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From the teasing sensation of the young boy's tongue fucking wetly in and out of her quivering cuntal softness, little wisps of forbidden pleasure began to swell deep in Rebekah's belly. Her full sensuous tits jiggled on her writhing torso as her naked body began to respond in spite of all the inherent perversion in the depraved act she was submitting to. Her sensitivity heightened by the tense emotional strain and the occasional pressure on her toes, Rebekah's eagerly throbbing pussy was acting of its own volition. No matter how much she disapproved of this obscene act, no matter how guilty she might later feel for having allowed Tommy to do it to her, she could no longer deny the warped pleasure she derived from it.

Once more the beautiful employer of little lovers lifted her head, staring deliriously down between her heaving tits at Tommy's young head bobbing her thighs.

"Oooohhhhhhh!" she purred in obvious delight, beginning a rhythmic hunching motion of her asscheeks on the bed as the little tremors of rapture darted out over every single inch of her tingling flesh. Gradually, she was beginning to shed her inhibitions, to respond with wanton and greedy abandon to the lascivious use this young boy was making of her pussy. At last, with a final whimper of submission, Rebekah dropped her hands down the length of her writhing torso to run her fingers eagerly into the young boy's brown hair, pulling his face even tighter to her hungrily squirming cunt.

Never in her life had Rebekah believed that a woman would be able to respond to such a vile act of perversion as the one Tommy was inflicting upon her. Oh, why didn't the other boys suck on her toes, she thought hungrily, wiggling them in the boy's fingers as a hint they overlooked. They were too busy watching Tommy. It was all too humiliating, too degrading, but she couldn't help herself. Her lust had completely overcome her, and she sobbed out her surrender in an incessant stream of obscene pleadings as she felt his tongue fucking again and again up into the most sensitive inner reaches of her quivering cuntal flesh. Her hips jerked and lunged in lewd abandon as the little shivers of ecstasy coursed at rapid intervals out from her lust tortured cunt to saturate every inch of her now softly perspiring flesh. Then, in an even more impulsive gesture, she dropped her hands from Tommy's brown hair, reaching down beneath his arms to try to pull him up onto her wantonly squirming body.

"All right," she sobbed in a defeated voice. "Andy and Jack, get on my toes, and you, Tommy. That's enough. You win, but just fuck me. Fuck me right now."

Accustomed to her order from former times, Andy and Jack put their mouths down to her lovely toes and began to suck as though each had five tiny bloated cocks in their mouths. Jim only stared. This was a show beyond anything he had expected, anything at all.

Meanwhile, gasping for breath, Tommy raised his head to stare in triumph up the sweat-glistening flesh of the lovely woman's nakedly twisting body, peering between the quivering mounds of her tits to her flushed, desire-tortured face. But, in spite of his mere twelve years, Tommy was physically stronger than she was, and Rebekah was unable to succeed in pulling him up on top of her against his will. She could do nothing but stare back at him helplessly, pleading, going out of her mind with the sensations that were almost overpowering her.

"Go on, Tommy," Andy called from the end of the bed, lifting his lips temporarily from his set of wet toes. "Go on and fuck her so I can have my turn."

"Yes," the lovely woman said softly. "Come on and fuck me." She dropped her hands from the young boy's body and shifted to a reclining position, extending her arms above her head to arch the lustfully swollen mounds of her titties even more ripely.

"All right," Tommy said reluctantly, standing up and beginning to remove his clothes. Rebekah watched with bated breath as the little boy quickly stripped the clothes from his familiar body. Then she almost gasped aloud at the sight of his already fully erected, blood-engorged prick, so hungry he had made her. Obviously, he had matured very quickly, and the enormous throbbing hardness that stood up between his thighs was almost twice the size of Jim's. She had not thought to compare them before, but now she remembered. She remembered that in spite of Tommy's age, she had sometimes wondered in the days they made love if she would really be able to take it into the tightness of her cunt this time. Tommy hadn't been with her very long before his parents had intervened, in what they didn't know, of course. Yet, even the surge of fear that swelled in her breast as always at the thought of being stretched and impaled by Tommy's enormous shaft of lust-bloated cockflesh did nothing to temper her wantonly demanding need. It might have if the boys were not doing such an excellent job on her toes. So she would take the swollen shaft even if it hurt. She never hurt for long from it anyway.

"Okay," Tommy suddenly said. "Turn yourself over. Get off her, you guys," he said to the boys sucking off her toes.

"Nooooo!" Rebekah gasped, staring up at the boy in confusion.

"Come on now, turn over," Tommy grinned. "I been learning lots, ain't I, Miss Howell? To tell the truth, I was practicing other things all the time I was coming here. I just didn't have the nerve before to ask you!" He was pleased with himself, his prowess, his revelation that obviously stunned her.

"But… but why turn over?" she asked in a quivering voice, unable to even imagine what further subjugation Tommy had in store for her before he would give her what her body demanded on her own. She hated these things she didn't want. Hated them.

"Kneel up, facing the foot of the bed," he further ordered as though she hadn't sad a word.

"But I don't understand," Rebekah whimpered in despair, starting slowly to shift about on the bed and roll onto her belly to helplessly expose her nakedly exposed ass to the four boys' hungry gazes. Her toes suddenly felt very wet and cold and unwanted.

"Dog fashion, Miss Howell. Ain't you ever done it dog fashion?" the boy asked with some serious surprise. After all, he knew she was already in her thirties. Girls didn't get that old without some variety, did they?

"Don't, please!" she only cried.

"Say, do you want to get fucked or not?" he demanded.

Even in her present state of all-consuming lust, Rebekah hesitated for the briefest instant before she nodded, saying nothing, and turned completely onto her stomach. Then, slowly, she pulled her legs up beneath her body to arch her nakedly rounded asscheeks in lewd invitation in the air. She closed her eyes, a tremor passing through her when she felt the bed sag from Tommy's weight as the young boy positioned himself behind her.

In the entire repertoire of sexual positions, it had to be the most humiliating, and Rebekah had never felt so shamed and degraded in her whole life. She was surely being punished for her earlier use of the boys, she realized. There was not only nothing she could do to resist, but nothing she ought to do, perhaps. Was that a rationalization because actually she couldn't control her own perverted desire now, and she would have submitted to almost anything this youthful twelve year old athlete demanded of her at this point.

"Come on, Tommy," Rebekah heard Andy urge eagerly. Then her body stiffened as Tommy positioned himself behind her. A little shiver of apprehension coursed up her spine as she felt his hands seize her asscheeks and rock her slightly backwards. He shifted, moving forward, and a low hiss arose in her throat as she felt the bulbous head of his thick rigid prick prod up between her thighs from behind to make contact with the saliva-moistened slit of her pussy.