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His young body suddenly stiffened, and he groaned deeply from the delicious tickling sensation that ran up and down his twitching rod of lewdly inflated flesh as the sperm began suddenly to well up in his balls and surge toward the burgeoning head of his veined cock.

"Uh… oh, Miss Howell," Jim gasped, his ass sinking down into the mattress as he tried to regain his control. He could feel the cum welling up in his balls, and he knew there wasn't going to be a way in the world for him to keep from shooting off. He was going to cum whether he was ready or not, and if Miss Howell didn't get out of the way he was going to do it right in her face.

The thirty two year old green-eyed beauty sensed the sudden increase of tension in the boy's body. She knew he was going to ejaculate at any minute, and in her excitement she began madly pinching his toes, but Jim didn't notice at all. She began, too, to hunch and jerk her own nearly naked ass even more frantically, squirming the softness of her pussy back and forth on his slender finger that still remained embedded deep up inside her warm cuntal flesh, straining in sheer desperation to obtain her own climax simultaneously with the handsome boy.

Jim groaned again, and she felt him try to jerk his expanding prick free from her tightly compressed lips. But now she was determined. Cruelly, she twisted his poor toes. If he was going to cum, he was going to have to cum this way. She wanted it, though she couldn't even have explained why. She longed, desperately, for that lewd and final masochistic surrender of letting him orgasm in her mouth, even more right now than she wished to kiss his little toes!

For a moment longer, Jim Craft lay trembling on the bed. Then, with a sudden lunge, he lucked the lust-inflamed hardness of his cock its full length back into Miss Howell's hungrily sucking mouth, feeling the tip of it fuck hard against the back of her throat as the warm surging semen began its mad rush up from his balls.

"Aaaaaauubuuuuggggghhhhh," grunted in a preliminary seizure. At the same time, he began a rapid finger fucking rhythm in-and-out of her heatedly quivering cunt, his thumb stroking wildly over the pulsing rigid pink bud of her clitoris as he heard another muffled groan rise in her throat.

Rebekah felt the first gush of warm, fresh-tasting sperm come spewing into her mouth an instant later. She gulped, her Adam's apple bobbing in rapid rhythm as she swallowed to keep from choking. Almost at the same moment, the distant waves of rapture began up inside her own loins. All her mental resistance had been shattered by the sheer perversity of her masochistic passion, and the orally impaled woman was almost delirious with the physical sensation of Jim's young finger fucking up into her quivering cunt and the lewd violation of her mouth. All her defenses had been shattered by her submissive surrender to her warped and obscene lust. Her body was begging for release, and now there was nothing to hold her back.

The twelve year old boy certainly had no experience to draw on, but it didn't take an expert to tell that Miss Howell was excited. Sensing instinctively what was happening, he began to fuck his finger even harder into her moistly quivering cunt as the shocking waves of orgasm flowed uncontrolled through her body. His own ass jerked and lunged in savage rhythm, and he shoved his cock harder and harder between her wetly rounded lips, building to a crescendo of motion as he squirted gush after gush of his virile young sperm into her greedy mouth.

Rebekah swallowed ceaselessly, her own ecstasy only intensifying her own ravenous need to submit. Then at last, exhausted, she let the deflating cock of the moaning boy drop from her mouth just as she let her hand drop from the silk of his poor reddened toes. She closed her eyes, little spasms of ecstasy continuing to course through her own flesh as he withdrew his hand from her loins and dropped back wearily onto the pillows at the head of the bed.

It had worked! Jim Craft couldn't have believed it, but he was sure that it had all worked. She certainly would want to keep him now that he had been a good lover. And he was good, too! The only thing was… He looked down the length of his body to his erect feet. His toes were a bright pink, and God, did they ache! It took him a minute of hard searching of his memory to remember what had happened, and when he did, he scratched his head in puzzlement.


The shoes and boots still sat in the corner of the kitchen, and Rebekah was resolved that today she would set Jim Craft to work. He simply was not ready for a sexual relationship yet. Why, what would he say when people asked him what he did all day at Rebekah Howell's house? What was he being paid to do? He was not yet ready to stand up against the gossips and the questioners. He had no day of work that he could use for lying with… And so she stiffened when she heard the hesitant knock on the back door the next day. She knew it was Jim Craft. Throughout the whole of last night and the long day today, she had awaited this arrival with a mingling of anticipation and dread. She had not been able to get the young boy out of her mend since yesterday's lurid episode, which even now she could hardly believe she had allowed to happen.

Yesterday, after she had finished sucking off Jim, and she lay basking in her state of post-orgasmic bliss, she had agreed to make this date with him, forget the work and to have actual intercourse with the handsome young boy, who had begged her so beautifully. He was still a virgin, he had told her, and he was most unhappy about that. Technically, he was, she supposed. In the fervor of their recently concluded affair, Rebekah had been all too willing to agree to help him change that technicality, but later, after the satiated youngster had left, reality had returned with all its stark truth. She realized that to make a date for intercourse had been a mistake, that she was placing their future relationship, even their separate well-beings in jeopardy.

What she had already done had been bad enough, very unwise. Still, she saw what she had done as justified by unselfish motivations on her part. After all, he had already started when she found him. She had to do something. But now, if she went ahead and had sexual intercourse with the young boy, she would have no excuse, no justification. It would be a lewd and wanton act committed for the satisfaction of her own unnatural craving… which was okay for later, but not now! Of course, unwise as it might be, she longed to do it. Yesterday's episode had only whetted her appetite.

Now she wanted more and more of the forbidden bliss she knew the young boy had to offer. She hated to wait. But she also knew, that it was necessary to do so. God, she had to or they might even take the house from her. She wasn't sure exactly what happened in the case of an older woman found with a little boy.

The knock was repeated on the door.

"Oh, yes, come in," Rebekah called in a tremulous voice. The nervous brunette felt her heart pounding as the door opened and little Jim Craft stepped cautiously inside.

"Hello, Miss Howell," he said smiling bashfully, or so it seemed.

Her own lips quivered as she spoke. "Hello, Jim, how are you?"

The little boy looked at Miss Howell shrewdly. From the expression on her face he sensed that his worst suspicions had been well founded. She was having second thoughts about going through with what she had agreed to yesterday, and he knew he had to take the initiative immediately.

"Actually I've had a pretty rough day," the youngster said, gazing sadly down at the floor, trying to think of some reason to make her feel sorry for him. It always worked with his mother when she had something he wanted.

"What's the matter?" Rebekah asked with genuine concern.

"Oh, you know," he said, making a stab at what he could think of. "I was so busy looking forward to this afternoon that I had trouble thinking." He smiled.

Rebekah felt a sinking in her breast, for during the last couple of hours she had hoped to be able to staunchly refuse him, as much as she hated to deny herself this great pleasure with the tantalizing little boy, but now she greatly feared her resolve eaten away. Beyond the moral consideration that she usually felt obliged to keep her word once she gave it, Rebekah had to keep in mind that she was balancing some very delicate forces here. She didn't want him to feel justified in divulging the lewd truth to anyone that she had sucked his cock yesterday.