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Dawson must have felt the same sense of urgency because a moment later, he dragged his mouth away from hers. She barely had time to catch her breath before he spun her around and gently pushed her face down on the bed. Kate’s breath hitched. She’d had sex doggy-style before, but she had a feeling the position was going to be even hotter with her hands tied behind her back.

“Spread your legs for me,” Dawson commanded softly.

Kate obeyed, going up on tiptoe as she did so. Behind her, Dawson grasped her hips in his hands and positioned his cock at the opening of her pussy. She waited breathlessly for him to enter her, but instead he ran the head up and down her wetness.

She moaned, though whether in pleasure or protest, she wasn’t sure. Maybe it was a little of both. While she loved what he was doing, she desperately needed to have that big, thick cock of his inside her. When he finally did stop teasing her and slid into her pussy, she cried out in relief.

Dawson didn’t thrust right away, but stood unmoving, his cock nestled deep. She could feel him pulsing inside her, like a beast waiting to be unleashed, and she gasped when he slowly began to pump in and out.

Wanting him to move faster, Kate tried to rock back against him, but with her hands bound behind her back, she couldn’t get enough leverage and so she was forced to let him control the pace. The reminder that he was in charge and she was his willing submissive was enough to drive her completely wild, and she moaned into the bedding as he moved inside her.

Kate wasn’t sure how it could get any better, but then Dawson lifted his hand and gave her a hard smack on the ass that made her gasp. She tensed, waiting for him to spank her again, and when he didn’t, she lifted her head to give him a pout over her shoulder.

“You didn’t have to stop,” she said.

His mouth quirked. “So, you liked being tied up and spanked, huh? You’re more of a bad girl than I thought.”

Despite all the kinky stuff they’re already done that night, Kate still blushed, and she quickly turned back around before Dawson could see the color suffusing her face. As his hand came down on first one ass cheek, then the other as he continued his slow thrusts, she forgot all about being shy, however, and gave herself over to the pleasurable sensations.

“Harder,” she begged.

“Spank you harder?” he asked, is voice deep and husky. “Or fuck you harder?”

“Both,” she moaned.

Dawson did as she asked, pumping his cock into her forcefully each time his hand connected with her already stinging ass.

“Oh yeah,” she breathed. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

Dawson definitely didn’t stop. He kept spanking her and fucking her harder and harder until she thought they might actually move the bed across the floor. Damn, she’d never been fucked this good in her life.

All at once, Dawson stopped spanking her to grip her hips in both hands. Kate was too close to orgasm to complain, though, especially since he started thrusting into her even harder. That was enough to send her into orbit and she cried out in ecstasy as her pussy spasmed around his cock. Being tied up like she was made her orgasm seem even stronger. Behind her, she heard Dawson let out a hoarse groan and knew he was coming with her.

Kate could have stayed bent over the bed with Dawson inside her all night long, which was why she let out a little sound of protest when he finally pulled out of her. A moment later, she felt him untie her hands and gently pull her to her feet. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her long and hard on the mouth.

When he lifted his head to gaze down at her, his eyes were twinkling. “Was that good?”

She smiled up at him. “Babe, we left good behind a long time ago. That was on a whole ‘nother level of pleasure that Webster’s would have a hard time describing.”

He chuckled. “Let’s see if we can do even better this time.”

Without another word, he swung her up in his arms and set her down on the bed, then joined her.

Chapter Four

The next morning, Dawson would rather have stayed in bed with Kate all day, preferably exploring her love of bondage a little bit more. But since they hadn’t had breakfast with everyone else the day before, they both reluctantly decided they should join the rest of the wedding party down in the hotel restaurant. They didn’t want the bride and groom thinking they were completely blowing off the wedding festivities.

“Any idea what’s on the agenda today?” he asked as he pushed in her chair when they got to the restaurant.

She glanced at him as he sat down beside her. “A digital camera scavenger hunt, I think.”

Dawson groaned inwardly. He’d forgotten about that. Running around San Juan Island with a digital camera trying to find a tree with a yellow bird in it wasn’t exactly his idea of fun, but if he was partnered up with Kate again, then he was all for it. As the bride’s mother went over the rigid list of rules while they were finishing breakfast a little while later, however, he was beginning to rethink that idea. Not only did the woman act like a drill sergeant, but from the way she was talking, it sounded like they weren’t going to get finished with the game for hours. One glance at Kate told him she was thinking the same thing.

He leaned over to put his mouth close to her ear. “What do you say we blow off the scavenger hunt and do some sightseeing instead?”

She smiled. “Sounds like a plan. Just don’t make it obvious.”

Thinking that was probably wise, Dawson decided it was easier to take the neatly typed list of unusual items they were supposed to hunt for when Rachel’s mother handed it to him. If anyone asked afterward, he and Kate could explain they hadn’t managed to find even one item on the list. Once they got outside, everyone was in such a hurry to go their separate ways, it was easy for him and Kate to go off and do their own thing.

Since the hotel was within walking distance of the harbor, they didn’t bother grabbing Dawson’s SUV, but instead followed the historical walking-tour path in that direction. They stopped in various shops along the way, as well as a few art galleries Kate dragged him into. Although he wasn’t really much for artsy stuff, he had to admit he enjoyed watching Kate “oooh” and “ahhh” over the work done by the local artists. Her exuberance for the simple pastime was infectious. As she leaned close to get a better look at an Inuit-inspired sculpture, smiling as if she’d found the next Mona Lisa, he concluded Kate was the type of person who could make doing anything fun.

Spotting a coffee shop on Cannery Landing, they decided to go inside and grab a cup before heading over to check out the shops by the waterfront. By the time they came out of the last one a few hours later, Dawson was shopped out, but was still glad he’d suggested doing the tourist thing nevertheless.

“Since we didn’t go whale watching the other night, do you want to grab a picnic lunch from one of the restaurants and go up to the state park?” he asked as they walked down the steps and onto the sidewalk. “I heard the guy in the bookstore tell some tourists it’s the best place to see them from land.”

Kate looked both surprised and a little confused at that, and for a moment he thought she might not want to do it, but then she smiled. “I’d love to.”

When they got to Lime Kiln State Park a little while later, he and Kate checked out the lighthouse first before finding a secluded spot on the cliffs where they could have lunch and see the killer whales. As they ate their turkey sandwiches and watched the graceful orcas breach and spyhop in the water below, Dawson couldn’t help but think that it felt more like he and Kate were dating rather than having a weekend fling. While he knew that was a slippery slope to go down, especially since she’d made it clear she wasn’t looking for a relationship, he found himself trying to figure out the best way to bring up the subject of continuing their relationship when they got back to Seattle.