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Jim got up and followed her out of the kitchen into the hallway that led to the front of the house and the front stairway to the second floor. For a minute, he supposed they were going to a closet upstairs. It never occurred to him that there was any place else to keep a pair of shoes. But they turned away from the stairs and toward the living room. There, just inside the door, beside a large overstuffed chair was an end table with a single lamp.

"There, see how beautiful they look?" she asked the stunned boy.

"I… uh… I guess so," he murmured. Jim didn't know whether she was going to tell him in a minute that she was kidding or whether she neatly did keep them there. If she kept them on the end table, then he supposed he should be proud that she wanted to display his good work, but somehow, it all seemed kooky!

"Well, I guess I had better let you get along home," she sighed. "See you tomorrow as soon as school is over, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed with a grin. He thought he should say something about the shoes. "Now that I know what you do with them," he beamed, "I'll do a better job than ever!"

He almost forgot to put on his own shoes before he hurried out the back door. There was no need to use the tunnel, of course, unless a child came who was not supposed to be there, like Tommy had come. Now that she thought of it, she had better close off the end of the tunnel, too, before she forgot to do it. Caves were enticing places for children to play, and she didn't want any strange child wandering into her tunnel by mistake, telling the whole neighborhood that it was there, a tunnel that had been a well-kept secret for decades, at least.

As soon as Jim Craft was safely out of the house, Rebekah climbed the stairs to her own room. She reached in behind her robe and pulled the switch that sealed the tunnel from intruders into the cave and then stood in her bare feet on the shaggy rug that covered the floor of her bedroom. She was staring at herself in the full-length mirror on the inside of the closet door, and now she removed her short skirt and stood in the pink body suit that accented the voluptuously inviting curves of her body. For an extended moment, Rebekah's green eyes remained intent on the frontal view of her figure as reflected in the long mirror. Then the beautiful thirty-two year old woman turned slowly to gaze at her profile. Her proudly uplifted tits swelled out sharply above her trim little waist, standing up full and sensuous in defiance of gravity, voluptuous and almost perfectly symmetrical. Rebekah had long been proud of the fact that, although she didn't really have the nerve to go without one, she had never actually needed a brassiere to hold her titties upright, and she didn't need one yet!

Then her lovely emerald eyes dropped lower, following the inviting curve of her ass. Rebekah's hips were those of a mature woman, but they were still as firm as a young girl's. She had started swimming as often as she could years ago, and she had to believe that the swimming had done wonders for her as she had been told it would. The exercise had had a soothing effect on her mind when she had lost her father and again when her mother had remarried, leaving Rebekah to live alone in the big house. Rebekah still remembered how horribly lonely she had been. One evening she had sat in the living room staring at her bare feet for hours, wondering where she should start to break out of her rut of isolation, of feeling rejected by the world, when suddenly, she had wiggled her toes, and like ten zany obedient, lovable little boys they had responded, dancingly, to keep her company. Well, one idea had led to another, and she was grateful, very, very grateful, to her ten closest companions, her toes.

She looked at them now, deep in the purple shag, reflected in the mirror. She stared at them hungrily, raising them out of the purple threads of the rug and then laying them gently back down. She sighed softly and then pulled the pink body suit slowly down off her shoulders, struggling for an instant to get the snug gamment off her arms. She let it drop loosely from her waist, but it still clung tightly to her ripely flaring hips. She turned again to examine the half-naked front of her body in the mirror.

Her firm tits were a soft white with large rose-colored nipples, a sharp line of contrasting hues defining the area that had been covered by her bikini bathing suit top last summer. She watched breathlessly as the cool air of the bedroom caused her nipples to swell visibly to a tingling hardness, and the half naked woman could not resist the temptation to lift her arms to brush the dark strands of hair back off her face and thereby further arch the voluptuously rounded mounds of her tits. Once again Rebekah felt that she had never been so acutely aware of her own body, of her sexuality. There would be a new and exciting boy soon, and that always gave her a feeling of renewal.

After another moment's hesitation, the sensuous long-haired brunette turned away from the mirror and walked away from the closet toward the bed. Quickly stripping the body suit over her tightly rounded ass and then down the long length of her silken thighs, she tossed it aside and slipped nakedly between the sheets of her bed. She wasn't hungry yet and had a couple of hours to kill before she bothered with dinner. Tommy had had to leave too soon to satisfy her, and she felt restless. She stared silently at the ceiling for a moment, then lowered her eyes to gaze again down the outline of her sensuously curved body, vividly revealed beneath the thin sheet that covered it. She stared long and hard at the two hills that were her feet, and then, with a chuckle, pulled at the sheet until finally it pulled free of the bottom of the bed. Then she drew it slowly up, watching it slide toward her over her toes, until finally the edge of the sheet balanced on the tips of the toes and fell over the edge to her ankles. There they were, her comforting little army of well manicured friends. A tingle ran up her spine and suddenly, she could feel little Jim as he would feel, soon now, she hoped, walking on her body, wiggling his own toes under her upthrust tits, making her nipples pop out with excitement, hard as spines. Even now her nipples were taut. Her toes, though, felt cold and lonely.

"Be patient," she whispered to them. "It won't be long." She thought for the thousandth time with yearning of how a baby could pop his toes into his own mouth.

Almost without thinking, Rebekah trailed her hands slowly down the outside of the sheet to rub lightly over the protruding little points of her nipples, the friction of the material on the sensitive buds causing them to perk to greater and more visible rigidity. A spontaneous little moan rose in her throat as her hand trailed lower down the smooth sensuous flesh of her belly, and a silent battle waged in her mind as she tried to fight down the desire to reach for her feet. She had learned before that it would do no good. It only frustrated her worse than ever.

But in a sudden impulsive gesture, Rebekah kicked the sheet off her nakedly exposed curved body and gazed through narrowed eyes over the sensuous lines of her voluptuously contoured flesh, forcing her body to offer her voluptuous little toes some competition. Her breathing had hastened, and her lovely tits rose and fell visibly with each strained gust of air. Her thighs seemed on fire already, her naked flesh burning with unfulfilled sensation. Oh, God, if she could only have kept Jim Craft up here today! She was beginning to get more and more impatient about it while at the same time she was growing wiser about not rushing things. It was a conflict that gave her some very difficult days of waiting some times.

She suddenly thought to herself that she had not had sexual intercourse with a real man, an adult, for over a year. What would it be like now, she wondered? Immediately her body began to cool for an adult man had come to seem too rough, too hairy, and too big to satisfy her. She had fallen in love with things little, little boys, little swollen pricks, and little toes. Now once again her body was heating as she thought softly and tenderly of the gentle touch of littleness, little toes that she kissed and sucked and sometimes bit, imagining in her passion that she was biting them off!