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Dare understood it wasn’t necessarily him that Ash wanted. She just wanted a strong man to show her what it was like to be dominated.

He hoped the other man was up to it.

He sat on the couch and wrapped his hand around his aching cock, thinking of Ashley’s warm wetness against his fingers.

Fuck, who was he kidding? He hoped the man choked and that Ash came back to Dare even needier. He stroked his cock. Then maybe he’d get over his heroism and just give her what she wanted.

What they both wanted.

*   *   *

“So how is it going?” Adam asked as he ran alongside Ashley.

She’d been different this past week since she’d started this research of hers. More reserved.


He chuckled. “That’s it? Fine? You’re role-playing a Dom-sub relationship with a strange man and you just say it’s fine.”

She pursed her lips and nodded.

He hated the fact that she seemed uncomfortable talking to him about it.

“Was it awkward?”

“No, not awkward.”

“So he explains stuff to you?” he asked, wanting her to talk about what happened in these sessions.

“Um, yeah. Sort of.”

“Surely you can give me more than that. I’m interested in how it’s going.”

She gazed at him as they ran along the path through the park.

“That’s good, because I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Well, Dare thinks I should ask you to help me practice.”

He grinned. “I could do that.”

This could work out perfectly. What a great way to get insight into what went on during her training. And even better, it would give him a chance to spend time with her. And maybe give her a taste of his own brand of domination.

“Wait, what did you say about a dare?” he asked.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Oh, nothing.”


“I just mentioned his name. It’s Dare.”

His eyes narrowed. “What’s his last name?”

But this couldn’t be the same Dare. The man he’d known in college. The man who’d … Just the thought made his chest so tight he could barely breathe. He slowed down and headed to a nearby bench and sat down to collect himself. Ash followed him.

He really hoped it wasn’t the same Dare. That man was only five or six years older than Adam. And he was wealthy and exceptionally good-looking. He only had to look at a woman with his compelling navy eyes and they melted into a puddle at his feet.

Ashley sat beside him. “I … didn’t want to mention it but … the man who’s helping me with my research is Darien Gallagher. I didn’t mean to let his name slip.”


Hearing that name again was like a punch to the gut.

“Why?” he asked. Did she know about what had happened?

“Well, when I asked you about your internship with him, you always closed up, so I figured there was some tension between the two of you. I thought it was better just not to mention it.”

Tension was an understatement. The man who had torn his life to shreds.

And now he was afraid that he’d do it again by stealing Ashley away from him.

*   *   *

Adam sat on the chair kitty-corner to the couch while Ash disappeared into the kitchen. This evening would be … interesting, to say the least. Ash was going to practice her Domme skills on him.

Ashley walked toward him with a bottle of wine and two glasses, which she placed on the table near the couch and sat down. She glanced his way uncertainly.

“You don’t have to be nervous,” he said. “It’s just me.”

Her head bobbed up and down in a nod. “I know. I just … I’m not sure how to get started.”

“Okay, well, what did your mentor do?”

She’d already explained that Dare was teaching her by example, which made Adam nervous because he was certain it wouldn’t be long before Dare started commanding her to do intimate, erotic things. Ash had insisted it wasn’t like that. Not that he’d asked, but she’d felt the need to explain it.

But the man was only human and Ash was … well, she was sweet and a little timid … and delightfully sexy. She was any Dom’s dream. It had to be wildly exiting to have her sitting in front of him, ready and willing to submit to his will.

Adam was getting hard just thinking about it.

“Um … well, he asked me what I wanted to do.” She bit her lip. “I think … you know … because he wanted to take an everyday situation and show me how he could … you know … how it could turn into a Dominant-submissive situation.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I said I like to watch movies with you. That’s why he knows about you and suggested I practice with you.”

“He knows about me?” How much did he know? Just that he was Ash’s friend, or that he and Dare already knew each other?

Her cheeks turned pink. “Well, not you. Just that you’re my friend and we run together. And watch movies.”

“He thought I was your boyfriend.” That’s why she was acting off.

She nodded. “But I set him straight. That we’re just friends.”

Adam wanted their relationship to be more, but he took heart from her reaction. If she really thought of him as just a friend, with no romantic prospects, she wouldn’t be so flustered.

“All right. So we watch a movie.” He stood up and walked toward the TV.

“Wait, what are you doing?” she asked.

He turned to her. “I’m going to put on a movie.”

“No, but … that ruins it. I need to … you know … order you to do it.”

He grinned. “Okay, sorry.” He sat back in the chair. “And are you going to order me to strip down to my boxers first?”

Her eyes widened, then she glanced away. “No, of course not.”

Idiot, he chided himself.

“Sorry, Ash. I was just kidding. Go ahead.”

“Um, okay. Well, first, pour us some wine.”

He reached for the bottle. She’d already loosened the cork so he pulled it free and poured the rosé into the two glasses.

“Good, and when you do something…” She frowned. “I mean when I tell you to do something, then answer with ‘yes’… um … I guess ‘Mistress.’”

He smiled. “Really?”

She tipped her head. “I’m sorry. You think this is really silly.” [We don’t have to do this.” She stood up, clearly ready to herd him out the door.]

“No, it’s okay, I’ll behave.” He grinned again. “Unless you want to punish me?”

Her gaze darted to him, then she giggled nervously.

Fuck, his cock lurched at the realization that the thought excited her. And it was quite possible that punishment had worked into her scenario with Dare the other night.

“Ash, let’s just walk through exactly what you did with your mentor.”

She nodded, then drew in a deep breath.

“Walk to the TV and retrieve the movie sitting on the shelf above the Blu-ray player, then put it in the machine.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He stood and retrieved the movie. It was a romantic comedy. Chick flick all the way. He put it in the player then returned to the chair.

“Over here by me,” she said patting the couch beside her.

He smiled. “Yes, Mistress.” He sat down beside her.

“Now take off your shoes.”

He glanced at his sock-clad feet. “I took my shoes off when I came in.”

“Oh, right. Good. So now, I want you to kneel in front of me.”

He sank to the floor and knelt in front of her. They were eye-to-eye and she gazed at him in surprise.

“No, I mean … uh … the other way. I want you to kneel in front of me while we watch the movie.”