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"Fuck me!" she moaned happily. "Fuck me, my little lover!"

Rebekah hoped that they might cum together in a vague sort of way but her own feeling soon drove from her mind anything but the necessity for her own satisfaction. Suddenly, she quivered over the blond boy's loins. Her throaty moan broke into the stillness of the bedroom.

"Oh… oh, my God, now! Oh, yeeesssss, sweetheart, I'm cummmiing!"

All of the little boys around the bed held their breath as the beautiful nakedly exposed young woman's gasping groan rose to a whine of sheer ecstasy as her body stiffened and began to vibrate uncontrollably. Moistness oozed from her wildly clenching cunt, drowning the boy's impaling member in its sticky warmth.

The fair-haired youngster stopped his fucking motions for a moment, obviously bewildered by the older woman's strange orgasmic convulsions, which seemed more total than he had ever seen. Every nerve under her skin was twitching and even he could sense that her explosion started as something hard and knotted deep within her belly and for some crazy reason, it made him think of the Greek hero, Hercules, and of how he opened the stable door and let a whole river rush through the stables to clean them. God, he thought importantly. He bet she had never in her life had an orgasm like the one he just gave her! The sensation of power that filled his body was… Herculean!!!

Then as Rebekah Howell gasped out the last of her climax against his prostrate body, he began to thrust his hips upward again, fucking his straining young prick like a lewd plunger into her moist warm passageway in lustful desperation. As he felt the long-held, white hot sperm begin to boil up in his heated young testicles, the excited youngster quickened his strokes to a wild tattoo against her body, fucking like a well oiled piston, his tingling bloated cock as far as possible into the thrilling hidden depths of her pussy. But then, just as it felt as though his sperm had to explode within her, Rebekah suddenly struggled free of his arms and lifted her pussy away from his wildly expanding prick.

To the hoots and chortles of his friends, Jim protested urgently, "Oh, wait! Come back! Don't stop! Pleeaasse!"

"Don't you worry, darling," the beautiful dark-haired woman smiled down at him as she shifted her position on the bed. "You gave me such a wonderful orgasm I want to try to do the same for you," she said.

Before he could understand what she meant, Rebekah had moved down to the other end of the bed, spreading his long, slender legs so that she could crawl between them. Without looking at him, she grasped his wetly glistening prick in one hand and began to stroke it while she lowered her head to within an inch of the straining bulbous head. When her pink tongue-tip flicked out to lick tauntingly at the slitted hole in the glans, the youngster trembled and a nervous whine squeaked out of him. Then his back arched as she brought her roundly opened mouth down over it, enclosing the pulsing tip in hot moist pressure.

Jim Craft choked on his next groan as her lips tightened below the head of his lust-stiffened cock, and she began to suck up and down the stiffened length as though it were a stick of delicious peppermint candy. Barely considering what he was doing, the young twelve year old instinctively began to fuck his hips eagerly upward, shoving the long, slender pole of vein-corded flesh deeper and deeper into the warmth of her hungering mouth. When he felt the swollen tip bump roughly against the back of her throat, he anxiously watched her face, but to his amazement, she seemed only to suck harder, her tongue working tantalizingly over his hardness as her soft lips clasped tightly around it.

Rebekah Howell's curvaceous body felt like it was about to explode into a ball of fire from the utter excitement of the forbidden seduction. She had certainly discovered a perverse world of passion that she never imagined could exist, she thought to herself with strange deep satisfaction. The delicious taste and hardness of this inexperienced youngster's blood-swollen prick fucking like a piston in and out of her eagerly sucking mouth was already driving her up to another brain-wheeling orgasm, and her entire body yearned toward that thrilling moment when he would shoot his fresh-tasting young sperm into her throat. God, she was lost in rapture, and her thoughts drifted pleasantly to the hours in the future that she would spend in the arms of her young blond lover as well as the arms of all her former lovers. There were some who were not a part of this club. They were probably unknown to the members. She would have to give the boys a list of names!

The boys all still stood around watching with lust-filled eyes, their fingers encircling their own lust-filling cocks as they watched Rebekah's wet mouth clasping greedily around their young friend's slim white rigidity. Knowing that her fears of approaching and involving Jim too soon were now over, Rebekah was succumbing to her passions, white bubbles of saliva dribbling from the corners of her cock-filled mouth.

Jim Craft, too, felt like he had lost all control of his young body. His pelvic muscles seemed to be tensing of their own accord, thrusting his loins up into the lovely woman's face. Still, she sucked at him steadily, holding his cock with two fingers at its root, working her mouth up and down rhythmically while her tongue curled around the throbbing tip each time her head lifted away from his loins. Suddenly, she grasped his hips with both hands, jerking them feverishly up toward her face as she plunged her mouth down over his throbbing hardness. He could see his pulsating blood-engorged prick completely disappearing into the constricting tightness of her throat.

He gaped at her tits, rippling and dancing beneath her pumping body. The sight seemed to free the heat growing in his loins, and his vision began to blur as he watched Rebekah's pretty face filled with his cock, her moist lips stretched taut around its thickness. With each upward lunge of his hips her cheeks bloated, then hollowed as he pulled his steaming inflated cock nearly out of her mouth. He thrust his pelvis up into her face, his back lifting off the bed as his blood-swollen cock began to pulsate and swell even more in the sucking warmth of her lips.

"Oh! Oh, man, suck it!" he gasped brokenly, barely able to get the words out of his cotton-dry mouth. His hips writhed wildly up against her mouth as he tangled his fingers in her tousled dark hair, pressing her beautiful face down hard against his loins while the sweet searing eruption of his climax began.

His slender hard cock jerked heavily in Rebekah's ravenously sucking lips and suddenly her mouth was flooded with the warm sweet-tasting sperm that gashed into her cheeks. Across the room, here and there, leaning against the wall, the bed, sitting in a chair, were the other boys frenziedly working their own hard cocks, moaning as one by one a climax overcame each one of them, but Rebekah barely heard the sounds or saw what was happening. The voluptuous woman was too involved in the young boy beneath her. She groaned and swallowed eagerly, gasping around his lurching youthful organ while her own second, unbelievable orgasm exploded in her body.

Rebekah Howell sighed with contentment, stretching her naked body languidly, then rolled on her side to snuggle closely to the nakedly exposed young blond boy who now napped beside her on the bed. Of the whole group, she decided, Jim was still her favorite. Maybe it was because she hadn't had him very much yet, but still, he was proving to be an adept lover for one who had so little experience. Still, she would really like them all to come once in awhile. And the more she thought about it, the more possessive she became. Yes, she felt demanding about it! The powerful force of her happy body was growing more insistent.