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DNA 13–14, 40, 80, 314

dogs 121, 206–8, 287

‘Dolly’ (Sheep 6LL3) 322–3

Down’s syndrome 317–18

Dutch, the 141, 209–10, 298, 312, 353

Duverney, Joseph-Guichard 30, 31

dwarfs/dwarfism 169–75, 176; see also achondroplasia, pituitary dwarfism, pseudoachondroplasia, pycnodysostosis

dyenin 58

ears 81; see also auricles

Eastlack, Harry Raymond 141–3, 142, 143

ectoderm 37, 278

ectodermal dysplasia 387

ectodysplasin 287, 288

ectrodactyly 107–9, 108, 111, 115

Ecuador: dwarfs 176, 190

Efe, the 183, 327

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 281

‘Elephant Man, the’ see Merrick, James

embryos, human 18, 31, 32, 94–5; development of 35–7, 40–4, 49–51, 58–9, 93–4, 112–13, 127–8, 228–9, 237–8, 260, 276–8

Emin Pasha 180, 180, 185

Empéraire, Achille 159

ems (gene) 99

endoderm 37, 50

Eng and Chang (Siamese twins) 33, 45

epidermis: and hair 278–80

epigenesis/epigeneticists 31, 32, 47

estradiol 203, 239

estrogen, male 202–3, 239, 240

estrone 203, 239

eugenics programmes 282–3, 305

eumelanin 253, 265, 266

eunuchs 199, 201–2, 203, 282–3

eyelashes, extra 96

eyeless (gene) 99

Fabricius 9

Farinelli (Carlo Broschi) (castrato) 199–200

Farnese, Cardinal Odoardo 269

feet: club 109; missing see acheiropody; webbed 117; see also digits

Ferris, Jeffrey 298

Feunet, Jean-Pierre: Lefabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain 159

fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) 41, 116–17, 118, 120, 126–7, 154–7, 280

fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) 141–4, 142, 143

fingers see digits

fish: cyclopic embryos 73; gills 86; and Hox genes 130; lobefinned 129–30; Medaka/scaleless 287–8; opercular bones 100; rays 129

Fontana, Lavinia: Tognina Gonsalvus 271–2

FOP see fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

Ford, Gerald 281

‘Frau Welt’ 5

Frederick II, of Austria 11

Frederick II, Archduke of Tyrol 271

free radicals 314–15, 316, 317, 318

Freud, Sigmund 226

Frey, Julia 164

fruit flies (Drosophila) 74, 87–8, 92, 98–9, 101; caloric-restricted 312–13; and longevity 306–7, 315–17

FY gene 339

Gasseling, Mary 122–3

gastrula/gastrulation 36–7

Gegenbauer, Carl 132

Gehrig, Lou/Lou Gehrig disease 316

Genara (pygmy queen) 181

genetic variety 336–40, 345; disappearance of 346–7; in skulls 340–5, 342–3, 347

Geneviève (albino) 251, 252, 253, 254

genitalia 223–9; ambiguous 235–6, 240; see pseudoher-maphrodites; effect of chromosomes on 230–3; malformed 14, 128; of spotted hyenas 241–2

genome, human 15–16, 41, 42, 95, 101, 116

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne 46–9, 62, 99–102

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore 26, 47, 48, 169, 170;

Geranomachia (war of the pygmies) 182, 184

Gérard, Marie/Germain 236

gigantism, pituitary 178, 178–9, 207, 265

‘glass bone disease’ see osteogenesis imperfecta

goats: with extra auricles 84, 86; without forelimbs 112

Gobineau, Arthur, Comte de 262

Goethe, Johann von 49

goitres 196, 197, 198, 352

Goldschmidt, Richard 147

gonadotropin 303

gonads 18, 234; see also testes

Gonsalvus, Arrigo 269–71, 270

Gonsalvus, Petrus 271, 272, 272–3, 284, 285

Gonsalvus, Tognina 271–2

Gould, Stephen Jay 344, 346

Goya, Francisco de 119

Gratton, George Alexander 258, 259

Greek mythology 28, 68–9, 109, 181–3, 242; see also Artemis Ephesia, Homer

Greek vases 167, 184–5

‘growth hormone’ 146, 175–6, 189, 203–4, 207, 212

growth rates, human 188–9, 202; and cancers 203–7; see also height

Guanches, the 271

Guéneau de Montbeillard, Count Philibert 189

guevedoche see Salinas

Guilbert, Yvette 161, 164

guinea pigs: digits 121, 122

Gumilla, José: Orinoco illustrado 258

H-Y antigens 232

hair 276–80, 281–2, 286, 287, 288; loss of 280–4; see also hairiness, red-haired people

hairiness/hirsutism/hypertrichosis lanuginosa 268–76, 270, 272, 277, 284–5, 286

Haldane, J.B.S. 298–9, 300, 301, 302

Hamburger, Viktor 147

Hamilton, James 282–3

Hands: ectrodactylous 107–9, 108, 111, 115; missing see acheiropody; see also digits

Harvey, William 9–10; De generatione animalium 10, 51

heart attacks 16, 300, 329

hearts, extra 95–6

‘hedgehog’ genes 41, 74–5; ‘sonic’ 74, 75–7, 76, 124–5, 284

height 188–9, 211–13; of eunuchs 201–2, 203; and longevity 208–9; and poverty 209–11; and testosterone receptors 235; see also dwarfism, gigantism, ‘growth hormone’, pygmies

Hensel, Brittany and Abigail (conjoined twins) 60–1

Hephaestus 109

hermaphrodites 222, 242; see pseudoher-maphrodites

Hermaphroditus Asleep (after Poussin) 215

Hesiod: Theogony 68

Hindus, toothless 286, 287

Hirst, B.C., and Piersol, G.A.: Human monstrosities 5, 46, 74, 79

hirsutism see hairiness

Hkunungs, the 192

Hoefling, Rita 263–5

Hoefnagel, Georg: Petrus family 271

holoprosencephaly 73, 74, 75

homeobox genes 89–90, 95

homeosis/homeotic genes 86–92, 97–9

Homer: Odyssey 68, 78, 181, 182–3

Homo erectus 191

Homo neanderthalensis 191

Homo sapiens 247, 293

Homo troglodytes 249, 249–50, 251

homologies/homologues 100–1, 102; and genitalia 223, 225, 228, 229

Hopi Indians: albinism 255

Hormones: melanocyte-stimulating 265–6; and sexuality 243–4, see also estrogens, testosterone; see also ‘growth hormone’

Hottentots 350

Hox genes 92–4, 98, 126, 128, 129–31

Hufeland, Christian: Markobiotik 311

Humiecka, Comtesse de 171

Hunter, John 179, 206

Hunterian Museum, 66, 178, 179, 206, 259

Huntington, George 298

Huntington disease 297–9, 300, 301, 303

Husserl, Edmund 45

Hyde, William: descendants 304–5

hydrogen peroxide 317

hyenas 240–2

hypertelorism syndrome 77

hypertrichosis lanuginosa 269–76, 270, 272, 277, 285, 286

Ibo, the: albinos 254

Ichthyostega 132–3

insulin-growth-factor (IGF) 189, 190, 203, 204; in dogs 206, 207; in nematode worms 324–5

Inuit, the 341, 342

iodine 196, 197, 198

‘Irish Giants’ 177–8; see Byrne, Charles

isotretinoin 80