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I tried to think as I worked. It is a means of suppressing panic.

My attackers first. Who were they? I had heard footsteps echo away down the alley, and I thought I knew which way they had turned, but that was little help. They would have vanished into the crowds long ago.

They. I was sure that there were two of them. Yes, certainly, there must have been: one to hold me down, the other to bind me. And there had been two sets of running feet. That was a beginning, something to hold on to.

A pair of random thieves perhaps, lying in wait beside the narrow alley, ready to pounce on any unsuspecting passer-by. Well, I wished them joy of their booty. So much effort for so little reward. My purse contained only the smallest of coins, after Junio’s foray into town and my own purchase of soup, and the thieves would hardly be delighted by the objects in my linen parcel. The leather thong that bound me must be worth more than they had gained. For a moment I almost smiled at the absurdity of it.

Almost as if my mind had cleared, another thought struck me. Suppose this had not been a purely random attack? Those two shadowy watchers — I had been aware of them almost ever since I left Gaius’s house. What had I glimpsed of them? I searched my memory. I could curse myself for having paid so little attention.

Men. Certainly men, and, I rather thought, wearing brown tunics, although I could not be sure of that. Not cloaks, certainly, and neither did I recall seeing anything in their hands, though one of them must have been wearing a dagger. They were big men, too: I seemed to envisage them filling a small doorway as though they were both tall and broad. But the rest was shadows. Try as I would, I could remember nothing more.

I had loosened the knot a little by this time and with a little working I could feel the leather moving on my wrists. It was a mixed blessing — as the blood rushed back to my hands the numbness ebbed, and I could feel the ache begin. My fingers, though, had recovered their feeling and I worked more dextrously.

I was still plucking at the leather when I heard the noise. Footsteps — hesitant footsteps behind me in the alley. Light footsteps, as if it was a child. I wriggled myself around in that direction, and tried to call for help, but the sacking in my mouth reduced my words to a muffled roar. The footsteps stopped.

Idiot! I tried to imagine the picture I must present. If I frightened him away I might lose my chance of rescue. (I assumed it was a him — few girls would venture alone into such an alley.) But the footsteps had not retreated. I toned down my roar to what I hoped was a more comforting sound, and turned round so that my bound hands were visible. I lifted them as best I could, hoping that he would understand and help me to free them.

A voice. Clearly a child’s. ‘What are you doing?’

I almost sobbed, and muttered something muffled through my sack.

‘You want me to undo you?’

That was better. I nodded, enthusiastically.

‘Are you a citizen?’

I nodded again.

‘You must be rich. What will you give me? Twenty asses?’

It was just my misfortune, I thought bitterly, to find myself in negotiation with a calculating beggar child. On the other hand, I would cheerfully have promised twenty denarii. I nodded so vigorously that my sack shook.

The footsteps approached, gingerly, and I felt a small hand touch my bonds. I moved my fingers and he drew back sharply, but a moment later I felt the leather twitch. For a moment I was hopeful, but then the voice said plaintively, ‘It is too tight, citizen. I cannot move it.’

I longed to urge the child to fetch his parent, if he had one, or at least to take the news of my predicament to someone. But I could only roar incomprehensibly.

But he had a suggestion of his own. ‘I could take that sack off your head, citizen. I cannot untie it, but it is torn, here, at the back.’ I felt the tug of little hands and suddenly the cloth behind my head parted, and there was daylight and air. I blinked open my eyes.

He was a small, ragged child with the big eyes, thin legs and bloated stomach which spoke of having far too little to eat. Not a slave, or he would have been better cared for — more likely the starving offspring of some poor freeman labourer. Yet the child was loved — it had not been sold, but kept, living in a hovel somewhere, to help pick a thin living on the land or work from dawn to dusk to earn a quadrans or two. No doubt one of the scavengers I had dismissed so lightly earlier.

He was staring at me speechlessly.

I used my shoulder to work at the end of the sack, which was still tied tightly around my mouth. It was painful, but I must have gained strength from desperation, for I managed to move it just sufficiently to say, ‘Ar. . uh. . Ar-uh oh-ee-iuh eh-ih-uh.’

The child went on gazing. ‘Marcus?’ he said, suddenly understanding. ‘Marcus Aurelius Septimus?’

I nodded, gratefully. ‘O!’ I managed. ‘O ah eh ih.’ I signalled frantically with my eyes.

His stare widened. ‘Me? Go and tell Marcus?’ I thought for a moment that he would refuse, out of simple awe, but the grubby face broke into a grin. ‘That should be worth an as or two. You wait here!’ he added, unnecessarily, and set off at a canter.

There was nothing to do but wait, as the boy had said. I shuffled over to the wall and leaned my weary head against it. My jaw ached from the gag and from where the heavy hand had clamped it.

The heavy hand. I had glimpsed it, in the split second before it clamped across my mouth. A big work-hardened hand, devoid of rings, and a thick muscular wrist. And on the hand and wrist and arm, a scattering of thick red-gold hairs. I took a deep breath. Was it possible? A red-headed man? I had been looking for Egobarbus and his red-headed slaves, but now I began to wonder if perhaps they had found me.

Who else would have cause to steal my linen parcel?

I was still contemplating this when there was a shout from the street. ‘Master! Oh, master! What have they done to you?’

It was Junio, rushing towards me with the child at his heels.

Chapter Seventeen

There can be few things more agreeable, when one is shocked and shaken, than to find oneself in the hands of a faithful slave. Junio untied me in a trice, and, far from finding my predicament ludicrous, assisted me to my feet with such anxious solicitude that I found myself suddenly shaking and treacherously close to tears.

Perhaps that is why I said, more testily than I intended, ‘That is sufficient! There is no need to support my arm. Now that you have seen fit to release me, I can manage perfectly well.’

Junio, however, was not deceived. ‘I see that your temper is undamaged, master. But there is a nasty graze on your forehead and your knees are by no means stable. If you do not permit me to assist you, you will have me arrested by the market police on suspicion of having failed in my duties. Besides,’ he gave me an understanding grin, ‘Marcus will be much more impressed and solicitous if you arrive at his apartment limping on my arm.’

I couldn’t resist his blandishments. In spite of myself I found myself grinning shakily in return. ‘Oh, very well then. I suppose I must submit to your attentions. I shall have to impress Marcus — I am dependent on his bounty. My purse is stolen so I have no coins, and I promised this young scoundrel twenty asses for his help as messenger.’

In fact, when I began to walk, I was grateful for the steadying arm. I ached abominably from head to foot, and I found myself weak with the shock of it. Junio did not hurry me, but as I limped along he listened to my account of the event.

‘So you think these were Egobarbus’s slaves?’ he said, when I had finished. ‘You have made progress in your enquiries, master, if that is so. It proves that they have not left the city. And they will not escape now. Marcus has watchers at every gate.’