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“Since you’ve only got two days, I figure I better tell you.” Trainer planted his feet and resisted the guard’s tugging on his arm. “The most startling stuff is at the bottom of the lagoon. Not at the sea grass beds, but deep in the Intracoastal channel that runs down the middle. Show the detective a few photos from there. That’ll be proof enough.”

Catching the look in Swartzman’s eye telling him that a certain lucky student would be taking that dive, Aaron groaned. He better make sure his wetsuit doesn’t have any holes. Too bad he didn’t have one that was mutant gator proof.

“What exactly will I find down there?” Aaron asked.

“It’s a colony. God knows who it’s for. Just make sure that you…”

The officer finally dislodged the Lagoon Watcher from the doorway and slammed the steel frame shut. As Aaron watched his professor’s sullen expression, he chewed on a dreadful feeling that Swartzman would never see his friend again.

Chapter 37

Moni couldn’t get out of the Enchanted Forest fast enough, but when she parked in the dark lot around her hotel, she couldn’t leave her car. Too much weighed on her mind.

Gazing into her rearview mirror, she saw Mariella awake and alert. The girl should have fallen fast asleep after wandering through the steamy forest all day, Moni thought. It had truly been a miracle that she had found the girl in those endless woods. Yet, she didn’t feel so overjoyed. Moni knew that Mrs. Mint wouldn’t come out of that forest alive. She had no idea how she knew, but she felt so certain of it that she might as well have buried the body herself.

The teacher had meant well. She just lacked the toughness required for a special girl like Mariella. The girl didn’t seem all that distraught over losing her teacher. As she tugged futilely at the door handle, which had been locked from the inside, it seemed that leaving the car as fast as possible concerned her more. Moni reached for her own door handle and pulled it halfway before her thoughts interrupted her again. She had arrested the Lagoon Watcher, so he couldn’t have hurt Mrs. Mint.

Can he control his mutant animals from his cell? Are they still hunting us?

Shaking her head as she finally yanked the handle and pushed open the door, Moni realized that it didn’t matter either way. She wouldn’t put Mariella back in school. She wouldn’t take her by the police station either. The urge to hurry up and move somewhere, anywhere not familiar, tugged at Moni.

Moni finally stepped out of the car. Her sore legs buckled. She steadied herself by posting a hand on the window. Moni sent Mariella a reassuring smile. The girl didn’t even pay attention to her. She sat up on her knees and arched her head to face something off to the side. When she saw the girl’s startled expression, Moni realized that she better turn around. She glanced over her shoulder. Moni met the silver nozzle of a gun. Through the cloak of darkness, she saw the whites of Darren’s eyes transfixed on her. His gold grill of teeth glimmered. She felt like a gazelle the moment before a leaping lion buries its fangs into its neck.

“Sit yo’ ass back in the car,” her ex demanded.

Moni didn’t move. His words were muffled by the mind-blowing shock. She pondered whether if she had gotten back together with him, or even returned some of his calls, she could have avoided this moment. It wouldn’t have mattered. With her or not, Darren wanted more than she could give and he broke what he couldn’t own.

“Quit ignoring me!” Darren barked. “Get in the car. Unlock the doors.”

His voice reached the same pitch it had the last time he smacked her-a tone that dredged up horrific memories of her father’s brand of punishment. Moni complied. After returning to the driver’s seat, she silently begged Darren to walk around the car to the passenger side. Her heart nearly choked on a pint of blood when the sculpted mass of muscles and tattoos crowded into the back seat besides Mariella. The girl’s face contorted with fright. She scooted as far away from him as she could get. Without thinking, Moni drew her pistol.

“Put that shit down, cunt!” Darren jammed his gun against the back of Moni’s neck. The cold barrel cracked into her spine. She tossed her pistol down on the seat beside her. He eased up on the pressure on her neck, but only a little. “If you try that again, the next outfit I buy you is gonna be a body bag.” He glanced at the frightened little girl beside him. “Better make that a double order.”

As she felt Darren’s hot breath on the back of her neck and ear, she recalled how that breath had once been so gentle. It had lathered her when they showered together. It had caressed her when their sweaty bodies danced under the hot lights in the clubs and she ground her booty into his hard crotch.

That whore must have felt Darren’s breath on her back when he fucked her doggy style in the car, Moni thought. Instead of apologies pouring out of his lips after she caught him, he peppered her with curses and pigheaded demands.

She should have seen it coming. She had pursued Darren, despite her mother’s warnings, because she couldn’t imagine a tougher man-someone her father would never mess with. Only now Moni realized that the brutal way he smashed his rivals on the streets would apply to anybody who Darren hated on, especially his ex girl.

Mariella shouldn’t pay for her mistake. She has already suffered enough.

“I’ll do whatever you want. Just leave the girl out of this,” Moni said.

“Mmm hmm, that’s what I like to hear. You’ll do whatever I want.” Darren flashed a gold-toothed perverted grin as he no doubt fantasized about scenarios that few willing woman short of porn stars would subject themselves to. “Now why didn’t you say that before? You been doin’ whatever this kid wants, huh? I bet that’s why you left our house.”

“I didn’t leave the house on my own, honey bear.”She cringed as she forced out her pet name for him. It proved worth the effort, as Darren removed the gun from her neck and pressed it against the seat cushion behind her back. That hurt a little less. “Two people were murdered there. I barely escaped with the girl. It’s a crime scene.”

“So the killer’s after you and they put you up in this hotel. Yeah, you’re a princess in her palace with a royal guard, right? Too bad your buddies didn’t bother show’n up tonight.”

Darren had been stalking her the whole time. He could spot a cop from a mile away. The “undercover” officers that were waiting for the Lagoon Watcher had kept him at bay. After the freak’s arrested, Sneed took everybody off Mariella guard duty except Moni. And he would have fired her from that job in a second if he could.

This lion had waited until his prey strolled alone with her cub. Then he pounced. She knew the odds of both of them surviving were frightfully slim, but Mariella might make it if she could distract him.

“You got that right, baby. We’re all alone. You and me,” Moni purred in the most seductive voice she could muster with the nozzle of her lover’s gun nudging against her back through the seat cushion. “How about I drop the girl off in the room? Then we can check into our own room and get down. There are plenty of vacancies on my floor. I’m wide open.” Moni spread her thick lips wide in a smile that always left men drooling and readjusting their pants.

“Yeah, I could dig that,” Darren said as he hiked up his jeans. “But I can’t just stroll into the hotel with a gun in my pants. Should I wave at the cameras and say, ‘Hey, I’m kidnapping over here. Shout out to my boys.’? That’s just what I should do, right Moni?”

“That’s not what I meant. I just wanna…”

“You won’t see my ass arrested like that old white man that was chasing you. Ya fuck him too?” Darren asked. She gasped in revulsion at the thought of touching the sunburned Lagoon Watcher. “I’m not fool’n like that old honky. Here’s how we do this. The girl gets out the car and then I’ll tell you where to drive. Once we get there…” He curled his hulking arm around Moni’s seat and squeezed her breast. Darren had felt them thousands of times and he usually did so passionately, tickling them and gently massaging. This time, he groped them like a menacing kid trying to pop a balloon. “I have some surprises waiting for you, girl.”