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Hungering for the fresh tasting cum she knew was going to spurt very soon from his hotly twitching little rod of blood-engorged flesh, Rebekah sucked ravenously at Jack's lust-inflamed cock. At the same time, she hunched and bucked her ass furiously back against Tommy's loins, taking the throbbing rigidity of his lewd cock deeper and deeper up into the tender flesh of her aching pussy, relishing the stinging slaps of his stomach and thighs against her proffered asscheeks and craving the obscenely jolting thrusts that shook her whole writhing body. She was being used in the lewdest manner possible by three boys simultaneously, ravished between them like a rag doll, and she loved it.

Then the voice of Jim Craft, who stood watching beside the bed, only reminded Rebekah that this was the beginning. "Come on, you guys. Come on! Hurry up!" Then he added because he still didn't understand what the hell Andy was doing to the woman's toes, "Hey, Andy, she's still got two hands. Drop your trousers and let her jack you off while you're waiting your turn."

At that suggestion of even further humiliation, only a muffled whimper of protest issued from Rebekah's lips. She couldn't speak in defense of herself. Her mouth was filled with the rigid little cock fucking in and out like a piston between her wetly rounded lips toward the back of her throat. Her face was helplessly buried in Jack Wood's pubic hair, and in his excitement, the normally shy preteenager was beginning to reveal a latent aggression that he had surely never shown with Rebekah before. He had seized the woman's long dark hair and now held her face firmly between his widely spread legs, guiding the bobbing movements of her head to the ultimate satisfaction of his own need, in complete disregard for her feelings as a human being. And she had no alternative to continued submission, even as she felt Jim seize her left wrist and draw her arm outward to place her hand in sudden contact on the hard blood-rigid shaft of his own lewdly erected prick. Instinctively, Rebekah wrapped her fingers around the resilient rod of hot young flesh, and this added physical contact, insignificant compared to the wild sensations she derived from the lewd skewering her palpitating little pussy was receiving from behind and the obscene use of her mouth from in front, nonetheless, had a symbolic value. It demonstrated the complete depravity to which she had sunk, and it only served to further impress upon her lust-tormented mind the sheer helplessness of her situation. Then, at Jim's urging, she began to work her wrist back and forth, softly caressing the sensitive flesh of his hard-swollen cock in time with the bobbing movement of her mouth around Jack's swollen cock, and the wild gyrations of her nakedly upthrusted asscheeks against the boy who fucked into her from behind. It was at that time that she underwent the final humiliation as Andy left her toes and, moving up to the other side of the bed, took her other hand and placed it on his own erectly throbbing prick.

"You don't mind if I leave your way for awhile and enjoy a way of my own, do you, Miss Howell?" Andy asked.

Rebekah was hardly able to answer. At that very instant, in fact, she felt Jack stiffen in front of her, his hands dropping from her hair to her ears, to pin her face even more helplessly against his wildly twitching cockflesh as he shoved forward with a mighty thrust.

"Oh, oh," the young boy gasped in a strained voice. "I… I think I'm going to cum!"

"Go ahead," the freckle-faced Andy Wallace said, the urgency in his voice reflecting his own building lust. "Cum in her mouth. She likes that, too."

The gorgeous brunette was still powerless to express her own feelings. She could do nothing but continue the wanton sucking along the virilely throbbing prick that violated her lips.

The first hot spurts of sweet-tasting cum came rushing up the length of Jack Wood's jerking young blood-bloated cock and spewed into her mouth an instant later. Rebekah sobbed and whimpered around the surging shaft, making obscene gurgling sounds in her throat as she swallowed his spluttering stream of hot liquid, her Adam's apple bobbing swiftly up and down. She sucked hungrily, tightening her lips around the base of the youngster's hardened cock to prevent herself from losing a single drop of the life-giving sperm. She swallowed it all, continuing her ravenous sucking until the lust-crazed adolescent had spurted the last droplet of his burning load of sperm into her mouth and his little prick began to slowly deflate. Then Jack's hands dropped from her ears, and after a moment, his already limp cock slipped from her mouth, and he stepped back from the bed.

"Okay," Jim gasped. "Now, I tell you, it's my turn! I'm going to fuck her in the mouth, too."

As Tommy Speigle continued to rack her body with his frenziedly driving strokes from behind, Jim freed his own surging prick shaft from Rebekah's protesting grasp, and he moved around in front of the bed. With a deep animal groan, Rebekah reached up to seize his hotly pulsing hardness and bend it down toward her lips, taking it hungrily into her mouth, still slippery from the cum the first youngster had spewed so ruthlessly between her lips. Then she reached her hand around the boy's nakedly exposed little ass to pull his lust-swollen cock deeper into her greedily sucking mouth.

Behind her, Tommy groaned suddenly and unleashed a series of mad staccato lunges that shoved Rebekah forward until her face was completely buried in Jim's loins. She felt Tommy's long hard prick twitch and throb even harder up into the most sensitive depths of her hungering cunt, and she knew he was going to cum very quickly. At the same time, she could already feel the first distant flutters beginning in her own belly.

"Aaaaahhhh! Oooooohhh! Wow!" Jim gasped as the beautiful employer of little helpers began to suck hungrily on his blood-swollen cock, working her face back and forth to draw her lips in rhythmic movements up and down the full length of the resiliently straining shaft of flesh.

"I don't know… I know if I can hold on," he gasped suddenly in despair.

Rebekah had no way of communicating to the youngster that there was no further need to hold it. Tommy was going to cum. Already she hovered on the brink of climax herself. And it only seemed fitting that Jim should time his own orgasm with theirs.

It began a moment later. In spite of the pulsating cockhead that filled her hungering mouth, Rebekah managed a muffled whimper of joy as she felt the shattering waves begin to flow swiftly through her violated pussy. Tommy grunted in ecstasy, his hands clawing at the kneeling woman's beautiful back, his eyes riveted on her nakedly proffered asscheeks where he could see his wetly glistening cock sawing in and out of her tight quivering cuntal lips. Still he held back as long as he could. Then, a shudder wracking his body, he abandoned his restraint.

Rebekah Howell's body buckled helplessly before Tommy Speigle's series of wracking lunges as he began to spurt his own devastating load of semen deep up into her ravished pussy. Her hand still clung tightly to Andy's hard throbbing little cock, but she no longer had the presence of mind to jack him off. She was in a dream state of delirium from the lewd degradation she was being subjected to. Tommy was shooting off in her cunt, and at the same time, Jim Craft's lewdly bloated cock began to twitch and jerk in her saliva-filled mouth as he released his own hotly squirting load of sperm.