The two men turned a dull shade of red and got up from the table.
Flip mumbled, “What the Christ. We can’t never do nothing right. Let’s get outta here.”
Irvin followed. “Yeah, okeydokey.”
Skye sat on a swing in the church playground and dangled her legs. Tears ran down her cheeks. She didn’t bother to wipe them off; after all, she had come outside to cry.
Laughter and loud voices could be heard from inside the hall. No one seemed to be mourning her grandmother.
Suddenly she was swept into a bear hug. “Honey, what are you doing out here all by yourself?”
Strong arms held her away so that intense blue eyes could stare into hers. Charlie didn’t give her a chance to reply. “I know how close you and Antonia were. But she lived a long life, and she wouldn’t want you to cry for her.”
“It’s not only Grandma’s death, it’s everything. As usual my life’s a mess. I thought as I got older, my life would settle down.” Skye sat back down on the swing.
“What’s the problem?” Charlie leaned forward, taking the chains in either hand. “If someone is giving you a hard time, why didn’t you come to me?”
“Oh, Uncle Charlie, it’s not always something you can fix.”
“Tell me anyway.” Charlie released the links, crossed his arms, and planted his feet firmly in the gravel.
“I don’t know where to start.” Skye swung back and forth, hoping Charlie would drop the subject.
He gazed at her steadily. “The beginning is always a good place.”
“Okay. Overlooking the fact that my grandmother was murdered, and I’m pretty sure a family member did it, I’m also having trouble with my job, my love life, and someone who’s playing pranks on me.”
“Well, Antonia’s murderer will be found and if it’s a relative, it’s better to know about that person rather than have them in the bosom of your family ready to strike at any time.”
“Maybe, but Uncle Dante is in such a state he sort of scares me.”
“Why?” Charlie leaned forward, his forehead lined.
After Skye told him about being dragged into the classroom and forced to remain against her will, a stream of obscenities erupted from Charlie. He ended his tirade with, “Don’t you worry about Dante. He’s just a moron studying to be an idiot.”
Skye giggled. “Yeah, and those are pretty much his good points.” She felt better, having told Charlie. At least if someone hurt her, Charlie knew that Dante had threatened her.
“Now, what’s up with your job?” Charlie moved on to her next dilemma.
She cursed herself. Skye hadn’t intended to tell Charlie about that. She didn’t want him pulling any more strings on her behalf. “Oh, that’s not much of anything. A few angry parents at the end of the school year, that’s all. It’s taken care of.”
“I heard about your tires and windows. Has there been anything else?”
“Someone stole something from my car while it was parked in my own driveway.”
“I was talking to Jed and we think you need an alarm at your house and on your car. You’re isolated. It’s an invitation for trouble.” Charlie took a toothpick from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth. “I talked to a security company, and they’re going to come out day after tomorrow.”
She didn’t bother to remind him that her tires had been slit while she was at her grandmother’s, surrounded by people. Instead she said, “I can’t afford it and you are not paying for it. Besides, I’d have to check with my land-lords before installing something like that on their property.”
“No buts; case closed.” Skye gave him a stern look.
He finally broke eye contact. “Maybe later then. Now, what’s wrong with your love life?” Charlie drew himself up to his full height. “If Simon is pressuring you, I can take care of that.”
“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.” Skye debated whether to confide in Charlie. “The thing is, he’s a lot more certain about his feelings than I am about mine. He wants our relationship to be more intimate and committed. I’m just not sure what I want yet.”
To her surprise, Charlie didn’t yell at her for blowing her chance at an eligible bachelor. Instead he said, “Is there someone else?”
Skye shrugged, her cheeks reddened. “Maybe. No. I don’t know.”
“Keep seeing Simon as long as he’s willing to stick to your terms. When he’s not willing anymore, then you’ll have to decide.”
“Skye, yoo-hoo Skye, over here.” A loud, demanding voice rang out when Skye reentered the parish hall looking for her parents.
Mona was sitting with her husband and Father Burns.
“Yes, Aunt Mona?” Skye presented herself at their table.
“Sit down, dear. Neal and Father want to talk to you.” Mona gestured to a chair opposite them.
“You know, I was just looking for my folks. Maybe we could chat later.”
“This will only take a few moments.” Mona’s voice was lined with steel.
Sighing, Skye complied with her aunt’s demand. “Yes, Father? Uncle Neal?”
A pained expression crossed the priest’s face. “Skye, it really could wait, but I’m afraid your aunt and uncle are quite persuasive.”
“Yes, they are.”
“It’s about you joining the church’s Young Advocates group.”
“I’ve never heard of them.”
Father Burns’ opened his mouth to explain further, but before he could speak a voice screamed, echoing across the dining area. “Help! Help! Mom’s dying.”
See, Saw, May’s Law
Stunned silence filled the church hall. Ginger appeared at the entrance of the banquet room, crying, and Father Burns headed toward her. As Skye ran after the priest, she yelled to Neal, “Call 911.”
Mona followed Skye toward the ladies’ room, but edged in front of her at the door. Skye stepped over the threshold just in time to see Mona shove Gillian aside and bend over Minnie’s body.
Water dripped from the pipe under the sink, making the gray tile floor appear slimy. The smell of ammonia and mold was overpowering. Minnie lay facedown with her arms over her head but bent at the elbow. Her flowered dress had crept up, revealing a white slip and gartered hose. Small blue pills were strewn near her head and hands.
Skye tried to kneel beside her aunt. “I’ve had first aid training; let me take a look.”
Mona thrust her away. “Haven’t you done enough? This is all your fault.”
“Huh?” Skye rocked back on her heels, nearly falling. “What are you talking about?”
“If you hadn’t been grilling Mona yesterday, she wouldn’t have tried to kill herself today.”
Gillian shouldered her aunt aside. “What are you saying? Mom didn’t try to commit suicide.”
Mona put an arm around her niece and pointed with the other hand. “See those pills?”
All three women stared at the tiny blue tablets scattered near Minnie’s hand.
Skye parked the Buick outside the police station, but made no move to get out of the vehicle. Pictures of Minnie lying on the bathroom floor played in an endless loop in her head. Even her morning swim hadn’t been able to distract her from that memory. Intellectually she knew that no one could cause another person to kill herself. But emotionally, she was having difficulty believing it. And even if she wasn’t the cause, she should have been able to see how desperately unhappy her aunt was, and insisted that she get help.
She finally forced herself out of the car and went into the building. The portable radio on a shelf behind May’s head blared out a baseball game. When Skye entered, the sportscaster was announcing the score: “Cubs 2, Brewers 11.”