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"But I can't do that," Jim said, staring down at the floor and shaking his head solemnly. "I just can't do it. You must know that getting caught doing this is the most embarrassing thing that can happen to a guy, and I just can't go on with it now that you know I'm doing it. I guess you'll lose all your respect for me. I… I guess you'll fire me!"

"Oh, no, I don't think so, Jim," Rebekah said. "I think I understand this sort of thing all right. I was just a little surprised when I first saw you."

"Well, I don't care," said Jim, making his lip tremble sweetly. "I just can't do it." Then he lifted his eyes slowly. He could feel his heart pounding furiously in his chest, and he was so scared he could hardly even speak. But he had to try. He had come this far. There was no reason to back out now. "Unless…"

Rebekah looked sharply, perhaps expectantly, back at the small blond boy, who was now watching her almost with a sheepish smile.

"Unless what, Jim?"

Jim swallowed hard. "Unless you help me."

Rebekah could hardly believe she had heard right. The words had been clear enough, but this was the first time that any boy had ever been this bold. Something was wrong. It had to be, or he just couldn't be serious. Surely, he wouldn't have the gall to ask her on his own!

"What do you mean, help you?" she asked.

"Well, I've heard some of the guys talking, and they say it feels a whole lot better if a girl does it for you. You know! Jacks you off. Then the other day, this girl touched me. I don't know if she did it on purpose or not, but her hand felt twice as good as mine when I touch myself."

Rebekah's mouth dropped open as the shocking truth of Jim's meaning crept into her consciousness. It was too marvelous to hope for, but was there too much risk in letting him get the upper hand, do the directing? She could tell from the look on his face that though he was embarrassed and afraid, he was still serious in his lewdly degrading suggestion. He wanted her to assist him in masturbating. Well, masturbating alone she didn't really go for. Maybe if she took off his socks… But what was she thinking of?

"I… I can't believe you want me to do that, Jim," she told him falteringly.

"Oh, I didn't mean anything bad about it, Miss Howell. I just wanted… well, it was selfish of me to ask you. But you know, everybody in school laughs at me for being a… a virgin!"

"How do they know?"

"They can tell, I guess. At least, I can't seem to convince them it isn't true. I figure there must be some secret thing I don't know about, and they can tell I don't know about it."

She started to go, saying over her shoulder as though she were speaking to herself, "I don't think it's wise!"

Jim's heart sank as he watched the voluptuous woman turn to leave. The plan had failed and maybe Tommy Speigle was a liar after all. He should have known it was crazy to even try.

Then to his surprise, Miss Howell hesitated and looked back.

"Jim, I'm sorry," she said. Rebekah had realized that she had slipped up. She hadn't told him it was wrong or that she wouldn't, but that it was not wise. After he thought about it, after he remembered that remark, he might get angry, and then, God knew what he would do or say and to whom! He would understand if she told him it was wrong. He would understand if she told him she didn't do such things. But wisdom? Didn't that imply a certain possibility? Didn't that imply that she would expect for some secret reason that she was not confiding in him? Well, it was true. She was not confiding her reason. But wasn't it dangerous to let him suffer when he didn't understand why he had to?

Meanwhile, Jim Craft caught his breath. He saw the beautiful brunette's green eyes descend again toward his loins and the still partially rigid shaft of his cock, and her strained expression convinced him he had to give it one last try.

"Then will you please help me? Please?"

It was utterly and completely insane to risk so much. She had to wait, to feel out the situation, to be absolutely sure that there would be no repercussions from any child she so used! It was a threatening situation to get into without thought. If it ever got out to a single parent that she was hiring her boys to frolic nakedly with them instead of to do the innocent chores they were supposed to be doing, what would happen? She didn't really care to find out. But why would a boy like Jim, wanting sex obviously, say anything to anyone and possibly lose it that way? How could she refuse him now and seduce him later? That might be far more dangerous, when she thought about it.

Yet she couldn't avoid suspecting that under all her attempts to think and her rationalizations, there seemed in her current confused state of consciousness, to be an even more compelling reason for her to do what Jim asked. In spite of everything else, she simply wanted to. She could hardly control her breathing or the furious pounding of her heart as she let her gaze wander back to the smooth little prick and the two delicate hills of toes standing up so rigidly, one between his thighs and the other two not far away, lower in the bed. She did want to touch him. She could imagine the resilient feel of countless extremities in her hand. She could imagine the little blond groaning in mingled embarrassment and ecstasy as she performed the manipulations that led him to the release that he must need just as badly as she needed her own a while ago, and if she wasn't careful, would need again too soon! She couldn't deny the forbidden thrill swelling in her own tits at the thought of caressing him. Perhaps if she could keep up the pretense that she was only doing him a favor. That might be a permissible compromise.

"Please, Miss Howell, I need your help. I really do need it!"

Rebekah sucked her breath in hoarsely, staring at the cute young boy through narrowed eyes. Oh, if you only knew why I hired you, she thought. She had never seen such a look of innocent and desperate pleading on anyone's face in her life, and her heart went out to him. He was really extraordinary… the best she had had ever. He was angelically handsome, mischievous of eye, and oh, so innocent and helpless! Was he playing a trick on her? Was he? Oh, God what did she care if he was?

"All right," she whispered. "Promise me, oh, promise me, Jim, that you'll never tell anyone!"

"I promise! Oh, yes, I promise. I'll never tell anyone!" the artful little boy cried.

Her breath coming in even more audible gasps, Rebekah walked over to the bed. She saw the look of hope that lit up on little Jim Craft's angelic face, and despite all of her own apprehension against rushing things quite this fast, she couldn't quell her warm response to that rewarding sight. She sat down on the edge of the bed, watching him with a sultry gaze that was quite unconscious. A soft whimper rose in her throat, and she reached toward the young blond boy's nakedly inviting little bloated prick, which had begun to surge again toward a renewed erection even before the initial touch.

"Oh, Miss Howell!" Jim gasped, his whole body twitching spontaneously as he felt the curvaceous brunette's fingers close warmly about the throbbing shaft of his blood-filled cock. "That feels… unbelievable!"

Rebekah smiled from within, from the memory of so many like exclamations from so many little virgin boys. She tried to hide the excitement she herself felt at finally touching the virilely pulsating little prick that had so unnaturally obsessed her, far more than usual, for the last couple of days, since Jim had first come to inquire about replacing Tommy Speigle.

The beautiful emerald-eyed recluse was in a state of mindless excitement as she began a rhythmic up and down stroking motion of her hand on the boy's slender rod of lust-hardened flesh. She was strongly tempted to reach down and take each of his socks off with her teeth while she worked on his cock and wondered if she would be able to restrain herself or if she would finally have to give in to that desire at some overwhelming point.