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“The Mississippi is known for its strong current. Should a person fall off a barge or boat, the current usually pushes him under the vessel or barge tow. Many have drowned that way. A competitor of ours lost a man last week when he fell overboard and was crushed between two barges. We have to take safety very seriously here.” Ellen looked at Claire, hoping she understood her point.


Murky Waters

“That’s one of our boats making its way up river now. They’ve just finished loading the barges at the refinery and are headed north to discharge the product at another facility. I imagine all this sounds very foreign to you, so I have arranged for one of our managers to take you on a tour tomorrow. We’ll have to get you some steel-toed boots and safety gear today after lunch.”

Claire looked frightened. “I’m not sure I want to go on a tour after the lecture you just gave me.” Looking down at the brown swirling water and hearing of the associated dangers made Claire apprehensive about being close and personal with the river.

Ellen laughed. “My husband works for the local electric company. When he went for his initial job training, they didn’t tell him that the electricity would only give him a little nip. They explained in graphic detail what could happen should he become careless. That is exactly what I’m trying to do for you. I don’t have to worry, though; the person taking you on the tour takes safety very seriously.

“The river can get very high. The huge tankers that are going to the oil docks are sometimes level with this window. I can look out my window and see the bridge of the ship at eye level. When the water is high like that, it makes it very difficult to manage the vessels making their way through here due to the strong current,”

Ellen said, turning to look at Claire.

“Why do the boats still try to navigate the river in such treacherous conditions?” Claire asked as she watched the Valor boat push its three-barge tow against the current.

“The boats and ships never stop. The Coast Guard will shut down the river at times when conditions are bad enough to warrant it. If a hurricane threatens the mouth of the Mississippi or if there has been some sort of accident, the river is closed to boat traffic.

Otherwise, the boats stay in motion. Millions of dollars of gasoline and chemicals are shipped up and down this river daily, and if a boat is stopped or delayed, money is lost. The only exceptions are heavy fog or lock delays.

“Captains in this industry are specially trained to handle all sorts of emergencies. They encounter hazardous situations on a daily basis out there, more than anyone really knows. They have rescued stranded boaters and recovered people whose watercrafts have capsized. Unfortunately, the public only realizes they are out there 16

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when something bad happens. I’m sure the captain of the vessel you will board tomorrow will tell you all sorts of stories.”

Claire grinned. “You mean I’ll be able to take a ride on one of the boats? Can I drive?”

Ellen laughed at Claire’s enthusiasm as she watched her co-workers enter the room. “It looks like everyone is filing in. Let’s go get a good seat. I don’t want you to miss anything.” Ellen chuckled at her own sarcasm.

The last person to enter the room was a distinguished-looking man who Claire figured to be in his mid-sixties. “Father figure”

popped into her mind as she observed him. It was obvious he was highly respected by the people gathered in the room, and there was warmth in his eyes when he regarded his employees, like a proud parent.

He moved to the head of the table and addressed the group.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have someone new with us today.

Please allow me to first introduce myself. I am Cameron Hughes, the general manager of Valor Marine. It pleases me to welcome you aboard, Miss Murray.”

Claire nodded and thanked him. “Claire Murray will be the new travel manager for Suarez Travel. She will replace Rhonda Hudson, who we all know is resigning to begin a family. Claire comes to us highly recommended, and I am happy to have her.

“Starting with Scott here on my right, I would like each manager to introduce him or herself and give a quick synopsis of what you do here. I hope that each one of you will take the time to make Claire feel welcome and help her with anything she needs.”

Claire paid close attention to each name, hoping to at least commit a few to memory. One name stood out in her mind ––

Tristan Delacroix. Claire noticed her the minute she walked into the room. Tall and immaculately dressed with long brown hair beautifully cascading down her shoulders, Tristan exuded a confidence that Claire had always found irresistible in women.

Claire smiled when she detected a slight Cajun accent as she listened to Tristan’s low smooth voice.

“My name is Tristan Delacroix. I am the manager of the Valor personnel department. My co-workers and I crew our vessels with the appropriate staff trained in managing whatever product their vessel is assigned to carry. Our main task is getting the crew by 17

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plane or rental car to wherever the boat is they are assigned to at the time of crew change.”

Claire listened intently. Feeling a twinge of excitement, she realized that she would be working very closely with the lovely woman who sat across from her. She was intrigued to say the least.

Looking more like an attorney with her manicured nails and business suit, Tristan did not seem like the type to be working for a towboat company.

Occasionally, Tristan would run her fingers through her long dark hair, and it would fall in waves around her tanned face. Her brown eyes were big and expressive underneath a perfectly sculpted pair of eyebrows. Her makeup only enhanced her beautiful features. For the remainder of the meeting, Claire took every opportunity to study the intriguing woman. Only when she found Tristan’s dark eyes on her did she make a point not to stare.

At the conclusion of the meeting, each member of the staff came by to greet Claire personally. When Tristan approached, Claire felt her pulse quicken. She was actually nervous about shaking the beautiful woman’s hand.

“Miss Murray, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tristan stared into her eyes as she spoke and took her hand. The simple gesture of a handshake sent chills up Claire’s spine. “You have your work cut out for you. I have not been pleased with the performance of Suarez Travel. I hope you will be an improvement, or your employment here may not be very enjoyable.”

With that, Tristan excused herself and left the room, leaving a stunned and speechless Claire in her wake. Attempting to keep her cool and regain her composure, Claire stared at the door Tristan had just passed through. “That is the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and she’s a complete asshole,” Claire mumbled under her breath.

Ellen patted her on the back supportively. “Claire, we have to chat. I feel the need to explain what just happened. How about you and I take a ride down to the boot store and get some acceptable footwear for your tour tomorrow?”

Ellen led her down to the employee parking area and hissed when her hand came in contact with the hot door handle of her car. After settling inside, she avoided touching the steering wheel and 18

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quickly adjusted the air conditioner while glancing over at Claire with a wicked gleam in her eye. “Do you smoke?”

“Yes, I do,” Claire replied with a grin. “Great! Because if you didn’t, I was going to suggest you start. This business will make you do something unhealthy, and since we can’t drink on the job, I decided to smoke. Good Lord knows I don’t need to eat any more than I do.” Ellen laughed as she lit her cigarette, exhaling the smoke. A look of pure pleasure washed over her face.