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pseudohermaphrodites 222, 234, 235–6, 238–9, 241, 244; see also Barbin, Herculine

Ptah-Pataikoi 154

PTEN 204

pycnodysostosis 163, 164, 175

pygmies 180, 180–8, 184, 187, 189, 190–2, 327; see also Taron

Quatrefages, Armand de: Crania ethica 333, 342–3; The pygmies 183, 187

rabbits: foetal studies 233–4

race(s): and balding 280; fabulous 69–71, 109–10; and skin colour, see apartheid; see also genetic variety

Ravenna, Monster of 3–6, 4, 8

red-haired people 14, 265–8, 345

retinoic acid 80–2

ribs, extra 91–2, 97

Riebeeck, Jan van 298

‘Ritta-Christina’ see Parodi, Ritta and Christina

Roberts’s syndrome 5, 6

Rodriguez, Clara and Altagracia 60

Röse (German dentist) 342–3

Rossetti, Dante Gabrieclass="underline" La Ghirlandata 345

RU486 (‘morning after pill’) 94

Rudolf II, Emperor of Austria 11, 271

Ruhe, Jacob 122

salamanders 132, 144–6

Salinas, Dominican Republic: guevedoche 236, 237–8, 243–4

Sambia, the 236–7, 238, 244

Saunders, John 113, 117, 122–3

Scarry, Elaine 348

Schweinfurth, George August 181, 186, 188, 190; The heart of Africa 188, 254

sclerostin/sclerosteosis 141, 300

scrotum, the 225, 229, 263; see also testes

Selk’nam, the 347, 348

Senesino (Francesco Bernardi) (castrato) 200, 200

Serres, Étienne 26, 61; Recherches d’anatomie…24, 26, 47, 49, 52, 52–3

Sex-determining Region on Y see SRY

‘sex-reversed females’ 231–2, 233

‘sex-reversed males’ 233

sexual organs see genitals

sheep: ‘Dolly’ (cloned) 322–3; with extra nipples 304

Shwe-Maong 274–5, 276, 284, 285, 286

Siamese twins see twins, conjoined

Siebold, Carl von 284–5

sirenomelia 78–82, 79, 83

situs inversus 55–6, 58

skin 42, 278; colour 8, 253, 260, 261–2, 265, 268, see also albinism, apartheid, piebalds; wrinkled 318–19

skulls 137, 140–1, 144; shapes and measurements 340–5, 342–3, 347

snakes 97–8

SODs see superoxide dismutases

somites 92, 93, 98

‘sonic hedgehog’ gene 74, 75–7, 76, 124–5, 284

SOST mutation 300

South Africa: apartheid 262–4; Cape Malays 137–8, 140; extra-bone mutation 140–1; Huntington disease 298; sclerosteosis 300

Soviet leaders: and balding 281

Spallanzani, Lazzaro 145

Spemann, Hans 37–8, 39–40, 44, 45, 147

spina bifida 51–2, 58

‘split-hand-split-foot’ syndrome 108, 108–9

SRY (Sex-determining Region on Y) 232–3, 234, 328, 329

Stanislaus, King of Poles 172, 174

Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle) 219, 356

sterility 240

Strauss, Johann, the Younger 111–12

Sun Yaoting 201

sunlight: and skin 318–19

superoxide dismutases (SODs) 315–16

SOD1 mutations 316–18

Swammerdam, Jan 227

sweat glands 286, 287, 288

Sweden: mortality rates 329, 330, 331

synpolydactyly 128

tadpoles: and retinoic acid 81

Taron/Daru 192, 193, 193–4, 195, 198

Taverne, M. (Burgomaster) 257–8

teeth 286–7, 288

telomerase 320–2, 323

telomeres 320–1, 322–3

teratology 8, 26

teratomas 54

testes/testicles 202, 203, 222

testosterone 203, 234, 235, 237–8, 239, 244; and baldness 282–4; effects on hyenas 241, 242

thalidomide 118–21

thanatophoric dysplasia 66, 135, 156–7

Thibaut-Francesco 186–8, 187

thyroid gland 196–7, 198

thyrotropin 197–8

thyroxine 197

Tierra del Fuego: the Selk’nam 347, 348

Times, The 35

Tintoretto, Jacopo: Luigi Cornaro 295, 310

toes see digits

tongues, over-large 157

toothlessness 286, 287

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 161–5, 163, 267

transcription factors (molecular switches) 88–9, 95, 125, 126, 140

transforming growth factor-betas (TGFß) 41

Treffan, Comte de 172

Turlepreton 132–3

twins, conjoined 23, 27–35, 29, 45–6, 46, 48–9, 53–4, 55–6, 60–1; see also Parodi, Ritta and Christina

Twitty, Victor Chandler 144–7, 153

two-toed people 109–10

Tyson, Edward 182–3, 250

ultraviolet light 318–19

United States of America: eugenics programmes 282–3; heights 209, 211–12, 213; presidents 211, 213, 281; skulls 343–4

Unthan, Hermann (‘The Armless Fiddler’) 111–12, 114

vagina, the 223, 224, 224, 225, 229

Verschuer, Otamar, Freiherr von 147, 148

vertebrae, human 91–3, 98

Vesalius, Andreas: De fabrica 223–4, 224, 225

vestibular bulbs 226–7, 227

Victor Emmanuel II, of Italy 187

Vigenère, Blaise de: Les images Philostratus 70

vitamin A 80

Vrolik, Willem: anatomical collection 65, 66–7, 78, 90–1, 156; Tabula…67–8, 72, 73, 119, 119–20, 135, 156

Wadoma, the 110

Werner’s syndrome 319

Wigtown, Scotland 106, 107, 115

Wilding, Alexa 345

Williams, George 302, 303, 306, 307

Wilson, Margaret 106–7, 108

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 350

Wright, Sewall 122

wrinkles 318–19

X chromosomes 230, 232, 233

Xiphopages 48

Y chromosomes 230–3

Yanomamo tribe 191

Zhang Deyi 268

‘zone of polarising activity’ (ZPA) 123, 124, 126

Zulu albinos 245, 254

List of Illustrations

Frontispiece to Fortunio Liceti 1634 De monstrorum natura caussis et differentiis. (Wellcome Library, London)

The Monster of Ravenna (1512). From Ulisse Aldrovandi 1642 Monstrorum historia. (Wellcome Library, London)

Roberts’s syndrome. Stillborn infant. From B.C. Hirst and G.A. Piersol 1893 Human monstrosities. (Wellcome Library, London)

Conjoined twins: pygopagus. Judith and Hélène (1701–23). From George Leclerc Buffon 1777 Histoire naturelle générale et particulière. (Wellcome Library, London)

Conjoined twins: parapagus dicephalus tetrabrachius. Ritta and Christina Parodi (1829). From Étienne Serres 1832 Recherches d’anatomie transcendante et pathologique. (British Library)

Conjoined twins: parapagus dicephalus dibrachius. Normandy. From Pierre Boaistuau 1560 Histoires prodigieuses. (Wellcome Library, London)

Conjoined twins: parapagus dicephalus dibrachius. From B.C. Hirst and G.A. Piersol 1893 Human monstrosities. (Wellcome Library, London)

Conjoined twins: cephalothoracoileopagus. From Étienne Serres 1832 Recherches d’anatomie transcendante et pathologique. (British Library)