didn't! But I'm not going to admit that. Besides, what's the harm in trying? Smokey's not going to do anything but try to hide.

"Okay! Come on, then!" Her son pulled his hand out of her throbbing pussy and pulled her towards the back of the house. "Let's try, Mom. Just once."

"It's broad daylight, Danny! We can't go out naked like this!"

"Nobody can see us! Not the way you and Dad have the place screened off!"

Convincing or not, he was stronger than she. He gripped her wrist firmly and dragged her with him. They crossed the yard and ducked through the hedge into Smokey's compound. Danny led her into the ass' corral.

"You better use the feed table," he said.

Helen hesitated, surveying the table her husband had insisted on to keep the hay off the ground. It did look the right height, coming almost exactly to the level of the fiery little beast's belly. At the moment, there was a thick layer of sweet-smelling hay on it and Smokey was wandering about disconsolately, his cock projecting from its sheath, rigid and an angry red.

"Good heavens! I see what you mean about erections!" she exclaimed.

Danny urged her across the corral to the feed table. "Just bend over it, I guess," he said.

Reluctantly, she bent forward and lay on her belly on the table, her feet on the pulverized ground. The hay pricked her flesh, but it smelled so sweet and provided such a pleasant cushion she didn't object. Danny began to tie a tag end of frayed rope around her left wrist.

"Danny! What's the big idea?"

He smiled apologetically. "He's going to have enough to get used to without worrying about where you're going. You said so yourself in the dining room."

"Oh, all right." She knew it gave her son an enormous erotic thrill to see her helpless, and it wasn't going to hurt her. She let him knot loops around both wrists and waited to see how he meant to position her. He pulled her forward on the table until her boobs cleared the forward edge and her thighs pressed the opposite side. I don't know why we call it a table, she thought, squirming uncomfortably. It's nothing but a two-by-twelve.

Danny groaned. "You can't do it like that," he said. "That's no good." And then, excitedly, "I know, Mom! Wait!" He raced to the shelter and brought back the tattered old saddle. Helping his mother to her feet, he flung the saddle onto the table, where it appeared to fit as well as it did on Smokey. "Now! Lie over that!"

She lowered her belly onto the saddle, lying precariously across it. Danny tied loops to her ankles, ignoring her hands, and pulled her legs apart to an impossible angle, securing her feet to the table supports. Grasping her waist, he slid her forward so the saddle was under her hips and lower belly, her torso hanging over the other side and her ass in the air. She struggled, but he seized the rope fragments that dangled from her wrists and quickly lashed her wrists to her ankles.

"My God, Danny! Not this way!" She tried to imagine how her cunt must be gaping.

"Mom! This is the greatest! Wow, what a playground!" He ran his hand over her back and onto her ass. "You'd make a great toy!"

"Oh, sure!" She stared at the way her hair swept the ground, shimmering auburn strands brushing dung-rich, dark earth, and looked past her legs at Smokey, still shuffling around the corral with his engorged hard-on bobbing. It's a good thing he's not going to know what to do, she thought with a shudder. That thing's so big it would split me right down the middle! But, God, how it would feel going in!

Danny acted as if he'd momentarily forgotten the donkey. He squatted at her head, reaching around her with both hands to fondle her jugs. "I like the way your tits hang when you're like this, Mom." He chuckled suddenly. "I think I'll milk you!" He repositioned his fingers and began to milk, using the technique he'd briefly practiced at a goat farm his class had visited.

Helen cried out in a burst of excitement. The strange, rolling pressure made her boobs feel as if they were swelling, and her nipples stretched to generate a wild kind of sensation throughout her body. She felt a rush of heat into the dangling tips of her boobs, precisely as if there were milk rushing to be squirted out.

"Danny! My God, Danny baby! You're making an animal out of me!" Her snatch throbbed and fingers of fiery excitement raced over her. "Oh, Son!"

He continued to milk her jugs, until she was thrashing violently on the saddle, the ropes biting viciously into her wrists and ankles. She knew nothing had ever produced even a similar sensation in her tits. "Ohhhh! Danny, you could make me come doing that!"

"Yeah? You really mean that? Hey, I'm going to sometime. Know what? I haven't seen you come yet!"

"No," she gasped, sensing she was nearer an orgasm than at any previous time during the day.

"Mom, a woman can come one time right after another, can't she?"

"Well…" she hesitated. "Sometimes."

"Bitchin'! How many times?"

"I don't know." The sensation in her tits had spread until her entire body felt as if it were being milked. She threw her head up and clenched her teeth, feeling a great churning in her belly. Her head roared and spots danced before her eyes. She would come now if she weren't careful. She dropped her head and tilted it to watch her son's hands. The sight of the strong, dark fingers rolling the flesh of her knockers and crushing her quivering nipples sent a powerful mental stimulus through her. She strained her butt-cheeks apart, then clamped them. A fierce contraction snapped her cunt mouth and raced inward along her barrel, with another and another behind it. She went rigid, forcing her limbs straight and arching her back. Her mouth opened wide, a deep, undulating groan pouring out. Tremors shook her and she knew only that she was lost in a sea of exquisite pleasure.