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Chapter 26

NO MATTER WHAT Huxley and Chantale had told him about…

Chapter 27

HE FOLLOWED THE convoy to a clearing near the sea,…

Chapter 28

IN THE LATE afternoon, Vincent Paul got into a jeep…

Chapter 29

WHAT PASSED FOR nightlife in Pétionville was in full swing…

Chapter 30

MAX CALLED ALLAIN Carver the next morning and told him…

Chapter 31

NWOI ET ROUGE was named after the colors of the…

Chapter 32

CHANTALE DROVE MAX to a café where she ordered a…

Chapter 33

"IT'S NOT THAT we don't care. We do—only we…

Chapter 34

THEY LEFT FOR Saut d'Eau at four a.m. the following…

Chapter 35

TO MOST HAITIANS, Saut d'Eau is a place where the…

Chapter 36

CLARINETTE WAS A village on its way to becoming a…

Chapter 37

THE LEBALLECS LIVED half an hour away from the cemetery,…

Chapter 38

WHEN THEY RETURNED to Clarinette, they asked anyone who looked…

Chapter 39

IT WAS STILL dark when he got back, but the…

Chapter 40

BEFORE SHE'D DISAPPEARED in November 1994, Claudette Thodore had lived…

Chapter 41

"DO YOU STILL think Vincent Paul took Charlie?" Chantale asked…

Chapter 42

MAX WAITED UNTIL nightfall; then he went around to the…

Chapter 43

MAX CONSIDERED TELLING Allain about the tape, but he held…

Part 4

Chapter 44

"HOW ARE YOU feeling?" Vincent Paul asked Max, after he'd…

Chapter 45

"THE WOMAN YOU know as Francesca Carver was once called…

Chapter 46

MAX WAS BLINDFOLDED and put in the back of an…

Chapter 47

THERE WERE FIVE telephone messages waiting for him—Joe, Allain,…

Chapter 48

THE FOLLOWING EVENING Max watched Eloise being picked up outside…

Chapter 49

MAX WAS COLLECTED by Paul's men shortly after three a.m.…

Chapter 50

"CAN WE GET you anything Mister Co-da-da? Water? Coffee? Something…

Chapter 51

ELOISE SHOT MAX a furtive look when he walked into…

Chapter 52

"MAURICE FIRST MET Monsieur Carver—Gustav—in the 1940s. He…

Chapter 53

MAX PACED AROUND in the street outside the house, his…

Chapter 54

THE NEXT MORNING Max woke up with the phone ringing…

Chapter 55

GUSTAV CARVER SMILED warmly when he saw Max walk into…

Chapter 56

ON HIS WAY back, Max stopped off at La Coupole,…

Chapter 57