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The waxing, I have had done before but my hair and nails like some sort of bimbo, I hope my boss does not mind if I change his plan a little bit.

I get my best underwear out and select the black trouser suit with the shirt that matched; I will have to change in work after my hair appointment.

Another special appointment, my boss had made for me like the booking at Chanel boutique, he already knew I would accept his proposition before he had asked me, I felt that I should change my mind but I was having fun for a change.

The hairdresser greats me as I enter the hair and beauty salon, I sit down as we generally chat about the weather etc, teasing my hair out of my hairclip she suggests I will look amazing as a platinum blonde, I did not want to go that bright a colour or any blonde for that matter.

“I replied Low lights, a soft caramel maybe but not a platinum or blonde of any shade.” She examines my light brown hair, as she smiles.

“I know just the colour that will enhance your hair, but your boyfriend not going to like it.” I watch her phone my boss before she starts on my hair, he must have given me permission to deviate from his commands as she starts mixing up the colour formula.

As the colour dye sets on my hair, I start to feel that maybe she just agreed to do my hair the way I wanted, but dreaded that I was still going to look at my reflection as an empty-headed platinum blonde.

The mirrors were not visible which is strange for a hairstylist. She ushers me to another chair, thankfully with a mirror. I look at the new me apprehensively with the soft caramels shinning through, and the colour looks amazing.

“He not going to know what hit him, the colour really complements you r skin tones.”

I was impressed with the improvement to myself as she starts cutting into my hair, it was clear my choice was only on the colour but the length did not alter much only slight layers to bring out the colour on the highlights.

Upon meeting the beautician, I refused the bikini waxing but had my legs done, I did make an appointment for next week because she was flustered that I refused another command from my boss. She continues with my make-up and I paid for my own purchases of makeup that she used, my own blushes came when a delivery of underwear arrived in the salon as I waited for my nails to dry.

I take a quick look at the expensive looking lace and satin underwear as I leave the shop, they not like I imagined a man would want me to wear these looked comfortable, and I lift the note out with excitement, it simply said for work.

I was the first to arrive for work, even though I just had a makeover that was typical of my boss not to lose a day’s work from my services, I did have the highest paid accounts in the firm apart from him of course.

I have another look at my hair as I slip on my jacket as I change into my suit, I nearly collide with my boss as I step out of the restroom, his hands went into my hair as he gently kisses me, I reach out for him a mirror image of his brother as we kiss.

He did not say anything but I follow him willingly to his office and I am the one who locks his door. He turns as I slip my jacket off, he lifts me off my feet as he pins me to his door. Undoing my buttons on my shirt as he lifts me up higher, kissing my breasts through the material of my bra my nipples becoming firm with his warm breath, I pull his hair gently as he whispers “Clara.” I moan out from my name whispered so desperately on his lips.

His hands gently undressing me he pushes me into the door, his lips exploring every revealed part of me as he gently removes my clothes.

My name being whispered softly as he parts my legs with his body, his fingers exploring my soft mound through the material of the suit, His hand slip between the fabric as he caress my pussy, his firm hand rubbing at my outer lips then sinking into my moist body.

He removes my bra with shaking hands, lick ing my nipples gently as he sucks upon them I give out a little moan.

He pulls out his fingers then placing them into my mouth; I start to suck my juices off as I allow him to move them in my mouth. He grabs my chin as he slips his fingers out, kissing me impatiently with my lip grazed by his teeth.

He scatters the paper on his desk as he lays me down, still kissing my lips forcefully. Over my neck and slowly down my breasts, I pull on his hair with urgency I need him to take me now.

“You are mine,” he whispers softly.

“Yes,” He looked back at me at me with surprise; He pulls me in closer as he parts my legs, His fingers growing urgent as he teases me with them, my breathing becoming difficult with the build up of emotions.

Desperately wanting him to fuck me with his penis, I try to cry out a plea but his lips claim mine silencing my words, I bite his lip a little harder than I should his breath hitches in surprise.

I gently pull down on my briefs as I turn to bend over the table. He hitches my leg up as he teasing my mound with his fingers. I go to moan but as soon as I open my mouth, he places an apple in, I bite down instantly muzzling my cries for him.

He sits down on a chair as he starts to lick me open, gently at first then harder as he licks at my mound. I bite down hard on the apple as my pussy tightens, his fingers never slowing, until tears well in my eyes from the overwhelming feelings coursing through my body. I bite down hard as my body relaxes with my orgasm, quickly followed by another one as the apple drops to the floor.

I start to shake, I have not even touched him yet but I desperately want him.

I hear the belt of his trousers loosening, then the drop off his trousers as he presses his body next to mine, his cock resting over my bottom as I push back from the table.

“You are mine,” he whispers again as he slams into my already pu lsing body, I push back as far as I can go deepening him into me.

“Yes, yes Alex I am yours” it was the first time I ever called my boss by his Christian name, his groans sounding like a wild animal as he fucked me from behind. His fingers still teasing my clitoris, I kissed the table as I sigh out a cry.

His body pumping powerfully into mine, he pulls my face closer as he kisses my lips, my eyes close as every nerve in my body explodes as he pours into me.

We lay on the table with him resting on my back, gently kissing and nibbling me before he pulls out shakily. I just lay there feeling exhausted shakily I sit up, with my legs gone to jelly I move quickly to the chair to balance myself. He hands me a drink and watches me drink the juice.

“Better Clara?” I smile my thanks a nd retrieve my clothes from the floor, slowly dressing as I fumble to do up my buttons but he gently takes over as he dresses me. Getting ready for the walk of shame back to my office, I try to tidy my hair.

“How do I look?” he smiles a little.

“Like you just been fucked.” I return the smile gracefully.

I have been on the receiving end of the gossips before but the walk of shame was the person I just fucked.

They never stayed around at the office choosing somewhere else to work rather than to bump into me after I had used them. I worked long hours and it was difficult to meet men for sex.

I just did not have the time for a long-term relationship or the time to pick a man up in a bar, besides in work it was on my terms.

He comes over as he zips up his trousers, rubs a finger over my lips.

“I like your hair on your pussy,” I smile, a little intimidated by his eyes.

“It is slightly waxed.” He smiles at me as he tilts my face up.

“Look Alex I’m a woman not a girl, I will not wax any more than I have.”

“I said I liked it Clara,” he kisses me lightly on the lips.

“I told you, you are worth more than any empty headed bimbo, the only thing they know is how to fuck.”

“I will send a car to your place at eight.” I walk back to my office with giggles and hushed conversations, the walls were not thick in the building so everyone knew I just fucked my boss. If this goes wrong I will have to find another job, the embarrassment will kill me if I have to face him every day.