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adrenal glands 263, 264–5

Afzélius, Bjorn 57–8

ageing 299, 300–4, 313–14; and cells 319–23; disorders 319, 323; and free radicals 314–15, 316–18; mortality rates 329–31; and skin 318–19; see also longevity

AIMs see Ancestry Informative Markers

Ainu, the 268

Aka, the 183, 186–7

Akadimoo (pygmy) 181, 183

albinism/albinos 14, 245, 250, 251, 252, 253–5, 258, 259–60

Aldrovandi, Ulisse 9, 11; Monstrorum historia 4, 6, 8, 273

allegory 5–6, 7, 84–5

alopecia see baldness

ALS see amytrophic lateral sclerosis

Alzheimer’s disease 300, 326–7

American National States Rights Party: Thunderbolt article 110

amino acids 89, 158

amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 316

Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) 339–40

Andaman Islands: negritos 183–4, 184 341,346–7

anencephalic children 51–2

Angela and Amy (conjoined twins) 60

‘anticipation’ 298

apartheid (South Africa) 262–4

apical ectodermal ridges 113, 114, 115–16, 126–7

APOE (apolipoprotein E) gene 300, 326, 327, 328

Aquinas, Thomas 33

aristocracy, British 308–9

Aristotle 9, 10, 241; The generation of animals 32–3, 35; Historia animalium 199, 282; On length and shortness of life 307–8

arms 110–11, 112–13, 127–8; missing 111–12, 118–20, 119, 128

Arnold (Chinese sailor) and his descendants 137–8, 140

aromatase 239–40, 241–2

Artemis Ephesia 290–3, 291

Ashberry, Mary 155

Augustine, St 70

auricles, supernumerary 84, 84–6, 85

Auschwitz 148–9, 150–2

Ava, Burma 273–6

Bacon, Francis 10, 48; Novum organum 10–12, 13

Bagydaw, king of Ava 273, 274, 275

baldness 280–4; female 283

Barbin, Herculine (Abel/Alexina) 217–22, 229, 236, 237,238,243

Bateson, William: Materials… 85, 86–7, 123

bearded women 238, 239, 268, 283

beauty 348–53, 355–6

Belgian blues (cows) 157

Bell, Alexander Graham 304–5, 306, 309

Beowulf 105

Bhudas 287

Birds: feathers 8, 280; sex chromosomes 231; and teeth 288; see also chickens

Birkett, J.: ‘Congenital…auricles on the sides of the neck’ 85

Blafards 251, 253, 258

blastopores 38, 39, 40, 41

Blixen, Karen 17

Boaistuau, Pierre: Histoires prodigieuses 6, 28, 29

Boas, Franz 243, 342, 343–4

Bobey, John Richardson Primrose 258

Bonaparte, Napoleon 47, 164, 195

bone(s) 138–40, 140, 160; excess 140–4; growth of 144–6, 153–4; missing 137–8, 140; see also arms; legs

bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) 139–40, 141, 144, 280; BMP4 42, 44, 102

Bontius, Jacob: Orang (in Historia naturalis Indiae Orientalis) 249, 250

Borboutin, Isalina 173

Boruwlaski, Joseph 170–5, 172, 176, 177

Bosch, Hieronymus 67

Botticelli, Sandro: Mars and Venus 85

Brandenburg, Electress of 170

Brandt, Alexander 284–5

Brazilians: acheiropodic 114, 114–15; and beauty 352, 356

BRCA1 (gene) 300

breasts 286, 287; cancer gene 300; extra 289, 289–90, 292

British aristocracy, height of 210–11

Browne, Sir Thomas 30, 35; Pseudodoxia epidemica… 8, 91; Religio medici 9, 313

Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de 17, 31, 170, 189, 350; Histoire naturelle…21, 57, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257–8

bumblebee bats 190

Burckhardt, Jacob 311

Byrne, Charles 178, 178–9, 207, 265

Caesar, Julius 283

Cafarelli (castrato) 200

Cain 71, 105–6

calf, cyclopic 73

caloric restriction 311–13, 314, 325

Camper, Petrus 340, 341, 350

cancers 299, 300, 302, 314 321: and growth 204–7

Cantimpré, Thomas à: De naturis rerum 70–1

Cape Malays 137–8, 140

cardiovascular disease 326, 328, 330–1; see also heart attacks

Carracci, Agostino: Arrigo Peloso, Pietro Matto e Amon Nano 269–70, 270, 273

Carracci, Annibale: Omnia vincit Amor 85

cartilage 139, 140, 156, 158

castration/castrati 199–201; see also eunuchs

catalase 317

cats: toes 121

Cazotte, Marc (‘Pepin’) 103, 119, 119–20

CBFA1 (gene) 140

cells 35, 36, 41–2, 82–3, 126, 319–21; suicide of 116–17, 207

Chacrelats 249, 251

Chadwick, Edwin 211

Chair-Allah-Luigi 186–8, 187

Charles I, of England 9, 10

Chesnet, Dr 221–2

chickens: embryo experiments 47–8, 59–60, 77, 113, 117, 122–3, 124, 280; and teeth 288

childhood mortality rates 329–30

Chinese, the 201, 210, 268, 350

cholesterol 234, 326

chondrocytes 139, 140, 153–4, 156, 158

chordin 44, 102

chromosomes 13, 230–3, 317–18

cilia 58, 59

Cleopatra xv

‘Cleppie Bells’ 106–9, 115

clitoris, the 225–8, 227, 229; of pseudoher-maphrodites 221, 236, 237, 239

Cloetens, Elsje 298

clones 322–3

club-feet 109

collagens 158

collections, teratology 11, 12–13, 61–2, 65–6, 72, 78, 120, 143; see also Vrolik, Willem

Colloredo, Lazarus 53

Columbus, Renaldus 91, 225–6, 228

‘condensations’ 127–8, 139

consanguinous marriages 356

Cornaro, Luigi 295, 310–11; Discorsi della vita sobria 309–11

Cotter, Patrick 178

Courier Français 26

Cracow, Monster of 6–7

craniometry see skulls

Crawfurd, John 273, 274, 275, 286

cretins/cretinism 194–6, 197, 198, 352; myxedematous 195, 195

Cro-Magnon man 191

Cushing’s disease 263–4

Cuvier, Baron Georges 26, 46, 101

Cyclopes 68–9, 70, 70–1

cyclopia/cyclopic children 67–9, 71–3, 72, 74, 74–5, 78–9, 83

CYP26A1 (gene) 80, 82

Daru, the see Taron, the

Darwin, Charles: The descent of man 267, 286, 287, 349–51; The variation of animals and plants under domestication 131–2

de Camio Scipion, Via?eslav Michailovi? 122

‘Derbyshire neck’ 197

dermis: and hair 278–80

Devonian swamp-beasts 132–3

Devonshire, Duke and Duchess of 174, 177

DHT see dihydroxytestosterone

diabetes (type 2) 339

diet: and growth 209–11; and longevity 309–13, 325

digits (fingers; toes) 117, 121, 122–4, 128; extra see Polydactyly; fused 128,141; missing 128; webbed 117

dihydroxytestosterone (DHT) 238, 244, 284

Disorganisation (mouse mutant) 96–7