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Sammy took the floor. “Y’all just had to poke your noses in our business.” He looked directly at me. “You insisted on asking questions like you were some kind of cop. If you hadn’t shown up, our plan might have worked. We tried to convince the board to sell the museum so I can build some condominiums. With a loan from Jeffrey’s bank and our investor we could have made millions.”

Jeffrey waved his gun around like a crazy man. “Yeah, women. They’re no good, two-timing, low-down scum.” I had a feeling he referred to Susan. I thought it sounded more like my ex-husband, Wade. I suppose it all depended on which side of the fence you were on.

I knew it was time for a prayer. Lord, please protect us and let Nana find help.

The door burst open and two of the biggest hombre’s I’d ever seen charged in. Before I knew what happened, the two mountain men slammed Jeffrey and Sammy on the floor and handcuffed them. Steven escaped.

But not for long. In marched Detective Bowerman, with a small army of police officers. They had Steven in tow. Suddenly the group of officers parted like the Red Sea and Nana walked through.

“Thank God you’re all right.” She rushed over and kissed my cheek. “I was so afraid we wouldn’t make it in time. Girls, meet my friends Mad Dog and Viper.” She motioned toward the two burley, tattooed guys who’d come to our rescue.

“Ladies.” Bowerman looked toward us. “If it wasn’t for your Nana here, we wouldn’t have found you. You can thank her for keeping her wits about her.” That was too funny. Wait until Mama heard that one.

“Detective, they’re behind the murder. Steven’s the one who killed Jacob.” I suspected I’d be giving a full statement later.

“Oh? How so?” Caterpillar brows shot up.

“How does a full confession sound to you?”

“Mirandize all of ‘em!” Bowerman barked.

“Nana, how did you know where we were?” Dee Dee asked.

“When I came out of the little girls room, I saw them push you in the van. Mad Dog and Viper were inside eating. I ran in and told them I needed help. Bless their pea picking hearts. They believed me.” She blinked her eyes and shot a smile toward the two men.

Mad Dog pointed his fingers covered with heavy metal rings at Nana. “By the time we ran out to our motorcycles she was already on the back seat. I didn’t have time to argue with her about how dangerous it was to ride through traffic chasing a van. We got to the warehouse and called for backup. When we received the word we came in.”

They must have noticed the inquiring looks Dee Dee and I wore.

“Take them on out,” the detective ordered. Officers escorted the three handcuffed men out of the warehouse, and Bowerman joined us. “Good job guys” He met my questioning look. “Viper and Mad Dog are two of our best men. They’re undercover cops. They’re on our side. And I believe God must have been on your side today.

“I do, too, detective. I do, too.” Thank you God, for saving our lives.

A month has passed. I’m sitting here among friends and family. It’s my first day home from the hospital. When I returned from Marietta my doctor arranged for knee surgery as soon as possible. I’ve been staying with Mama and Nana until I can manage stairs.

Detective Bowerman charged Sammy, Jeffrey, and Steven with kidnapping. They spilled their guts in hopes of receiving a deal. Their sentence put them away for a long, long time. And it wouldn’t be in condos.

Susan’s indictment included breaking and entering as well as robbery. She lost her freedom, as well as her bookstore. The book she desperately wanted became evidence. Doc recovered nicely from the disruption to his life. He decided to give another year to the museum and then retire. Penny couldn’t be happier.

There is one person involved in this whole fiasco I felt sorry for. I knew Gloria never expected things to turn out the way they did. She hired Jacob to steal artifacts from the museum, determined to make things look bad for Doc in hopes of having Steven step in as director. Jacob was there that night under Gloria’s direction. How ironic that her son killed Jacob.

As for our ghostly visitors that dreadful night at the museum, that mystery remains unsolved. Did they appear to warn us, or were they a figment of highly charged imaginations? We’ll probably never know, and I don’t think Dee Dee plans on going back to determine the answer.

Harv raved about my story. The best I’d ever written he said. Where past meets present is the new motto for “Georgia by the Way.” Beau and I have grown closer than ever. When you come through the other side of a life and death situation it’s amazing how everything becomes crystal clear about what is really important. Like the people you love. I glanced at Beau.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He gave me the sweetest kiss I think I’ve ever tasted. It was a wonderful day to be alive.


•   Trixie chose Eph. 4:32 as her favorite verse for “Murder in Marietta, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.” Do you have a favorite verse? What is it?

•   Can you think of an instance where Jesus mentions ghosts in the New Testament?

•   Trixie felt obligated to help Doc because he was Harv’s friend. In the end she was glad she did and that Doc was found innocent. Have you been in a situation where you felt obligated to help someone, but were glad you did?

•   Doc decided to forgive Marianne after thinking about the times others had forgiven him, and remembering the words of Eph. 4:32. Why do we find it so hard to forgive others? What helps you forgive others?

•   Gloria Hamilton wanted her son, Steven, to become the director of the Marietta History Museum. Ironically, when she took things into her own hands, she made things worse. Has this happened to you? Have you found it is better to take matters into your own hands or to ask for help from God?

•   Trixie and Dee Dee’s friendship continues to grow as they encourage each other in their faith. Do you think it’s important to have friends who will encourage your faith? If so, why?

•   Who was your favorite character? Why?

•   What was your favorite scene? Why?



ISBN 10: 1-60039-199-0

ISBN 13: 978-1-60039-199-6

ebook ISBN: 978-1-60039-724-0

Copyright © 2012 Deborah Malone. All rights reserved.

Print and Electronic Format & Layout Copyright © 2012 by LAMP POST Inc.

Scripture quotations taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica US, Inc.®. Used by permission.

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