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First decanate. -It causes public grief and sorrow.

Second decanate.-Public robberies, thefts, rapes, earthquakes and famine.

Third decanate.-The death and slaughter of sheep and beasts of the field.


First decanate. -Dries up rivers and makes the sea-coast unfortunate.

Second decanate. -Causes the death of some famous and excellent man; the destruction of fish, tidal waves and inundations.

Third decanate.-Sedition, cruelty, fierceness and in-humanity of soldiers.



The following are the principal effects of Lunar eclipses when falling in the decanates of each sign.


First decanate.-Fevers, incendiarism, firing of woods and forests, and dryness of the air.

Second decanate.-Pestilence.

Third decanate.-Causes abortive births, incommodities, and dangers to women.


First decanate. -Death and diseases among cattle.

Second decanate.-Death of some queen, and a scarcity of seeds, and barrenness of the earth.

Third decanate.-Chief effects will be manifest among snakes and creeping things, which will perish by the million.


First decanate. -Threatens incursions and rapines or enemies.

Second decanate.-Brings sudden motion of armies, and the solicitation of private and public bodies.

Third decanate. -Causes death of some illustrious and renowned man.


First decanate. -Excites and stirs up wars.

Second decanate.-Causes grievous exactions, intolerable tributes, taxes and such like burdens.

Third decanate. -Brings death to the female sex; sudden destruction and miseries.


First decanate. -Brings the sudden infirmity of some king; or the death of a great man.

Second decanate.-Journey of the king, and mutation of things.

Third decanate.-Stirs up the people and armies to new attempts at sedition and insurrection.


First decanate. -Causes sickness and infirmities to the king, and various seditions and discords among men.

Second decanate.-Brings damage to councilors and scribes, and the like.

Third decanate. -Causes diseases among human beings.


First decanate. -Provokes furious storms of hail.

Second decanate.-Pernicious to everyone.

Third decanate.-Threatens the death of some renowned and illustrious man.


First decanate. -It portends horrible thunders and lightnings and perhaps an earthquake.

Second decanate.-It dries up olives and fruits, and the air is contagent with fevers and pestilence.

Third decanate.-Brings the same, also sharp sicknesses, with many seditions, quarrels and slaughters.


First decanate. -Brings thefts and rapines.

Second decanate. -Brings destruction to horses and mules.

Third decanate. -Causes pestilence and many evils among mankind.


First decanate.-Causes conspiracies among men, and shows the lamentable murder of some excellent man.

Second decanate.-Brings frequent incursions and assaults of soldiers, robberies and captivities.

Third decanate. -Causes the death of some king, and also sedition.


First decanate. -Shows sickness of some king.

Second decanate. -It universally damages the seeds of the earth.

Third decanate. -Causes a change in all things.


First decanate. -Brings sorrow to the priests and to religious houses.

Second decanate. -Brings death to some great and illustrious person.

Third decanate.-Threatens robberies and promiscuous assaults and rapines, both on sea and land.



The conjunctions of the superior planets, especially those of Jupiter and Saturn, deserve particular and careful notice in this part of predictive Astrology. Their observed effects on the affairs of nations, individuals, kings and governments, form a striking feature of Mundane Astrology.

The chief conjunctions are those of Mars and Jupiter, and Mars and Saturn; Jupiter and Saturn, and Saturn and Uranus. The first occurs every twenty-seven months, the second about every two years, the third every twenty years, and the last about every forty-five years. They produce serious troubles in the countries ruled by the signs in which the conjunction takes place, and their effects last until the same two planets form their next conjunction.

The conjunctions of Mars and Jupiter produce financial and religious troubles, and seriously affect the peace of the country ruled by the sign in which they are placed.

The conjunctions of Saturn and Mars are more serious, and produce war, rioting, murder, danger to the kings and governments of the countries ruled by the sign in which they are placed. Illustrations of this are shown by the conjunctions in Aquarius, which rules Russia and causes the Russo-Japanese War, then the same conjunction in Pisces, which brought about the assassination of the King and Crown Prince of Portugal, which country is ruled by Pisces. The last conjunction occurred on December 29th, 1909, in Aries, the sign ruling England, and serious troubles may be looked for during the time it has rule, which will be to the 16th August, 1911, when they form their next conjunction. Under the influence of this conjunction King Edward VII died, and serious difficulties arose in Parliament in connection with the House of Lords.

The most important conjunction, however, is that of Jupiter and Saturn, which is known as the Great Mutation. These conjunctions are periodical, and happen once in a bout twenty years, they take place regularly in each of the twelve signs, in a retrograde order, at a distance of a trine from each other. For example, in January, 1842, the conjunction took place in Capricorn, in 1861 it fell in Virgo, in 1881 in Taurus, and in 1901 again in Capricorn, and so on, each conjunction being three degrees in advance of the last, until, after ten conjunctions have taken place, each of which will fall in the three signs forming the Earthy triplicity, it passes into the Airy triplicity and begins a series of ten conjunctions, commencing in Libra, then in Gemini, and the in Aquarius.

After going through the four triplicities in this manner, the whole series of conjunctions starts again, and the exact period of this process through the four triplicities is 724 years.

Those conjunctions which commence in the first degrees of Aries are the most important, and they have only happened eight times since the known history of the world began to be written. Many important events are derived from these mutations, and especially in the countries ruled by whatever sign they fall in.