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My hair was starting to annoy me, falling into my eyes as I tried to sort out a potential client. I grab a file clip a nd pin my hair back, my buzzer goes on the intercom and I press it without checking who wanted my attention.

“Clara, unclip your hair,” I look into the camera.

“I working Alex what do you want?” He laughs

“Just checking up on my employee, remove your clothes.” I shake my head.

“Working Alex, now will you leave me alone my boss is a real tyrant when my work is not finished on time,” he laughs, then the silence but I know he is still watching me.

“What is your favourite colour?” I keep my eyes on the document in front of me. “Clara look at me” I shake my head as I look back into the camera.

“Is this how you knew I was masturbating?” he laughs again.

“These cameras are like a live porn site sometimes.” I blush a little remembering some of the things I gotten up to in work.

“It’s a breach of privacy that what it is.”

“I got some of my favourites on disc, do you fancy watching the boardroom one?” My face burns hot as I flick a switch on the intercom terminating this line of topic.

He buzzes again but I ignore it as I try to concentrate to look normal that he had watched me fucking someone else. My secretary steps into my office without knocking, smiling sweetly at me.

“Sorry Clara, the boss said your intercom is not working he needs to ask you something.” She fiddles with my intercom signal as my boss voice commands me to come into his office, do I ignore him. I watch my secretary close the door before I flash him my breasts he sounds like he was chocking as he coughs loudly.

“Alex you aright honey?”

“I am just off to play tennis could I go over a few clients before I leave?”

“I will be right in,” I tidy up as I head to his office, as I open the door I realise his brother was here, by the swooning staff outside the door hoping to grab his attention when he leaves.

I knock as I step into the office as his brother takes a double take finally noticing me after all these years and I blush like a schoolchild. I take in his shorts with disappointment he is not what I had expected his legs to be like, scrawny legs with pasty skin but they are only legs however, I know his chest is hot which sets my pulses speeding again imagining him undressed.

“I thought I was going to have a heart attack when you flashed us your breasts.” He says gloating at me; I blush crimson as I look at my boss.

“Sorry baby, you did not give me time to explain that I had someone with me.” I shake my head as I sit on his knee and whisper into his ear.

“You pig” Feeling his muscles with my hands, my heart is racing with my excitement from his muscular form as I kiss his lips. He removes the make do hair clip in my hair and tosses it in the bin.

“Hey I needed that,” I protest as my hair falls forward encasing his face.

“I wanted you to meet my brother as my girlfriend,” he winks at me and my heart sinks, it was still a sexual arrangement for him. I mutter “hi” without looking over my shoulder, his brother was just a pretty face for me and not real, I knew that as much as I fancied having sex with him it was just a silly crush. Alex smiles, he thinks I was just pretending that I was not interested with his brother. I force my face away from Alex’s and shakes hands with his brother as I sadly came back to earth with a crash, If Alex was to dump me I would be out of a job with no reference.

“Hey what up honey?” the endearment is a bitter pill for me to swallow, with no emotion behind it.

“I’m fine just a bit tired,” I force a smile but Alex looks at me like if I was screaming which inside I am.

“I see you tonight Alex,” he holds my chin examining my face before he kisses me, my body aches for his maybe I could allow him one last time to fuck me before I force his hand to finish this.

I sigh with relief when I sit back down at my desk; I know he has left with his brother and no longer watching me as I allow myself to cry.

I was such a fool to start this on the pretence of him setting me up with his brother, yes I wanted sex with him any woman with a pulse did but I would never have sold myself for him.

I wanted Alex as soon as he showed interest in me, he knew me better than anyone did from work associates to friends in the four years, boring film reviews with only the two of us attending as we built on that friendship, oh god I will miss him more than the work what the hell have I done?

I go all out when I get home, with the silver Vera Wang and trophy girlfriend mask in place as I overdo the makeup. Alex always hated the type that hanged off a man’s arm.

I am going to be a leech until he loses his temper I just wished that the dress did not flatter my slim body. Which might be the only fault if he found me too attractive tonight, he will bite his lip until after he fucked me, but part of me wanted him one last time?

I pace the hallway, until his driver arrives and rings the doorbell I nearly push him over as I rush to the car I just wanted this night over as fast as possible. I sit in the back of the car fiddling with my stocking until I have a run in them, then watching the driver as I remove them shyly. My smooth legs with the just waxed feeling bring Goosebumps over my entire body.

We drive on to the Marian Hotel, Alex’s fuck pad if I remember correctly, this is where he takes the women he did not want to know where he lived, and the lump in my throat becoming painful as I step out of the car before the driver can open my door.

I smile brightly no one who did not know me would suspect it was false. Alex summons me over as I step into the lounge, with my drink already on the table. I was touched that he remembered what I drank and I lightly brush his arm when I sit down. His fingers gently touching mine for a second before I move them away from his arm.

“I ordered your favourite,” I laugh taken by surprise by his boldness in ordering my food, does he think I am a child.

“I doubt you got it right,” my bitterness clear in my voice.

“Then choose let see if I was right,” he passes the menu, I study it changing my mind about the Prawns, a typical man’s choice would be the Oysters but there nothing else I fancy.

“The Oysters or the praw ns right, but which one?” I cannot help but laugh.

“I was not sure either so I ordered both, we can share.” We fall in harmony with our conversation as he makes me laugh, he talks about one of our clients strange fetish with food that she was trying to avoid going public in the papers.

“Let it go public, she always been strange and it add to her profile she will be booked out in seconds,”

“T hat what I thought, but she is afraid it will affect her acting career that she is hoping to start”

“Is she any good at acting, she is an amazing singer but I can’t picture her on the screen” Alex shakes his head.

“Then you need to persuade her to be more of an eccentric type of actress, she needs to be herself if she cannot act like a normal human.”

“Define normal Clara,” I laugh as I try to figure out the true definition.

“Normal is a function on a washing machine Alex,” He nearly chokes on his drink when he laughs.

“Why did you allow him to fuck you over that table?”

I look at him furiously as our food placed on the table, the waiter hurries away quickly before I can answer.

I must admit it was a surprise for me too he had grabbed and pushed me over that table before I could refuse then he fucked me roughly from behind like some piece of meat. He had only been with the firm about a week I look boldly at Alex before I answer him.

“I like sex Alex,” he smiles as he starts on an oyster I watch it slide down his throat as I lick my lips. He offers the next one to me, closing my eyes as it slides down my throat, the flash of the camera startles me opening my eyes suddenly as the photographer walks away. Alex smiles at me as he offers another oyster.