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At first he ignored Andy's invitation and his muscular frecklefaced friend went back to wetly sucking on Miss Howell's big toe just as though it was a… was a prick! It was just then that Jack, with his far fewer freckles turned his sandy head toward him and smiled in a curiously satisfied way. Jack's toes were in Miss Howell's mouth, and Jack looked as satisfied as Miss Howell did. It was odd how they all seemed to enjoy what they were doing. He stared in disbelief at the grin on Tommy's upturned face as his feet slapped their voluptuous employer-lover's big titties around in a rhythmical pattern that suggested a kind of queer fucking. Her tits were beginning to pinken on the undersides.

Now, suddenly, Jim Craft discovered that his eyes kept wanting to return to the unused foot at the bottom of the bed, beside the foot that Andy was slurpily enjoying. His eyes were even closed! Jim looked again at the dry foot all by itself and then glanced around at all the ecstatic faces on the bed. He was beginning to feel pretty dumb, pretty left out. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try the toes and see for himself whether there was anything to like about the weird activity or not. And so finally he plucked up his courage and bent over the waiting foot.

With trepidation he touched it to hold it with his hand and heard the groans that he knew his attention to her foot were causing in Miss Howell's throat. The moans were stifled somewhat by the presence of Jack Wood's foot in her mouth and her lewdly sucking ministrations to it. Nevertheless, he heard them and was intrigued by them. Hesitantly he opened his mouth and nibbled lightly on her little toe until finally he got bolder and his tongue began to lap around it like a swirling cape. That wasn't so bad! It was kind of fun! He moved on to the next toe and worked on that until he had done to it everything he could think of. And so it went for Jim until he reached the largest toe of all. And suddenly he kept thinking the strangest thing. It was as though he had his own cock in his mouth! And sure enough, his own cock began to respond to this strange activity.

Nor was his cock the only one that did. He looked around as best he could from his position. Jack Wood, on his stomach, was moving his hips and ass in a rotating motion that suggested his cock was well lust-bloated and that he might well cum right there, just as though he were having a wet dream or something at home in bed. Tommy Speigle, flapping Miss Howell's tits in time to some inner tune in his head, was fingering his own blood-swollen cock in the same rhythm. Andy's hand was down beside him, off the bed, where Jim couldn't see, but the neophyte could tell by the movements of Andy's arm that he was jerking himself off like everyone else. Now, too, Jack's fingers of the hand he had been lying on reached over to span Tommy's chest and insert themselves into the dark-haired pussy slit between Rebekah's legs.

So that was the way to do it, Jim decided, and he placed his own hand on his fast awakening cock, which now hardened more speedily than before. The harder his cock became, the harder he sucked on the beautiful woman's toes, nibbling, scratching at the flesh over the bone, sucking each digit in turn into the cradle of his wet tongue. Oh, God, he thought. Oh, God. He would never use a playgirl picture again at home, he thought. Instead, he would imagine having Miss Howell's toes in his mouth while he jerked off! Wouldn't that be a kick?

Tommy Speigle, his toes into Rebekah's tits, was growing tense. Rebekah could feel the new strength in his digging toes as though now some mysterious new force was driving him instead of his own will. She knew he was rising to his climax, that he would be the first to cum. And he did.

"Aauuugghh, M… Miss… H… How… I… I'm cuuuuu… Aauuugghh!" After a few minutes and Tommy was able to rescue some of his breath, all he could say was, "Wow!"

Jack and Andy made it just about together. Jim thought Andy was going to swallow her toes whole when it happened because he didn't take his mouth off at all, but seemed to go down on her foot until it seemed as though her big toe must surely be into his throat. Jim could not help but notice over what he himself was doing that when Rebekah sensed Jack's orgasm on its way, she intensified her own suckings just as though he was going to cum through his toes in some way, into her mouth!

But Rebekah Howell herself remained unsatisfied. For one thing, Jack had forgotten all about keeping up his massage of her clitoris, collapsed as he was by his own excitement. Jim was too diverted by all that was going on to even approach an orgasm.

"Come here, darling," she whispered after taking her lips from the satisfied Jack's foot.

Jim didn't know she was speaking to him so kept on with the half-hearted sucking of her toes. She sat up then and reach for him. "Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized, climbing toward her as she wished.

He lay on her and when Rebekah felt his solid length of male flesh prodding against her pubic mound, she squirmed until its young blood-turgid head was nuzzled against the soft, moistly swollen lips of her pussy. She kissed him fervently, her tongue greedily exploring his sweet-tasting young mouth while her hands caressed his back and asscheeks. Oh yes, this was why she had hired him. All the clean, clear angel quality of him seemed to enter her with his kiss. Then, as the tension began to build to almost unbearable heights deep within her belly, she began to move her hips back and forth against him, feeling the magnificent pressure of his rigid stalk of flesh rubbing against the flushed, tingling lips of her pussy.

"I'm going to make you so happy, little lover," she murmured into his ear as she pressed her loins tightly against him. "You must find me an old pair of your shoes, dear one. Can you do that?"

He was surprised because what she was saying seemed to be so involved with her passion. "I… I'll try," he whispered his promise.

"I'll shine them myself and keep them by my bed always," she promised.

As Rebekah combed her fingers through his shock of blond hair, Jim thought he was beginning to understand about the shoes. Then he felt her beginning to inch higher on the bed, wriggling her body against his nakedness until her swollen, rose-nippled tits pressed against his smooth cheeks. Then, taking his chin in her hand, she turned his head toward one of the tightly pointed crests of flesh and whispered, "Take it in your mouth," she said. "Suck my titty and pretend it's my toe, Jim."

The youngster hesitated for a moment out of confusion and then his soft lips parted around the turgid pointed nipple. The curvaceous brunette quivered in unrestrained passion as his mouth brushed warmly over it and then his lips clasped eagerly around the sensitive, throbbing bud.

She whimpered and moaned passionately as he sucked and nibbled at her turgid nipple with growing assurance. His hands clutched at her tits, squeezing and massaging the yielding, ivory-white flesh while she quivered in mounting lust. Her hand slipped down over his flat belly to fondle his fucking blood-engorged cock and firm young testicles while his hot breath fanned out over her tits.

"Oooohhhhh, that's soooooo goooooood," Rebekah crooned down into his hair as his boyish lips tightened and relaxed in their babyish sucking motion. She clutched the rock-hard swollen shaft of his prick and began stroking it as his tongue flicked over her burning nipple again and again. The shapely brunette employer barely noticed the other boys in the room now as they stood around watching in silence.

Rebekah seemed to maneuver to a tune of her own. Jim didn't feel at all as though it were anything they were doing together. It felt as though he were constantly running to keep up with someone who was walking ahead of him and slightly faster. And at first he resented it, but then he felt the challenge of it. She was demanding more of him than he had, he thought. Well, he'd give it. That was all! He would learn!

"Look," she suddenly whispered down at him. Raising up to her knees beside him, she slowly spread her thighs apart, forcing her knees outward until the silken triangle of her burnished black pubic hair with its softly pouting pussy lips framing the deep pink slit was completely revealed to his gaping eyes. "Touch it! Touch it with your fingers, your toes! Anything! But touch it!"