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‘Got it at the library. On my way back from the Villa Byzantine.’

She looked down at the open pages and at the bulletshaped pencil that lay between them. ‘You have been underlining. You can’t do that in a library book, you know. They could fine you for defacing. Maladie d’amour,’ she murmured, turning a page.

‘Also known as melancolie erotique. Why do these things sound so much better in French? Look further down. The condition is also known as “old maid’s psychosis”.’

‘Melisande is not an old maid.’

‘Clearly there are variations… Enigma Variations… Shall we have some Elgar, to set the tone?’

‘No, not music. Not now. Can’t concentrate if there’s music. So… The sufferer believes that the subject of their delusion secretly communicates their love by subtle methods, such as body posture, arrangement of household objects and other seemingly innocuous acts.’

‘Vane said she kept staring at him. She patted his cheek on a regular basis. She insisted on giving him pecks. She brought him some flowers that looked like human lungs. When he moved them to the right of his desk, she looked enraptured. She turned very pink. She was convinced he was sending her a signal. She took it for a declaration of his love for her.’

‘Love via lungs…’

‘Did you know that, if stretched out, our lungs would cover an area the size of a tennis court?’

‘De Clerambault’s Syndrome…’

‘That’s another name for the same condition. Gaetan de Clerambault was head of an institution for the criminally insane. He was attached to the Prefecture de Police in Paris and couldn’t have been entirely compos himself. He shot himself in 1934.’

‘Did he?’ Antonia looked up. ‘Really?’

‘Yes. Makes one wonder. Are loony doctors attracted to their profession because they are aware of some mental kink in their psychological make-up, or does a daily dose of the criminally insane prove fatal in the end?’ Payne glanced at his watch. ‘Would you like another drink before we go?’

‘No, not another drink. I intend to be as clear-headed as possible.’

‘And I intend to take my old army revolver with me.’

‘You aren’t thinking of effecting a citizen’s arrest, are you?’

‘Not quite, but we must be ready for a reaction. I rather doubt our probing questions will be welcome. She may become agitated. She may try something. There is a full moon, that’s when awful things tend to happen.’ He waved towards the open window. ‘If it was Melisande who killed Stella, she is probably very strong. She must have been able to lift the sword and swing it.’

‘She can’t really be in love with both Vane and Morland, can she?’

‘I would have said no… Oh well, perhaps we’ll know soon enough… Has it ever occurred to you, my love, that you and I lead about as extraordinary a life as any two people who didn’t found a religion or didn’t personally lead an invasion of a foreign empire? Let’s push along.’

As they were crossing the hall, the telephone rang. Major Payne picked it up.

It was his aunt.


‘Actually, darling, we happen to be on our way out,’ Payne said. ‘We are off on an important and potentially dangerous mission-’

‘I won’t keep you long. Have you managed to have that woman arrested? I mean la fausse Miss Hope.’

‘No, not yet. As a matter of fact, we are on our way to her place at this very moment. I don’t know about having her arrested, but we are certainly going to try to persuade her to confess.’

‘How perfectly thrilling,’ said Lady Grylls. ‘You must tell me all about it when you come back.’

‘We most certainly shall.’

‘One more thing. What’s the meaning of the cryptic message you left behind?’

Payne looked at his watch. ‘What cryptic message, darling?’

‘WW. You wrote that on one of my napkins.’

‘I never-’ He broke off. ‘Oh. I did. Sorry. I did doodle on the napkin. I had the handkerchief on my mind. The handkerchief the police found at the scene of the crime. It was made of very fine silk. I do apologize, darling. I’d been mulling over those initials. No – not WW but MM. I wrote MM. The initials are Stella’s daughter’s, though the blasted girl swears she’s never used a handkerchief in her life. It’s the one clue that doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the puzzle.’

‘MM, did you say? Oh yes.’ Lady Grylls laughed. ‘I must be looking at it upside down. What did you say? Speak up, will you? You are mumbling.’

‘Upside down… Not MM but WW… Good lord.’

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Of course. Of course.’

‘Of course what?’

‘Aunt Nellie, you’ll never believe this, but you’ve just solved the mystery of the killer’s identity for us.’

‘What do you mean, Hughie? I thought you knew that all along. It’s the actress. Melisande Chevret? Isn’t it?’

There was a pause.

‘No,’ Major Payne said. ‘It is not the actress.’


Enigma Variations

They were back in their sitting room, reviewing the case in the light of the latest discovery.

‘Funny that no one saw it earlier,’ said Payne. ‘The police didn’t. We didn’t see it either. We should have, but we didn’t. Well, it did occur to me that Melisande didn’t quite match the Miss Hope profile. She couldn’t have been in love with two men at the same time. Of course she couldn’t. “Miss Hope” loved Vane and Vane alone. We were actually there when it happened! We were witnesses!’

Antonia nodded. ‘Yes. She saw his photo and heard church bells… Her gaze became remote… Her eyes seemed to fix themselves on some distant and perhaps glorious horizon. Suddenly – suddenly she looked years younger, almost girl-like… I noticed the change, yet I convinced myself I’d imagined it…’

‘She became obsessed with Vane from the word go. Perhaps it had been waiting to happen, that sort of thing. That would explain why she went on visiting him after Stella’s death. The condition is known as “old maid’s psychosis”. Winifred is an old maid. It all fits in. I want to kick myself!’

‘We have been looking at the case the wrong end up. Literally. Not MM for Moon Markoff, but WW for Winifred Willard. Winifred is Miss Hope.’

‘Stella only met the two sisters once, at that ghastly party at Kinderhook. When she bumped into “Miss Hope” at the Villa Byzantine, she thought that it was Melisande she was seeing. The reason for her mistake is obvious,’ Payne went on reflectively. ‘There is a resemblance between the two sisters. Melisande is the actress. One expects women who are actresses to dress up. Melisande’s sitting room was full of framed photos showing her in various theatrical parts. It was a natural enough mistake to make in the circumstances.’

‘There was a photo hanging on the loo wall at Kinderhook,’ Antonia said. ‘Did you see it? Of Melisande as Miss Prism or some such preposterous pedagogue-like figure in pince-nez.’

‘Of course! Stella probably saw it too!’

‘It might have been that very same photo that gave Winifred the idea for her disguise in the first place.’

‘There is of course a strong psychological factor that is central to the confusion,’ said Payne. ‘Stella had been feeling guilty. She knew Melisande was distraught when Morland jilted her. She was nervous of Melisande – afraid of her.’

‘It never occurred to her she might have made a mistake?’

‘No. Why should she think it was Winifred who’d dressed up as Miss Hope? It made little sense. After she moved in with Morland, Stella became paranoid. She believed Melisande was out to get her in some way. Well, she did die a violent death – but it was the wrong sister who delivered the blow.’

‘What reason would Winifred have had for wanting to kill Stella?’

‘Winifred starts her delusional romance with Vane. She has succeeded in passing herself off as “Miss Hope”, former royal nanny to Prince Cyril’s bastard baby. Everything seems to be going well – till the day Stella turns up at the Villa Byzantine. Winifred and Stella exchange a couple of words. Stella gives every indication of having recognized her. Stella stares at her, then asks Vane questions about Miss Hope’s age and so on. Vane mentions the fact to Winifred – you see?’