Moons following within such period, in addition to being referred to the previous quarterly figure, should also be referred back to the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries.
For example:-If the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries only rules for three months, then the New Moons formed within that period are to be referred back to such figure. If it has rule for six months, then the New Moons occurring in the Sun’s entry into Cancer are first of all to be referred to this latter figure, and then finally to the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries. If it should have rule over a whole twelve months, then each lunation should be referred first of all to the quarterly figure preceding it, and finally to the original figure which has rule over the twelve months.
A further method of prognostication can be made from quarterly figures, and this will give the particular day or dates upon which various events shown in such figure are likely to occur. This is done by watching the transits of the planets, including the Sun, over the places and aspects of the positions at the time of Ingress.
For example:-Suppose the Sun, should be in the seventh house, denoting that Foreign affairs will be prominent during a particular quarter, not, during the period which the figure has rule over, what aspects are formed by the planets thereto; for instance should Mars pass the place of the Sun, then it would denote serious troubles in Foreign relations, or if the Sun or Moon be in the tenth house, and Mars should transit such place, then it would denote illness or death of Royalty or notable people on the days when such transit occurred. The place of each New Moon should also be observed in the quarterly figure in a like manner.
Mundane Map for the Sun’s entry into Aries
0h. 3m. 10s. p.m., March 21st, 1910.
R.A.M.C. 23h. 55m. 40s.
Declinations. | ♂ 22°18′ N. |
☉ 0° 0' N. | ♃ 2° 51' S. |
☽ 22°10′ N. | ♄ 6°48′ N. |
☿ 7°40′ S. | ♅ 21°41′ S. |
♀ 10°36′ S. | ♆ 21°45′ N. |
The ingress takes place in the tenth house, and the Sun being in good aspect to Mars denotes a strong Government, increase of popularity to the King, and a favourable time for nobility. The Moon ruling the Ascendant, and in sextile aspect with Jupiter, will bring many benefits to the people, but, as the Moon is in parallel with Mars, there will be a martial tendency, and some unrest in the land. The financial state of the country will improve, for the Moon is on the cusp of the second house, in sextile to Jupiter. Exchequer returns will be above average, but, as the Moon is in parallel with Mars, there will be heavy expenditure in Military affairs. Mercury ruling the third house, and placed in the ninth, in trine with Neptune, will benefit railways and the post office, and some alteration will be likely in relation to Colonial postage. Jupiter in the fourth benefits the landed interests and agriculture, and the weather will be propitious for crops. Mars ruling the fifth house, in parallel to the Moon, is not good for children, denoting much mortality; wile fires are likely in theatres and music-halls. Jupiter ruling the sixth, shows that the general health of the people will be good. Uranus on the cusp of the seventh house, in square to Saturn in the tenth, denotes unexpected troubles in foreign affairs, and
the Government (tenth house) must be careful or serious complications will arise. Venus in the eighth house is an indication of mortality among females, and ruling the eleventh house (Commons) may bring matters to do with the death duties to the front. Mercury in the ninth is favourable for Colonial trade and Commerce, and shows scientific discoveries and new inventions. Mercury in trine to Neptune will make psychic matters very prominent. The Sun’s position, close to the meridian, we have already noticed, but on this point we further say that, whatever difficulties the Government may have to meet arising from the other positions in the figure, they will triumph over them, particularly as Mars is in sextile to the Sun. Mars in the eleventh in this figure is a contradictory position, for while it shows much disputation, fiery speeches and wrangling in the Commons, it indicates much discussion on military affairs, and success in military projects, as Mars has the sextile of the Sun. Neptune may be considered as rising in this map, and shows much agitation among certain classes of the community, increase of Socialism, and unrest.
Solar and Lunar eclipses are prominent features in Mundane Astrology, for they indicate most important and far-reaching events, and their period of influence extends over some considerable time. The figure for each solar eclipse should be erected for the time of the ecliptic conjunction of the luminaries, and that for each lunar eclipse, for the ecliptic opposition, and not for the time of central eclipse. The times of the ecliptic conjunction and opposition are those of the New and Full Moon.
Eclipses have most effect in those countries where they are visible, and more especially where they are on the meridian at the moment of central eclipse. They also affect the countries and cities ruled by the signs in which they are placed.
In eclipses of the Moon, it has been found that the effects commence almost immediately, but in those of the Sun it has been generally observed that some months elapse before the greatest effects appear, and also that the greater or lesser effects of each eclipse will be in proportion to the magnitude of such eclipse, or, in other words, the more total the eclipse the more powerfully will it operate upon the earth and its inhabitants. Also, that eclipses which are invisible are found to have no peculiar or perceptible influence over that region, city, or country in which they are invisible.
The united observations of Astrologers in every age and every clime confirms this opinion, and the student himself can easily prove it.
In Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, we find the following rules laid down in regard to eclipses.
“In all eclipses of the Sun and Moon and especially in such as are fully visible, the place in the Zodiac where the eclipse happens is to be noted; and it must be seen what countries are in familiarity with that place… and, in like manner, it must be observed what cities are under the influence of the sign in which the eclipse happens, either by means of the Ascendant and the situation of the Luminaries at the time of their foundation… Whatever countries or cities shall be thus found in familiarity with the ecliptical place will all be comprehended in the event, which will, however, principally attach to all those parts which may be connected with the identical sign of the eclipse, and in which it may be visible while above the earth. ”
Further it has been found that the effects of eclipses falling in the Fixed signs (♉, ♌, ♏, and ♒) will have a very lasting effect; those that are formed in Cardinal signs (♈, ♋, ♎, and ♑) will be brief and soon over, while those that are formed in Common signs (♊, ♍, ♐ and ♓) will commence sooner, and last longer, but that their effects will be liable to interruption, that is to say, they will continue, for a time, suddenly cease, and then commence again.
Now as regards the effects of eclipses, the sign position is first to be taken into account.
1. Eclipses in Fiery signs. These threaten the destruction of cattle and sheep, exile or imprisonment or murder of some king or notable person, or great ruler. Much discontent and dissension among the people. Movements of armies, fighting, fires, fevers, pestilence, and scarcity of the fruits of the earth, especially in those regions affected by the eclipse.