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“Nothing more been heard from Fossilface O’Donahue, has it?” she fluted ingenuously.

“Not from my end, no. I should think he’s gone to ground again. Why – Hedgeclipper hasn’t had any more trouble, has he?”

“No, no. In fact, from Hedgeclipper’s point of view, Fossilface has done him a favour. That bloody monkey. Hedgeclipper’s just devoted to Erasmus – still walks round the hotel most of the time with the thing on his shoulder. They’re inseparable.”

“Isn’t that causing problems for him professionally? I mean, doesn’t the average guest somewhere as swish as Greene’s Hotel find it a bit odd that the manager is always accompanied by a marmoset?”

“Not at Greene’s, no. Because the ‘average guest’ here is an American with more money than sense, and they’re ‘just thrilled’ by what they regard as another heart-warming example of ‘lovable British eccentricity’.”

“Ah. With you.” A silence. “Was that what you were actually ringing about, Mrs Pargeter?”

“Well, erm… in a way,” she replied evasively, and moved into further delaying tactics. “Maybe Fossilface has given up on his campaign of ‘restitooshun’?”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” said Truffler darkly. “I’ve a feeling our charitable loose cannon’s still out there, priming his powder for yet another hideously inappropriate gesture.”

“Oh dear.”

“You heard what he did to Keyhole Crabbe, did you?”


“Bloody nasty, that could have been, if the screws in Bedford had found the stuff… Keyhole’s always been so careful about his reputation. I mean, if word got around that he was the kind of geezer who leaves his professional equipment lying around in the nick… well, his image’d be well and truly scuppered.”

“You’re right.”

“No, I think we should still be very much on the lookout for Fossilface’s next attempt to demonstrate his sense of humour.”

“Yes, ‘cause, of course, although he did Hedgeclipper over and tied him up, he still hasn’t made his act of ‘restitooshun’ there, has he?”

“No. And he hasn’t paid his dues to Gary yet either. Or to Concrete Jacket. Or to me,” Truffler concluded gloomily. “Don’t forget I’m on his list too.”

“What kind of ‘restitooshun’ do you reckon he’s going to make to you? How did he do the dirty on you in the past? Because if you knew what kind of thing he was likely to come up with, you could be on your guard, couldn’t you?”

“Huh. You make it sound easier than it actually is, Mrs Pargeter. A man could go mad trying to piece together the bizarre way a mind like Fossilface O’Donahue’s works.”

“But you must know what wrong he did you… what offence he’s likely to try and make ‘restitooshun’ for?”

“All right. Fossilface got at my records – burnt a whole lot of them.”

“What kind of records?”

“I’d got some dirt on him and some of his mates. Pretty inflammatory stuff.”

Mrs Pargeter couldn’t resist the joke. “Probably that was why he found it so easy to burn.”

But Truffler was too resentfully deep in memories to respond to her humour. “Irreplaceable, that material was. I’d built it up over years… just like your husband told me to. ‘Never hurts to have a bit of information on people you’re working with,” he always said to me. “You never know when it’s going to come in handy’.”

“What for?” asked Mrs Pargeter innocently.

“Well, when you’re dealing with villains, it’s good to have something against them. So you can put the screws on, come heavy with the blackmail or…” he seemed to sense disapproval creeping into the unseen eyes and quickly changed direction, “… or pass the information on to the police like a good citizen.”

“Yes. Yes, of course. Oh well, good luck, Truffler. Maybe by now Fossilface O’Donahue will have learnt how a sense of humour works, and make you some form of ‘restitooshun’ that’s actually appropriate.”

“Yes,” Truffler growled. “And maybe Lord Lucan’ll be the next prime minister.”

There was a silence. Mrs Pargeter knew she could no longer put off the real purpose of her call.

“Truffler, it’s all right,” she found herself saying a few minutes later, soothing the predictable outburst detonated by the announcement of her plan.

“Well, I don’t like it,” Truffler grumbled. “You’re taking an unnecessary risk.”

“I know what I’m doing. There’s no way he could have a clue who I really am, anyway. The appointment’s made in the name of Lady Entwistle.”

He didn’t sound mollified. “It’s still a risk. Clickety Clark’s a nasty piece of goods, and if he’s got Blunt working with him too –”

“I’ll be all right.”

“Hm.” Still not convinced. “So… what’s Lady Entwistle like?”

“Well, I was just deciding that. She’s a widow, definitely, and her husband left her very well provided for.”

“Typecasting?” Truffler suggested.

Mrs Pargeter was affronted by the idea. “Oh no. Lady Entwistle’s got more money than sense. Keeps complaining she doesn’t know what to do with the stuff.”

“Sounds a perfect mark for an unscrupulous conman…”

“Exactly. That’s the aim of the exercise. Lady Entwistle is a real sitting duck. Much younger than her late husband, needless to say. Oh no, she was a bimbo before the word was invented. And she’s dead common.” A smile crept over Mrs Pargeter’s generous features as she came up with the perfect background detail. “Yes,” she said, “her husband got knighted in Harold Wilson’s Resignation Honours List, that’s it.”

Truffler chuckled. “Well, you just be careful. Bloke you’re up against may have a veneer of civilization, but deep down he’s a real nasty mean villain.”

“Don’t worry,” said Mrs Pargeter. “I’ve dealt with a good few of them in my time.”

∨ Mrs Pargeter’s Plot ∧


The foyer of Greene’s Hotel was a miracle of understated elegance. An eighteenth-century French chandelier spread beneficent light over antique oak furniture and delicate glassware. As Mrs Pargeter came out of the lift into this paradigm of grace, Hedgeclipper Clinton was emerging from his office with a piece of paper and a puzzled expression. On his shoulder, Erasmus chattered excitedly. “Now what on earth can this mean?” said the manager, almost to himself.

“Problem?” asked Mrs Pargeter.

“Well, I don’t really know. I’ve just received this rather bizarre fax…”

He held the sheet across to her. There was no originating address or fax number, but across the top was a logo of a circular smiley face. Beneath this were the words: INSTAQUIP – THE PERFECT JOKE FOR EVERY OCCASION.

“Oh dear,” said Mrs Pargeter, thinking back to her recent conversation with Truffler Mason. “Oh dear.”

“What’s up?”

“Well, I’m not sure, but… just let me read it.”

With foreboding, her eyes reverted to the page. “How many lightbulbs does it take to change a man?” she read.

Her mind framed yet another ‘Oh dear’ as she discovered the answer. “It depends whether the power’s on or not.”

There seemed little doubt about the fax’s provenance. The telltale signs were all there – a joke, or rather the structure of a joke, clearly the work of someone to whom jokes did not come instinctively. In fact, it read like an early effort of a student whose first language was not humour.

“Hedgeclipper,” Mrs Pargeter said gently, “you remember Fossilface O’Donahue?”