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347 They are only the latest casualties. See notes to Chapter VI for the history of the negritos as well as the various essays in McEwan et al. (1997) for a history of the Selk’nam and their legend and their fate.

348 ‘Beauty,’ says the philosopher. See Scarry (2000) p.4 for beauty and the impulse to reproduce. See Plato, The symposium (trans. W. Hamilton. 1951. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, UK) p.87 for the same. See Darwin (1871, 1981) Vol. 2 p.92 for the Argus pheasant. See Bindman (2002) for a survey of eighteenth-century aesthetic theory with respect to race. See Darwin (1871, 1981) V0I.2 pp.342–54 on the particularity of beauty.

351 The universality of beauty’s standard. See Thornhill and Gangestad (1999) for a survey of the recent literature on facial attractiveness. See Perrett et al. (1994) for a classical study on the perception of female beauty. What Brazilians say is recorded (with delight) by the late William Hamilton in The narrow roads of gene land (2002, Oxford University Press, Oxford) Vol. 2 p.677. Many of the ideas about the meaning of beauty expressed in this chapter can be traced to Hamilton’s writings.

353 The effects of poor childhood nutrition. For the genetics of the face see Winter (1996). For spontaneous abortion as an adaptation to eliminate defective embryos see Forbes (1997).

354 Mutation is a game of chance. See Crow (2000) for the number of deleterious mutations and a model of truncation selection.

356 Beauty, Stendhal says. Stendhal, De l’amour (Folio, Paris) p.59.


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