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Once again Andy flexed his prick deep inside her warmly resisting asshole, causing new shudders of erotic pleasure to ripple out over her trembling body. Rebekah dropped her face back down to rest on her hands. She had never felt so helpless in her life, but it wasn't as bad as she had expected. The pain was tempered by an even more vivid sensation of masochistic pleasure. Her loins were on fire from the lewd skewering up between her asscheeks, and she could feel the tight little sac that held Andy's cum-filled testicles slap teasingly against the sensitive slit of her wetly throbbing cunt.

"Christ, it's tight," Andy gasped, more surprised than he really cared to show although he couldn't help himself. "It feels so good. I'm not going to be able to hold it back very long."

"That's all right, Andy," Rebekah sobbed in encouragement.

Gradually the youngster began to fuck harder against her helplessly proffered asscheeks. She groaned, gritting her teeth, as the raw stimulation almost blanked her mind. But slowly her cries of agony and protest started to evolve, transforming finally into mewls of forbidden pleasure as Andy fucked deeper and deeper into the hot depths of her yielding asshole.

For a few moments longer Rebekah was in limbo, a part of her wanting Andy to achieve his climax quickly and cease his merciless assault, mother part of her beginning to cry out for more and more of the wonderfully depraved sensation. Compared to this crude anal impalement, everything else she had done before now seemed insignificant. A hidden masochistic need was responding against all her wishes to the pain and humiliation Andy was inflicting upon her. The sheer sensation was more than she could bear and though she feared she would forever lose all respect for herself as a result, her lewdly undulating body was beginning to respond in a way that could not be denied.

Rebekah Howell sobbed defeatedly then, as Andy moved his hand down the front of her curvaceous body between her thighs to tweak the ultra-sensitive bud of her clitoris, and in a spontaneous response, she rocked her nakedly impaled asscheeks backwards, taking the slender shaft of Andy's virile young lewdly bloated cock even deeper into her rectum, beginning to fuck and jerk in earnest back against his hotly fucking prick. Her submissively kneeling body began to writhe in lewd abandon to the electric pain-pleasure stimulus of the obscene skewering of her asshole, responding, even encouraging this assault by the thirteen year old boy.

"Christ Almighty!" Tommy Speigle gasped. "Look at Miss Howell go! She loves it! She even loves asshole fucking! Christ, I wish I'd known!"

"Wow!" Jack Wood chimed in. "She'll do anything at all, won't she!"

Behind the curvaceous brunette's wildly bucking asscheeks, Andy Wallace grunted even more excitedly to Miss Howell's sudden unexpected response, increasing the depth of his own wracking thrusts until he was unleashing the full fury of his adolescent lust with a series of mighty strokes deep up into the tightness of her contracting asshole. Simultaneously, he shoved his finger far up into the frantically quivering depths of her devouringly hungry cunt and increased the friction of his thumb's rapid stroking over the throbbing bud of her clitoris. Already he could feel the cum begin to well within his balls, and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he lost all control. But he was determined to hold off as long as he possibly could. He was beginning to realize that Miss Howell might be able to attain am orgasm from even this perverted variation of sexual intercourse, and he know that would make his triumph complete.

Suddenly then, Rebekah gave out a series of desperate animal groans. The contrasting sensations in her two separately ravaged holes was finally becoming enmeshed. She could no longer distinguish between right and wrong, pain and pleasure, and her nakedly squirming body shuddered as ecstatic waves of all-consuming delight arched out again and again over her sensually writhing flesh.

"Ooooohhhh! Aauuugghh! Annnddyyy! Fuck harrddeer! I'm cuummiing!" she wailed. Behind her Andy groaned and began a series of violent fuckings as the first hot rush of sperm welled up from his balls and into the convulsing depths of the beautiful employer's lewdly violated rectum. At the same time, he intensified the rapid fingerfucking of her tortured cunt and the tormenting caresses with his finger over the quivering little reddened bud of her clitoris. And as he continued his jolting fucks, Rebekah mewled without restraint from the shattering waves of ecstasy that engulfed her. The sweet spewing semen flooded her rectum, filling and lubricating the hole until at last it overflowed in thin white hot streams that ran down her inner thighs. And as she bucked and hunched beneath Andy's last wracking lunges, there was nothing left but the wildly consuming passion of release… momentarily.

Three of the little boys were long accustomed to the things that Rebekah Howell liked, and automatically, all of their minds turned in the same direction as hers did after awhile. Just as she began to yearn for further attention, Tommy Speigle jumped up on the bed and stood for awhile between her legs, his toes up over her pelvis, pushing and nudging at the curly-haired flesh. Jack Wood, feeling more game now and less afraid of doing things in front of his friends, moved around the foot of the bed to climb onto the mattress on the other side. Meanwhile, Tommy jumped from the beautiful dark pussy and lay on his back beside her though upside down so that his toes could push against the malleable big mounds of her tits.

"Oooohhhhh," Rebekah moaned with each new thing he did.

Jack's idea was something else, and he almost had to lie on top of Tommy to do it now. But he pulled close to his friend and swung his foot over in front of Miss Howell's face. He was on his stomach and couldn't see, but he knew that she would guide his foot to her mouth. He wouldn't admit it out loud for the world, but he had become very fond of having her sucking his toes in the time they had lain together, before Tommy's turn. He felt her soft hand grab his foot finally, and he let her guide it until he felt the parting of her buttery lips against the tip of his big toe and then began to feel her fine teeth as they moved over his flesh, especially his knuckles. Her tongue moistly tickled the hollow between the ball of her toot and the rounded pads of the toes themselves. A spark of sensation soared up his spinal column and began to bring his flaccid soft prick to life again.

Andy had eventually taken over the part he did and liked the best, sucking on the toes of one of her well-manicured feet. Jim Craft stood watching them all with curious surprise.

"Come on, Jim," Andy finally lifted his mouth to say. "Come on and grab a foot, man. She gave us a good time. Now we have to give her a good time, too!" He put it that way because he knew he could never convince Jim that once he tried it he would like it. If he wouldn't do it to be unselfish, then he wouldn't do it at all, probably. Jim liked a challenge and was always willing to do the manly thing just to prove he could but the bunch of them all sucking off or fiddling with their toes might not appear to be manly, so Andy's reasoning went. Still, they were all doing it. Maybe Jim would like to get in on the act.

Jim didn't know where his head was. This sure was the queerest thing he had ever gotten into in his life. What good was sucking on toes, he wondered. Tommy had told him that Miss Howell would want sex eventually, a desire that he had been able to rush, fortunately, but his friends had said nothing about the toes things, anymore than they had mentioned the woman's strange taste in nicknacks… shoes! Now, for the first time, he noticed that there was a pair of suede shoes on the top of the lamp shade across the room. In fact, they blended in so well with the shade that he noticed because he had looked around expecting to see something like that.