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‘He claims he didn’t. He wasn’t at home at the time Stella was killed.’

‘Have the police checked Tancred Vane’s alibi?’

‘They must have done. Would be scandalous if they haven’t. Alibis of course can be faked. Shame I no longer know anyone at Scotland Yard. Not that I would want to, from what I hear. To think that at one time I had three Commissioners eating out of my hand.’ Payne sighed. ‘What would Tancred Vane’s motive be?’

‘The grandmother’s letters and diaries,’ Antonia said promptly. ‘Didn’t he covet them? I mean Stella’s grandmother. I believe he tried to buy the letters and the diaries for fifty pounds?’

‘Allegedly. That’s what Moon said… Royal biographers, I have no doubt, could be obsessive, cranky, ruthless and ultimately lethal. It did occur to me to ask Morland where the letters and the diaries were, yes, but he said he had no idea. In Stella’s suitcase, he imagined.’

‘Might be useful to know if they are still there.’

‘I keep wondering about Morland. He had a guilty air that day, you know, when he came to see me. I am sure of it. Though it may have had nothing to do with Stella’s death.’

‘He wouldn’t have come and asked you for help if he’d been guilty of Stella’s death, would he? That might have been a ruse of course. D’you see Morland as a likely sword wielder?’

‘No, I don’t. Unless I’ve completely misread him.’

‘Morland might turn out to be the high priest of some unspeakable suburban cult.’ Antonia couldn’t believe she’d said that. She was extremely tired. She couldn’t think straight. She was suffering the effects of a bad jetlag.

She bit her lip but it was too late. She saw her husband nod gravely. Hugh needed so little encouragement.

‘Why didn’t I think of it? Morland’s real intention was to have Stella immolated on the altar of the bloodthirsty pagan deity he happens to worship. Or rather he and Vane happen to worship. Stella possessed some unique characteristic that made her the perfect sacrificial victim, according to their book of magic lore. Stella had a sixth toe or an oyster-shaped birthmark on her-’

‘You said Morland was determined to prove Moon’s innocence, didn’t you?’

‘Determined is correct… You don’t want to hear about Stella’s birthmark?’

‘No,’ Antonia said firmly. ‘I don’t think it’s funny, Hugh.’

‘You are right. It isn’t. Gratuitous flippancy was something I used to disapprove of. Well, Morland keeps phoning, asking what progress I’ve made. He’s become something of a pest. The other night he rang as the clock was chiming midnight. He just goes on and on. Morland seems terribly keen on doing the right thing. He’s considering adopting Moon. He says he owes it to Stella. In my opinion, he’s bidden adieu to good sense. I can’t see any such adoption being a success, can you? He’ll rue the day.’

‘I agree. Moon will drive him mad.’

‘Shall I mix you another g amp;t?’

‘Yes, please. And then I must go to bed… Perhaps Moon is Morland’s biological daughter, that would explain his keenness. Morland and Stella might have known each other for much longer than they made out,’ Antonia mused. ‘Their affair might have started years ago. He said he had been going on regular business trips to Bulgaria since 1993.’

‘It seems more than likely that Moon was set up,’ Payne said as he handed Antonia a glass.

‘It’s possible. No one drops monogrammed handkerchiefs made of fine silk beside dead bodies… Silly, really… Unless that was a double bluff,’ Antonia said thoughtfully. ‘Moon might have killed her mother and then planted the handkerchief, implicating herself in a deliberately absurd manner, knowing perfectly well she would be exonerated in due course. Do you think she’s clever?’

‘As clever as a bagful of monkeys. Is there anyone else we should consider?’

‘Melisande has the best motive. Stella was her love rival. Melisande is an adroit sword wielder. She was Joan of Arc.’ Antonia raised the glass to her lips. ‘You noticed how expertly she handled the sword in those photos.’

As they were getting into bed, Antonia remembered something.

‘Hugh, is there a third sister at Kinderhook? I saw a woman who looked very much like an older version of Melisande and Winifred.’

‘You saw her too? So I didn’t imagine her! I saw her a couple of days ago. When did you see her?’

‘As we were coming back from the airport. We drove past Kinderhook. I pointed her out to you, but you didn’t want to miss the cricket score on the radio. She was standing outside Kinderhook. She seemed on the point of going in. I believe she was unlocking the front door. She looked about eighty – stiff white hair – slightly stooped – long skirt – glasses?’

‘Yes! Melisande was adamant that I was mistaken when I mentioned the woman. They did have an older sister once, but she’s dead. Died a long time ago, apparently.’

‘How very odd. Perhaps the third sister isn’t dead…’

‘The third sister may have escaped from some lunatic asylum and Melisande and Winifred may be hiding her. They would be reluctant to admit her existence. Like the brother in The Cocktail Party. I am sure you know your Eliot?’

‘I don’t.’ Antonia yawned.

‘Three of them, but they kept the third one very quiet.’ Payne turned off the light. ‘Wonder if it has anything to do with Stella’s murder. What do you think?’

‘Don’t see how,’ said Antonia. ‘But it’s very odd.’

‘It’s creepy. Goodnight, my love.’



Young and Innocent

At ten minutes to three in the morning their phone rang. With a groan, Major Payne reached out for it.


‘Who is that?’

He gave their phone number. What a bloody nuisance. It was probably some drunk misdialling.

‘Is that you, Hugh?’

‘Yes,’ Payne said after a pause. ‘It’s Hugh Payne speaking.’

‘Oh hi, Hugh. I wanted to say hi. Sorry, that’s a totally dumb thing to say, but it’s freezing cold here.’

‘Who is it?’ The next moment he knew. ‘Good lord.’ He raised himself on his elbow. ‘Moon?’

She sniffed. ‘Yes.’

‘Where are you? Not in jail, are you?’

‘You wish!’

‘Sorry. Where are you phoning from?’

‘What does it matter where I’m phoning from? Why does everybody want to know where I am? Julia would be mad with me if she knew I was phoning you. That’s James’ sister. She’d be totally mad.’

‘I wouldn’t be in the least surprised. Do you know what time it is?’

‘No. Julia is a bitch.’

‘You shouldn’t talk like that.’

‘Julia’s a bitch from hell. I don’t like her. I hate her. Always asking me what I’m doing, where I’m going, why my eyes are red. She thinks I smoke pot. It doesn’t occur to her I might be sad. That I might have been crying.’

‘Do you smoke pot?’ Really, Payne thought, I should ring off. It was some unearthly hour.

‘You think I killed my mother, don’t you?’

‘I think you should be in bed.’

‘Do you think that if a person truly defines themselves by dark actions, when their identity is actually shaped by sin, then their soul may indeed be beyond salvation?’

‘I think you should be in bed,’ he said again.

‘It bothers me, questions like that.’

‘What’s the matter, Hugh?’ Antonia asked, her voice muffled by the pillow.

‘Sorry, darling,’ Payne said.

‘You called me darling!’ Moon giggled. ‘You are funny.’

‘I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to my wife.’ Payne gave an exasperated sigh and, putting his hand over the receiver, said, ‘It’s Moon.’


‘Why aren’t you in bed?’ Payne spoke into the receiver.

‘Where are you?’

‘Where am I? Outside the witches’ house, if you want to know. I’m not a bit sleepy.’