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‘Monk!’ Corbett bellowed, now rising.

‘What is it, clerk?’

‘You also took a vow of poverty. You have eaten and drunk well before you came. Your companion, Brother Richard, is tipsy and you wear boots even the King himself would envy.’

‘My business, clerk.’

Corbett waited until the priest was almost at the door.

‘One last question, Adam of Warfield!’

The sacristan turned and leaned against the lintel, a smug smile on his face. After all, he had come to see this clerk, he had answered his questions and the matter was now ended.

‘For God’s sake, clerk, what is it?’

Corbett walked across the quiet tap room and grasped the half-open door. He pushed his face close to the monk’s. ‘Do you,’ he hissed, ‘know anyone called Richard Puddlicott?’

‘No, I do not.’ Warfield turned and walked into the tavern yard, slamming the door behind him.

Corbett rejoined his companions. Ranulf still smirking, Maltote, as usual, sitting, mouth half-open, he was still unused to his strange master dealing so brusquely with the great ones of the land. Corbett sat down and leaned back against the bench.

‘You learnt nothing, Master?’ Ranulf taunted slyly.

‘No, I learnt three things. First, Adam of Warfield and his companions, or at least one of them, knew the dead whores. You see, Ranulf, although he was angry, Brother Adam never queried why I asked him. I never actually told him that Agnes and Isabeau were two whores, so why did he reach that conclusion?’

Ranulf’s smile faded. ‘Yes, yes, he did. And what else?’

‘Secondly, something is going on in the abbey. I don’t know what. Again, Adam of Warfield didn’t ask me the reason for that question. Like any guilty man he wanted to keep his answers short and brief.’

‘In other words,’ Maltote interrupted like some school-boy solving a problem, ‘least said soonest mended!’


‘What else?’ Ranulf asked crossly, glaring at Maltote.

‘More importantly. .’ Corbett looked across the tavern at a slattern in the corner clearing a table. ‘Girl, come here!’

The serving girl hurried over. Corbett slipped a penny into the pocket of her dirty apron.

‘Tell me, girl, do you know Richard Puddlicott?’

‘No, sir, who is he?’

‘It does not matter,’ Corbett replied. ‘I just wondered. You see,’ Corbett murmured as the girl walked away, ‘when I asked her about Puddlicott, she immediately answered my question with another one. Our good sacristan never did that about the whores, about their names, about what might be going on in the abbey and, most importantly, why I should be asking about a complete stranger named Richard Puddlicott.’ Corbett drained his tankard, picked up his cloak and got to his feet. ‘At last we have made some progress,’ he murmured. ‘But God knows where it will lead us.’

Corbett, Ranulf and Maltote hired a wherry from Queenshithe and made their way up river, disembarking at the Custom House near the Wool Quay. They walked along the riverside, past the darkening mass of the great Tower and out through open fields to where the lights of the hospital of St Katherine beckoned. Ranulf kept silent, sulking, for he always loved to catch his master out and matters were not helped by Maltote openly preening himself. At St Katherine’s a porter let them through and took them across to the small church which stood next to the main hospital building.

‘The Sisters always meet here,’ he announced. ‘I believe they’ve arrived already.’

Corbett pulled open the door and walked into the porch. The church was simple enough; a long, narrow, vaulted nave under a soaring hammer-beamed roof, a chancel screen at the far end and fat rounded pillars down each side of the nave. Most of the Sisters were already assembled. At first, Corbett and his companions were ignored as the ladies scurried around, lighting braziers, pushing long trestle tables together. On these they piled clean clothes and cut up long loaves of bread, putting out bowls of salt, dishes of dried meat and bowls of apples and pears sliced and covered with sugar. Lady Fitzwarren came in through a side door, smiled and waved at them. Behind her, Lady Mary looked coyly at Ranulf.

‘You have come to watch, Sir Hugh?’

‘Aye, Madam. But also to ask you some questions.’

Fitzwarren’s smile faded. ‘When I’m ready! When I’m ready!’ she snapped. ‘The wine jug’s not yet out! I think the weather will change and we could have a busy night.’

Corbett and his companions had to sit on a bench and kick their heels before Fitzwarren and Lady Mary joined them.

‘Well, Sir Hugh, what questions do you still have?’

Corbett caught the exasperation in her voice.

‘First, Lady Mary, you were with Lady Somerville the night she died?’

The woman nodded.

‘And you left St Bartholomew’s, when?’

‘About a quarter of an hour after Lady Somerville.’

‘And you noticed nothing untoward?’

‘Nothing at all. It was pitch dark. I hired a boy to carry a torch and made my way home to Farringdon.’

‘Lady Fitzwarren, did you know any of the girls who died?’

‘Some, but you must remember the victims were all petty courtesans. We tend to meet the most degraded.’

‘Did you know Agnes, the girl killed in the church near Greyfriars?’

‘Yes, I did, and strange you mention her name. After her death I had a garbled message from someone who knew her that she wanted to speak to me.’

‘Who gave the message?’

Lady Fitzwarren shook her head. ‘I meet so many girls, it was one of them.’

‘So you never met Agnes?’

‘Of course not!’

‘Is there anything else, Lady Catherine?’

‘Such as what?’

‘Well, you meet in Westminster Chapter House. Have you noticed anything untoward in the abbey or palace?’

‘Well, they’re fairly deserted,’ Lady Mary interrupted. ‘The old abbot is ill and they have no prior, the King should really return to Westminster.’

Lady Fitzwarren stared at her companion, then back at Corbett.

‘Sir Hugh, I think there is something you should know,’ the woman lowered her voice as Lady de Lacey swept into the church as briskly as a March breeze. ‘Over a year ago,’ Lady Fitzwarren continued in a half-whisper, ‘just after these terrible murders began, Lady Mary, here, heard a rumour, a story quite common amongst the street-walkers and courtesans, how certain girls had been taken to the abbey, or rather the palace, for parties and roistering which lasted all night.’ The woman shrugged. ‘You know how it is, Sir Hugh. A common occurrence. Royal palaces are often left deserted, especially in time of war. The stewards and officials become lazy and decide to amuse themselves at the expense of their betters.’ She smiled thinly. ‘I believe even Christ told parables about it.’ Fitzwarren looked over her shoulder and waved at Lady de Lacey who was shouting for her attention. ‘That’s all I know, Sir Hugh. But, tell me, do you have any idea of who is responsible for these terrible murders?’

‘No, my Lady, but I hope to prevent any more.’

‘In which case I wish you well, Master Clerk.’

‘Oh, Lady Catherine?’


‘Do you or the Lady Mary know anything about the French envoy, Sir Amaury de Craon? Or a man known as Richard Puddlicott?’

Both women shook their heads.

‘De Craon means nothing to me,’ Lady Fitzwarren answered quickly. ‘But I have heard of Puddlicott. He’s a villain, a trickster. Some of the street-girls talk about him with as much awe and respect as I would the King.’

Corbett nodded and watched the two women walk away. He sat down on the bench and glanced at Ranulf who appeared to be blind and deaf to everything except the Lady Mary Neville. Corbett blinked and looked away. He had seen Ranulf drunk, angry, sad, lecherous and maudlin but never lovelorn and he still found it difficult to accept that Ranulf was so love-struck. Corbett sighed and diverted his mind to what he had just learnt. Everything pointed to something amiss at Westminster. Lady Fitzwarren was right: it was quite common for officials in deserted royal palaces to spend their time roistering — on one occasion he had acted as a marshal of the royal household in bringing such malefactors to judgement — but did the solution to these terrible murders lie in such roistering? Had the monks of Westminster become involved in these all-night revelries? Had something happened and the murders been committed to silence clacking tongues and scandalous whispers?