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Moreover, now Rebekah's whole body began to jerk and writhe in spontaneous contortions between the two naked young boys. Massive chills of excitement shot madly up the length of her spine, and low hums of passionate and senile acceptance came in torrents from deep in her throat. She bucked and arched her body, quivering in a frenzy of passion, grinding her hips furiously back against Tommy's loins as the waves of orgasm saturated deeper into her body and out over every inch of her softly perspiring flesh.

It seemed to go on and on forever, an endless pageant of shame, ecstasy, and orgasm. Then at last Rebekah felt Tommy's perspiration-soaked body sag down on her back. An instant later, the little blond Jim Craft leaned forward in exhaustion against the end of the bed, his prick slowly deflating in her still sucking mouth. As the voluptuous brunette dropped to a reclining position on her stomach on the bed, her hand slipping from Andy's rigidly inflated cock, little shivers of rapture continued to flow at intervals through her body.

At last Tommy withdrew, rolling over onto his back, tying still for a moment. Then Rebekah stiffened as she heard the exhausted youngster say, "Well Andy, I guess it's your turn now. At last, huh?"

The curvaceous woman had almost forgotten about Andy. She had never felt so soiled, so degraded, so used… or so satisfied in her whole life. And she had no idea how in the world she could take on another youngster after everything she had been through. But she knew there was no use in protesting. After everything else the boys had submitted her to, she knew Andy Wallace wouldn't be denied his own pleasure.

Still on her belly and lying motionless, Rebekah took advantage of the few moments of rest as Andy hastened out of his clothing. She turned her face, looking up at the once innocent boy, her freckled-faced, redheaded first lover, with narrowed eyes as he climbed up onto the bed beside her. Then, as she started to roll over, he roughly shoved her back onto her belly and quickly started to mount her from behind.

"Oh, Andy, no," Rebekah said feebly through her still strained breathing. "Don't do it to me like that. Don't you take me dog fashion, too. Please."

"I'm not going to fuck you dog fashion, Miss Howell," Andy said, lowering his body down between her thighs from behind.

Then the curvaceous Rebekah's ass jerked in a spontaneous spasm as he reached between her thighs to place his fingers in the already obscenely lubricated slit of her cunt. When his fingers were thoroughly moistened with her cuntal juices, he began to spread the slickly flowing moisture up over the sensitive separating membrane onto the puckered little hole of her ass.

"I'm going to do something you'll like much better than that! I'm going to fuck you in the ass!" As he said those shocking words, Andy derived an intense satisfaction from the spontaneous shudder of fear that shook the voluptuous, dark-haired employer's body beneath him. He had been thinking about fucking her this way ever since the day when she had forced him to stick his finger into her asshole. Now he was a few months older and richer in experience and he had the courage to be dominating instead of allowing her to dominate him. He was not as big as Tommy, maybe, but you don't have to be big to dominate a woman, he had teamed. Now, after watching the three other boys simultaneously ravish her this morning, he knew he had to do something like that, something really far out, to maintain his hard-earned sexual supremacy… before he forgot he had it!

As Rebekah began to grasp the meaning of what Andy had told her, her emerald eyes opened wide, and she stared straight ahead in shock, meeting the equally surprised faces of the three other still naked boys. It was too wildly perverted to even think about. He wanted to drive her to even further depths of depravity, to avenge what she had done to him last time they were together, even more cruelly than she deserved. She didn't even know where a boy of Andy Wallace's age could have gotten such an obscene idea, but he had made it clear to her in terms all too blunt exactly what he wanted to do. It was sodomy, pure and simple. That's what it was!

For an extended moment, Rebekah's shock froze her to complete immobility. Then an anguished cry escaped from her throat as she felt the pressure on her tight anal orfice increase and Andy's freckled finger burrowed suddenly into the tightly puckered little orifice. She lurched forward, her whole nakedly kneeling body trembling from the fiery stimulation as the searing penetration continued.

"Aaaggghhh! Uuuggghhh!" Rebekah groaned as Andy's middle finger burrowed up into her rectum despite all her attempts to clench her asscheeks and close the forbidden hole to his painful assault. The deadly serious youngster sank his finger to the first knuckle, then continued the hot piercing intrusion until it was embedded all the way up into her tightly-clenched rectum until there was nothing she could do to resist.

"Oh, Andy, please," Rebekah moaned. "Don't do that. Anything else, but please don't do such a thing!"

"You'll love it," Andy said above her. "Just like you loved everything else I've done to you." He was referring, of course, to his sucking her toes.

Gasping from the wanton invasion of her heretofore unviolated asshole, Rebekah Howell dropped her face down to the mattress in despair, tears of shame filling her eyes while Andy continued the searing probes of his finger into the hot spongy flesh up between her defenseless asscheeks. She heard the other boys' exclamations of excitement and surprise as distant, unreal sounds. It was all too insane! Not even they could believe Andy was really serious. But Rebekah knew there was no escape, and with resignation, prepared to submit to this final degradation.

Finally, she almost screamed as she felt the youngster begin to draw his finger out of her resisting asshole, which now seemed to cling to the intruder in protest in spite of the sharp pain it had caused. The dark-haired beauty moaned even more desperately as Andy's finger was replaced by the throbbing head of his hard little prick.

Rebekah sobbed and grunted, her voluptuous body lurching forward as she felt the blood-filled cockhead suddenly pressing up against the tightly resisting little hole and then begin to worm relentlessly inward. The sharp white hot pain caused new tears to rush to her eyes and spill glistening droplets down her cheeks, and she shivered and trembled, lifting her head to stare pleadingly at the three boys who were now gathered close around the bed to watch. But she saw in their excited faces that she would get no help or even sympathy, from them.

"Come on, sport, kneel up," Andy ordered her.

"No," Rebekah answered, shaking her head from side to side as the thirteen year old redhead rammed even harder against her defenseless asscheeks, and his small shaft of blood-engorged cockflesh surged even further upward, deeper and deeper into her cringing asshole.

"Come on, kneel! Kneel! It won't hurt as bad that way, they say!" Andy told her without realizing that he had just implied this was a first experience for him. "It's just a question of physics," he continued importantly. He was not only the oldest boy there, but he had the most seniority in the club because he had fucked Miss Howell first, before them all. In spite of her pain, Rebekah almost laughed at his display of peacock feathers as she had always called his pride. She had told him once that she had considered his freckles as eyes in the tail of a peacock! But as Andy flexed his virile little prick far up inside of her, sending a new stab of pain to wrack her body, she whimpered softly and did his bidding, pulling her knees up beneath her heavily swaying titties and thrusting her naked asscheeks high in the air in almost the same position she had assumed when Tommy had fucked her in the humiliating dog fashion position. And with an even deeper groan, she took the shaft of Andy's lust-swollen prick all the way to the hilt between her helplessly skewered asscheeks. Hopelessly impaled now, she had taken the entire length of the freckle-faced boy's hard pulsing cock all the way to the most sensitive depths of her rectum, and she knew at least the worst pain was over.