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"Jim. Jimmy, I don't understand," she said in a cracked voice. "I… I thought you came to… to work," she added lamely.

Except for his tongue, which flicked quickly from his mouth to moisten his lips, which were suddenly dry, the frightened blond boy remained completely motionless for a moment longer. Now he had never felt so stupid or ashamed in his whole life. This was worse than any of his old nightmares because for one thing, he knew he was not going to wake up. When he was having a nightmare he was always able sooner or later to wake himself up, but what do you do with reality? Oh, God, what if Tommy had tricked him, he thought frantically. How horribly embarrassing to have such a beautiful woman see him beating his meat and very likely believing he was some kind of sex pervert!

"Jim. Please, tell me…" she tried again.

"I… I couldn't help it," he nearly cried weakly, casting his blue eyes downward. Unconsciously he stiffened, and the motion caused his still fully erect cock to jerk lewdly with an enticing springing motion. As it did so, he heard the brunette woman gasp, which only further intensified his shame. His veined prick was still erect, and for some reason, it wouldn't go down. Jim was so frightened now that he couldn't even bring himself to put it back in his trousers.

"But… but, Jim, why did you have to come… come here to do th… that?"

Jim bit his lips. "I… I don't know what to say, M… Miss Howell." The twelve year old looked sheepishly back at his pretty employer, his eyes unconsciously drifting down the length of her shapely body. She was really a good looking woman. Her tits could not be quite as large as that redhead's in the magazine, but who would want real ones that big anyway? Miss Howell's looked plenty big enough, if you asked him! They were sure perfectly proportioned. Her waist was slender, her stomach flat. Her hips flared out in perfectly inviting half-moons, and her thighs were long, teasingly outlined in the firmly clinging material of her jersey dress.

Then the boy looked back at her face, strained with shock, as he interpreted her expression, and shook his head. He felt dizzy, as if the bed were floating beneath him, as though he were on a cloud, which was not only waving the bed around but passing right through his brain. He felt almost non-existent, and then, to his astonishment, the words he had self-consciously thought of the minute he had conceived of this wild action in which he was now irretrievably involved, began to flow smoothly from his lips.

"I… I didn't know what else to do because I was so desperate, you see. There's this girl, and everyone in school knows she's a coc… an awful tease. I mean she… Well, I ran into her on the way and… and I got kind of horny."

Rebekah felt a lump rise in her throat. She could not help but recall that she had committed the same obscene act of self-abuse, realizing that for her, a mature woman, that act was much more perverse and inexcusable than it was for a boy of Jim's age. In fact, masturbation for a boy of Jim Craft's age was even natural. She knew that well enough, but whether it was the act of his doing it or the waste of his not doing it to her, whatever the secret subconscious reasons, she still could not rationalize the fact in her mind. There was something about the sight of his nakedly exposed young prick sticking so rigidly from the fly of his trousers under his own fingers that was lewd and shocking. And this was a funny thing, too, because often her boys played with themselves while she satisfied her own desires, and it wasn't lewd and shocking then, only compelling! Why was that so? Right now, though she could hardly control her excitement, she just couldn't imagine the handsome little blond boy doing such a thing. But at the same time she couldn't escape the realization that if he would do this, then he was riper for plucking than she thought.

"A cock tease, huh?" she mumbled in a low voice, finding that once again her eyes were sliding from the still obscenely exposed erection of Jim's cock to the stiffened, slightly spread toes of his feet beneath his socks.

"Well, uh, yeah," he said, stunned that she used the word he had avoided.

"That will do it," she said suddenly.

"It sure will," the boy hastened to agree. "You know, it was so bad, I didn't think I'd even be able to get this far, honest. I was ashamed to walk down the street. I ran all the way!"


"Well, I had a hard-on and it was showing, you know."

Jim noticed with the faintest twinge of satisfaction the crimson flush that crept over the gorgeous brunette's face as he made that remark, and he couldn't help but see that as he said it, she was once more diverted from staring at his toes to his still revealed, fully throbbing veined cock. Jim was cautious. He was still not quite sure of Tommy and his information. After all, it could be mere wishful thinking on his own part, the excitement he thought he could see on Miss Howell's face at the sight of his bloated cock. At the root of Jim's uncertainty was the fact that he couldn't imagine why a woman as good-looking and sophisticated as Miss Howell could be interested in a kid like himself or like Tommy. Tommy swore it was possible, but it still seemed too good to be true. Yet, once having committed himself like this, Jim knew that he might as well try his best in case there was the slightest possibility of his plan working. At this point, he hardly had anything to lose!

The youth wet his lips again and once more flexed the still fully erect shaft of his lewdly swollen cock, again causing it to jerk upward in a springing motion. This time Rebekah Howell visibly winced even though her eyes seemed more on his feet than on his cock. She was probably watching out of the corner of her eye, he decided. He could see that she looked up at the door suddenly with a great amount of effort.

"I don't know what the other guys do. Well, I guess I do know to be honest." He faltered rather purposefully. "I guess I'm the only guy in my class who hasn't had a piece of… hasn't… uh… had sex." He paused, casting his eyes forlornly downward. "I bet I never will, either!"

"Oh, that's not true, Jim," Rebekah said almost too quickly, watching him to see if he knew anything. Maybe she had better skip a few boys for awhile, if she had the will power. But possibly the word was getting around at last. "Someday, when you're grown up, I'm sure you will have a wife and everything."

"But that's so long away," Jim wailed. "I can't even imagine being grown up. And I don't know of any guy who waits that long!"

"Well, of course you don't want to wait," Rebekah said carefully. "That's because of your age. As far as you can see, tomorrow is never going to come! But that doesn't mean you can't wait!" Rebekah wondered where she ever got such ideas herself!

"Why should l?"

"Because…" Rebekah's voice trailed off. Her head was spinning, and she couldn't even think of a logical answer to that question right now. She couldn't think of anything. Everything was a jumble in her mind, and she couldn't keep her eyes from darting first to his wonderful little feet and then to the virile young blood-engorged prick. It would sure help if he would put that back into his trousers.

"And now it's even worse," the boy said dolefully.

"What is worse?"

"I'm even hornier than I was before. I thought I could come in here and get rid of it before I had to start work, and I almost did when you came in and stopped me. Now it's even worse. I don't know how I'll be able to work!"

Rebekah caught her breath at the obscene thought that flashed through her mind. Oh, God, it was too soon! But it was just too, too lurid to keep to herself and she knew she had to say it. In spite of her emotional revulsion at the mere suggestion that he do such a thing all by himself, she knew it would be the voice of logic and maturity speaking. "All right, Jim, you go ahead and do it, and I'll go downstairs and wait until you're ready to come to work." God, she was in agony. How fortunate my erection doesn't show, she thought!