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Oh God, she dreamed, as she moved her hands back up to squeeze and fondle her tits, tweaking the hard little nipple buds, almost the size of her littlest toes, to even greater rigidity. Then, another whimper arising in her throat, she let her fingers glide lightly back down over the smooth flat plane of her belly and into the softly curling strands of pubic hair nestled so invitingly between her satin soft thighs.

Arching her hips in a sensuous movement, Rebekah pushed her hand daringly lower, gasping aloud at the first titillating contact of her finger over the sensitive bud of her clitoris. Then, as she began to work the finger slowly up and down over the little tingling bud, her whole body stiffened, an unwelcome spasm of longing shooting out suddenly from her throbbing clitoris to saturate deeply into her belly and over the rest of her tortured flesh. She could almost feel a small wet tongue rubbing the knuckle of her big toe as she continued a moment longer, tweaking and teasing her little clitoral bud, almost closing her eyes, breathing in deep strained gasps as little spontaneous shudders of delight darted over her nakedly tingling skin. With a groan of frustration, she drew her hand reluctantly away, resisting the temptation for a short moment which, in her present state of excitement, seemed like an eternity. But she had been through too much, too much strain, frustration, and worry. She had been denying herself ever since Tommy had left, and her whole body was demanding release no matter what she had to do to obtain it. If she hadn't spent so much time downstairs showing Jim what to do, she and Tommy would have had more time. It was her own fault. But she had been really taken with the new boy, really excited.

Well, like it or not, it would be a while before she dared approach Jim, so with a sob of despair, Rebekah dropped her hand between her naked thighs, her fingers playing gently over the goose bumped skin of her belly, venturing once again down through the curling strands of pubic hair nestled between her thighs. Then an even more powerful shudder came over the gorgeous brunette as she touched the pulsating slit of her already moistened pussy. She moaned aloud at the sudden and even more titillating contact, her asscheeks jerking as she carefully parted her hair-fringed cunt-lips and spread the profusely flowing moisture slowly up and down the length of her tingling cunt. Then Rebekah carefully pulled her moistened pussy lips apart and began to probe teasingly up into the tightness of her cuntal flesh while at the same time running her thumb over the sensitive little bud of her clitoris that nestled so invitingly at the top of the throbbing furrow.

Rebekah was going to masturbate! She couldn't even remember when she had last done that. She hadn't done it since starting with her boys, and before that, when she had a boyfriend, she hadn't needed to. God, she must have been a youngster! But she could pretend that someone was with her, she reasoned. It wasn't as though she hadn't fingered herself. She often fingered herself to a climax while the boys worked on her feet, but she didn't look upon that as masturbation. She was positive that at such times, her climax didn't come from fingering herself but from what the boys were doing, and that made the difference. To be all alone and do it, nevertheless, seemed to her obscene. But what else could she do? Her whole body was crying out with need. Her desire seemed to be at a peak at just exactly the wrong time. Furthermore, it had found focus earlier this afternoon as she was confronted with the marvelously forbidden sight of the naked Tommy. She had to have some relief.

At last, with a distant-sounding moan, Rebekah surrendered completely to her obscene lust, beginning a lewdly writhing undulation of her ass as she started to shove her finger in smooth even fucking strokes in and out between the tightly caressing lips of her steaming cunt.

As she began to finger-fuck herself in earnest, a stream of moans and pleadings issued from Rebekah's throat. Her emerald eyes were tightly shut now, her teeth gritted from the strain, and, forgetting completely that she was going to fantasize a boy with her, she began to thrash and toss her body in wild contortions of uncontrolled passion. Grunts of salacious pleasure spewed from her lips, and her fingers fucked dartingly and swiftly in and out of her trembling pussy, her thumb working with a maddening effect over the throbbing little bud of her clitoris.

"Ooooohhhhh…" Rebekah moaned as she parted her throbbing pussy and spread the flowing moisture up and down the length of her tingling cunt while she thought of the little boys' wet tongues licking her all over her body!

The beautiful brunette's face was shining, flushed red with lust, as she strained and groaned in frustration and need. Worming her finger up into the warm quivering slit of her devouring cunt, she tossed her head wildly back and forth, her long dark hair whipping softly over the nakedness of her shoulders as she further intensified this obscene finger-fucking rhythm.

Then she lifted her head, gazing deliriously down between the trembling swells of her white tits at the shocking sight of her nakedly undulating body and her fiercely waving toes. She squirmed without restraint, responding feverishly to the obscene motions of her fingers fucking in and out so swiftly between the soft haired lips of her cuntal hole. Yet, shocked as she was, the lust-abandoned brunette could not completely quell the lewd thrill prompted in her by the sight of her own lascivious self-abuse. She seemed to derive a perverse excitement from the very depravity of the act, and she was determined to go through with it, even though she found it impossible, for some reason, to fantasize. She didn't care anymore. She was going to obtain the release from the devastating need that consumed her, no matter what degraded acts she had to inflict upon her own helplessly surrendered body to do so.

After a moment, Rebekah's dark head dropped back to the pillow. She gasped and moaned as she began to strain even more desperately for the still distant relief, her pelvis thrusting eagerly upward to the probing strokes of her fingers into the quivering hot flesh of her hungering cunt, the lips of her cunt flowering open to give her even greater access to the warmly yielding inner flesh. At the same time, she continued and intensified the maddening strokes of her thumb over the twitching little bud of her clitoris, the obscene titillation almost driving her insane with the lewdly rising passion that surged up from her womb and into her voluptuous squirming tits.

Gradually Rebekah had let the temptation which had been nagging at her for the last few minutes take full control of her. She reached with one of her hands to the fully swollen mounds of her tits, her fingers frenziedly working over the throbbing tips of her nipples. With her other hand she continued to spread the copiously flowing slick moisture up and down the trembling slit of her cunt, her body bucking from the raw stabbing sensation as her finger fucked deeper and deeper up into her moistly clasping cuntal flesh. And now that she had ceased her mental resistance to the depraved act, she let the lurid vision of little Tommy return to her in clear and shocking focus. Yet, try as she might, she could not imagine his doing more than standing naked by the bed. Without her interest in him, he somehow looked pathetic in his nakedness and shame, but suddenly, she no longer saw him at all. Instead, she could see as clearly as though he were right beside her, Jim Craft's little toes! They were hardly ready for her yet. They were not as clean as they would some day be, so the instinct to which they appealed must have been motherly as much as sexual, yet the raw intensity of that emotion only further heightened her prurient response, and she knew finally that it was the physical need which had prompted just about anything to feel lascivious at this point.