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The feel of Jim's warm young prick, which had been gradually overpowering her ever since she first walked into the room and seen it there a couple of feet from his darling toes, was almost driving her out of her mind. Her body was responding beyond all her wishes, her flesh tingling with unwanted lust that surged up in her thighs despite all her attempts at self control. And the fact that for the first time, she was being seduced by one of her little gigolos added an emotional factor that only further intensified her physical arousal. She closed her eyes, a little moan of hunger rising in her throat, and she began to work her hand up and down even faster. She could feel the little boy's body jerking and shuddering beneath her salacious caresses, and she sensed it wouldn't be long until he reached the climax he had apparently been approaching even before she had come up to her bedroom a few moments ago.

Then she heard a groan escape from the young boy's lips and felt his hips sag back down into the softness of the mattress. The groan was followed by a sigh that caused her to open her eyes to look up at his face. Rebekah was sorry and slightly frightened to face the sight that greeted her. She had expected an expression of unbridled lust and passion. Instead, Jim Craft looked as if he were about to cry. She couldn't understand it. She couldn't understand what she was doing wrong. She certainly knew how to go about caressing a young boy's prick. She considered herself an expert, with the usual boy, that is. Perhaps some boys were different.

"Jim, what in the world is wrong?"

"It won't work," he said, shaking his head forlornly. At last Rebekah ceased the motions of her hand and let the stony little prick lie motionless in her hand, her fingers still feeling the hotly throbbing pulse in the swollen shaft.

"Why not?" she asked bewildered.

"It's not your fault, Miss Howell," he said sadly. "I just can't help it. I still feel rotten, and it embarrasses me for you to see me like this."

"But Jim!"

"And I'm going to shoot off in a minute. I can't help myself, and I don't want you to see me!"

"But… but why do you think I'm doing this? Honest, I expect you to shoot off. I really do. What else would I expect you to do?" the bewildered woman asked.

"No, it's too messy, Miss Howell. I can't do that. Please!" Jim could hardly bring himself to make his next statement because what his beautiful employer, hanging over him so he could hardly see anything but those luscious tits, had been doing for him had felt better than anything he had ever experienced in his life. She seemed to know just how to do it. And the way he felt right now, he wouldn't really have hesitated in the least to cum right here on her bed in plain sight. But according to what Tommy had reported, he would be a fool to do that. He was more convinced than ever that Tommy had been telling the truth. His own state of excitement helped to convince him, of course. But he could see that Miss Howell was really getting excited from jacking him off, and he had to try to make her go all the way.

"No, Miss Howell," he said finally in a quavering voice. "You better stop now."

"Don't be silly, Jim," Rebekah pleaded. "Come on. Let yourself cum. I don't mind."

The conniving little blond boy flinched as Rebekah Howell resumed the up and down stroking of her hand along the now wildly tingling shaft of his rigid prick. It's funny how she rubbed his cock but all the while had her eyes hungrily on his small socked feet. Maybe she was a little ashamed of looking at him, but that didn't make sense.

"No, Miss Howell. Please. Please stop."

Again Rebekah slacked the movement of her hand, looking at the cute and troubled boy in desperation. Then she almost collapsed at his next shocking statement.

"Maybe… if you would lay on top of me or something and make me do it that way… that would be better."

"James Craft!" Rebekah said sharply. "You're just trying to trick me! Where did you get such ideas?" she asked, suspicious and wary again. "What made you think I would do all this?" Belatedly she drew her hand away.

Then she could hardly believe it as Jim reached up to rub his eyes. When he took his hand away from his face again his eyes were watering. Tears? He was crying, and it must have been that which prompted the next even more lascivious and devastatingly dangerous thought to enter Rebekah's mind. Usually she did things in reverse, and she had never done it quite this way before so that later, she would not even know where the idea had come from. It was a concept completely alien to her. She would like to… well… she would like to do it her own way, but if he was going to cry to have the summing happen in her hand, she had better compromise.

Now, it was strange, but now that the idea came to her and was embedded in her mind, she couldn't escape from it. For as degrading as it was, from Jim's point of view, uneducated as he was still, it was a perfect idea. He would get the satisfaction he wanted without the embarrassment inherent in allowing her to make him cum with her hand. It would redeem his wounded ego as nothing else possibly could have.

"Please, Miss Howell. I'm sorry."

Rebekah almost closed her eyes. Well at least, she could take off his socks. She could allow herself that much satisfaction! "I'll… I'll do something for you, Jim. I've… I've never done anything like this for a man, but I want to do it for you." Consciously, she was telling the truth.

Rebekah felt a lewd little quiver of masochistic excitement flow through her own body as she once again entwined her fingers around the rigid flesh of his blood-engorged cock, bending it backward until it pointed straight up into the air. A little drop of seminal fluid glistened on the tiny plum-colored glans at the tip, beckoning her. And she knew, insane as the act she had conceived might be, that she wasn't going to back out. She was going to do it. But she had to have something for her, too. Quickly, she pulled off one sock and then the other and with a slow gentle touch, began to rub his toes.

Jim Craft groaned, staring down in wide-eyed shock as Miss Howell shifted about on the bed and bent slowly over his loins. He thought his eyes must be deceiving him. Oblivious to her fingers winding among his toes, he was watching her delicate, soft-looking mouth lowering to his… to his cock! Was she going to suck him off? It was like a dream, a wet dream from which he would suddenly awake, writhing and groaning in frustration. But it wasn't a dream. It was really going to happen. She was going to suck him off!

Slow by Rebekah flicked out her tongue, far out of her mouth, moistening her already glistening lips. Then, her own secret desire surging almost as wildly as she knew Jim's must be, she leaned her face over the young boy's body, bending the hard-swollen shaft of his eagerly throbbing cock further backwards until it was pointed straight up at her face. Inches from it, she paused again and ever so slowly opened her mouth to breathe gently over the rounded little cockhead.

"Ooohhhhhh," the young blond boy moaned, his hips jerking suddenly in his wildly building anticipation at the realization of what the school nurse was about to do to him.

Gingerly, Rebekah flicked her tongue again from her lips, the saliva wetted tip coming into suddenly shocking contact with the throbbing tip of the writhing twelve year old's blood-hard cock. She circled her wet tongue slowly about the smooth rubbery flesh, heating his excited moan and feeling his hips twitch even more urgently in response to the wantonly titillating sensation. The tip of her tongue sought out the tiny opening of the glans and darted out to flick up the little seminal droplet. The sharp masculine taste only served to stimulate her own unnatural craving. Then her hands slipped slowly to the base of the pulsing cockshaft, as she continued to lick teasingly at the tip and gradually move her head lower to take it hungrily up into the moist warmth of her mouth.